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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Great Sermon!"
Handy Randy from Isles of Langerhans
Good to hear the truth about what is going in with abortion, when so many other Christian media sites do not mention these...
Kevin Swanson | Six Initiatives Failed So Far
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Sermon2/26/11 9:47 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I don't think tattoos became popular UNTIL the late 70s en masse--people had to get into drugs FIRST before tattoos and piercings came back--because as long as people called themselves christians, it didn't happen

Sermon2/26/11 7:51 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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How Boys Should Treat Girls
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I HATE IT WHEN THE GUY FLICKS have too many women in it;(subconciously it's affecting the guys who watch them that women don't need to be 'honored') it's either that or romances--most movies on tv that are modern,(unless it's a period piece) show women as imitation men, and the shows like c.s.i. Grays Anatomy, etc. are examples of that

Sermon2/26/11 7:45 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Now I think I know what happens when Pastor type fathers DON'T spend time with their sons---the PK's can become powerful---you can get PK's like Nietchie and Hugh Hefner--their dads were pastors...Katy Perry's dad needs to get like Billy Ray Cyrus...what happened to her? I'm beginning to wander about the Christian Music business: what happened to Katy Perry?!

Sermon2/26/11 12:02 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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“ Great Sermon! ”
GOD SILENT? are you KIDDING ME?...I know nothing about higher math but the numbers are FAR FROM NEUTRAL---the number 3, is GOD the number 4, is earth the number 6 is TIME--God made the world in 6 days BECAUSE we have 60 sec to a min and 60 min to an hour--number 12 is GOVERNMENT since there are 12 hrs to a clock and 12 keys to music==musical tones are this equation 12x7+4 (piano)--when I bring these things up, usually, people who believe in evolution tend to DOUBT EVOLUTION --I also think that one of the BEST positions for a MISSIONARY , is being a math and science teacher in a AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOL--I knew a Christian lady who did just that--she NEVER taught evolution but was a really good earth science teacher, and helped my daughter in school, since many kids arent homeschooled--lastly the number 7 and Israel---Israel became a nation in 1948; America got attacted in 1941--look at the DATES 12-7-41----5-14-1948 -7, +7, +7--I also think that if we don't wake up,(the octave, like the resurrection, is no 8) God will use the Persians to discipline us, just like Israel----- (the shabbat) --since THEY ARE THE ONES GOING TO SCHOOL WHILE AMERICAN MEN ARE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!!

Sermon2/25/11 12:51 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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Chivalry Dead in America
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, women WILL PUT UP WITH POLYGAMY in the future; especially when they find out that theyre ARENT MANY MEN out there just bald and fat boys--the few men that are educated and have money, WILL HAVE MORE WIVES BY DEFAULT--if they are 'secular'

Sermon2/25/11 12:35 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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Chivalry Dead in America
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
James Cagney did this BEFORE 1933 and the Hayes code---most women that I know, WANT to have the doors opened for them---Hayes Code 1933-1966 (before the CRAZY 60s 1967-1970)

Sermon2/23/11 1:04 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
It was the HOMECOMING dance!! thats SAD!! I didn't know that the Dad was Christian!!--this is what happens when 'radical womens lib' takes over a culture--men get WUSSY--real men DON'T DO THIS---men and women are like THE NORTH POLE AND SOUTH POLE 'women cant be the northpole since GOD holds the MEN, RESPONSIBLE----when people get married, THE BRIDE IS THE CENTER OF ATTENTION so I think that is not necessarily wrong--thanks for letting me rant

Sermon2/23/11 12:54 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I also think they are getting RID of CHILDHOOD fast!! I saw an article that said, hope im wrong, that someone in Disney said, little girls after age 6 don't like the 'princesses' anymore--they want to be HOT(could have something to do with not being loved by their daddies, since he's not there or with another woman) --under the AGE OF 10!!! WHICH MEANS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in a BIG WAY!! --i think dads are wiseing up though--

Sermon2/23/11 12:46 PM
a parent from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by a parent
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm GLAD THAT Billy Ray Cyrus said this (it shows that he has 'sense'and is a believer Katy Perry is worse since she has two parents who are PASTORS (maybe since the mom is ALSO a pastor could be a problem instead of a helpmeet)--I'm also glad that my daughter isn't into the modern music scene, and just wants to do GOSPEL --My husband said thats what THEY DO (the Disney machine, is just one of them)

Sermon2/22/11 10:52 PM
kat from ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by kat
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The Generation Gap Widens
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I think the kids are getting 'weird' because of males with PIERCED EARS, and girls with TATTOOS on NECKS and forearms. Parents should NEVER allow the 'youth group' alone to raise their kids--MY daughter has had a public school teacher who was a Christian and didnt teach evolution etc.

