Great Sermon! Listening to Generations is a great idea for your health!
Here's a verse mentioned very early in the Bible that as we apply it has improved our health tremendously...And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. We have eaten more living food (i.e. fruits and veggies) for better health! Kind Regards.
Great Sermon! Great message!
Would not many of our Christian brothers ask: But Mr. Swanson, are we not supposed to obey the governing authorities?
Romans 13:1
See what one man and woman is doing to get to more of the truth about taxation and the governments role
An Intelligent Approach Kevin's analysis of Harry Potter (and J.R. Tolken and C.S. Lewis) was right on. His main question was, "What does the literature promote in our hearts?" Is God there at all? Is the battle between good and evil between equals? Or does God have the upper hand (which is a Biblical perspective). The Bible says Satan is already defeated. We do not want to promote literature for our children (or us) that "assumes" otherwise. Harry Potter, beneath the surface, though filled with attractive and likable characters, promotes a perspective that is not Biblical.
I want to recommend a book my wife and I wrote entitled The Traveler. We think the young will be especially attracted to it (if they could find out about it. Go to and click on The Traveler. You will be able to read the first two chapters at that site as well as order the book through
I truly appreciated Kevin's non-condemnative and forthright analysis of the Harry Potter series. The intelligent and honest approach is ALWAYS better than just screaming "IT'S OCCULT, AHHHHH!" This sermon was well worth the ads you have to listen to. I will visit Kevin's site soon and listen to others of his programs. God bless everyone who reads my comments. Vic
Perhaps I think Kevin Swanson does these programes for radio (which is expensive) and so needs the advertising revenue. Sermon Audio is cheep, but if you're going to have dozens of sermons on it, that gets expensive, so my guess is that he's kept them on.
Personally I like the way Kevin Swanson applys the Biblical World View to all areas of life, and I'm glad he's got a very wide variety of topics available on this website. So I'm willing to put up with the car adverts. (Unlike radio, you can fast forward thru them if they really bug you.)
Very Surprising Having just listened to this message, I must say that I was very surprised by the extensive advertising that is in it. I do not think it is right that we have to sift through ads to get to the message. I think that if such messages are going to be submitted to, an edited version with car sales adverts should be provided.
That aside, I thought the message itself had some reasonable content, though presented in a terribly contrived way in the early part of it. I have wanted to know about Christians loving Harry Potter, and this message did address that. I also liked having Potter contrasted to the Lord of the Rings and the Narnia Tales, and the examination of the differences between them from a Christian perspective; I thought this was valuable.
Thank you Thank you for this message. As the father of 6 with our 2nd daughter due next month, it was refreshing to hear a topic addressed that is so ignored by the church.
Thank you again.
Interesting 30 minute radio show on OUT OF CONTROL Government. Colorado government trying to require thousands of families to give up their property rights for a toll road. Kevin does a nice job shedding light on this.