Sermon2/22/11 9:53 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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It's Not About the Music
Kevin Swanson
“ Front-and-Center Performers? ”
Why should we throw reverence overboard to get front-and-center performers? Our Lord's Day worship service includes confession, prayer, kneeling, preaching, communion and one song (a capella) before going out. It wasn't primarily about the music in the Upper Room. It's not primarily about the music for us. Although hearing music is important, seeing the performers front-and-center is not regardless of genre.

Sermon2/21/11 2:59 AM
kat from california  Contact via emailFind all comments by kat
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think from 1967-2007,(40 yrs) we were going nuts until the economy went down in 2007, I don't think it will be the same as it was before 2007-GOD may allow it to get worse until there will be hope within the youth--mostly it will come through the homeschool youth whose parents took it seriously

Sermon2/21/11 2:45 AM
kat from california  Contact via emailFind all comments by kat
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think the year 1967 was the watershed year for America--they had two DIFFERENT SOUNDS as well--went from a 'Buddy Holly' sound to something else--Buddy Holly was FIRST though as with Bach ---unfortunatly they were the evangelicals for the EASTERN RELIGIONS especially the song MY SWEET LORD it went from Hallelujah, to Hare Krishna--the song By By Miss American Pie, was about Holly and when the singer sings after the plane went down, 'ten years we were on our own and moss grows fat on a rolling stone' was from 1959-1969

Sermon2/20/11 6:39 PM
Not the Doctor from West Virginia  Find all comments by Not the Doctor
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“ Misunderstood ”
The saying “Being in a garage doesn’t make you a car nor does going to church make you a Christian” is not a slam on church; it’s a slam on false professors who are counting on their church membership or attendance to gain them some type of merit towards God. Vance Havner may have coined the phrase.

Sermon2/20/11 9:17 AM
Matt  Find all comments by Matt
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Kevin. Our country is in trouble if our pastors and christian men won't stand up in the arena of politics. Thank you for your work

Sermon2/19/11 11:31 PM
kat from california  Contact via emailFind all comments by kat
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Boys Adrift
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Some of these meds especially for teenage 'depression' is responsible in my opinion for these massacres on High school and college campuses--also, many boys want to be HEROES and girls want to be CHERISHED and become BRIDES--if they don't they may become perverted (girl to girl and guy to guy) the Bible was explicit in this because it is how we are made

Sermon2/19/11 10:34 PM
kat from  Find all comments by kat
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think that TODAY, the rock genre may be the one who is able to transcend the generations---and some country----many young teen boys I know like songs of the late sixties, and I know someone who is incorporating the sound with scripture--it seems to work--it's not the sound, I think, it's the LYRICS

Sermon2/19/11 9:53 PM
KAT from CALIFORNIA  Contact via emailFind all comments by KAT
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“ Great Sermon! ”
BOYS HAVE TO PROTECT SINCE ITS THE GIRLS WHO BEAR THE CHILDREN FOR 40 weeks--when a girl has to protect herself AND HER CHILDREN cause there's no man to protect her--its a shame on the culture--but since, I saw the young boy who won't wrestle a girl, there's hope on this--I also think many girls will leave the military when chivarly takes over (like this boy; uh teenage MAN)

Sermon2/19/11 9:41 PM
KAT from CALIFORNIA  Contact via emailFind all comments by KAT
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“ Great Sermon! ”
YIKES!! what ever happened to sewing clothes for dolls and playing Monopoly with you family?!! 6th grade used to be ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! I'm seeing hope though--there has been a movement (secular) called NWNW (no wedding no womb) that is making inroads in some communities--also, the same group knows there is something wrong with male/female relationships--lastly, we are starting to see PROVERBS being 'taught' in some public schools (no everyone could homeschool, and many are single moms who want better for their kids)

Sermon2/19/11 9:34 PM
KAT from CALIFORNIA  Contact via emailFind all comments by KAT
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As i hear this, i'm watched a commercial for detergent that shows the father trying to 'protect' his daughter by 'losing' her short skirt, while her SILLY MOTHER GOES AROUND HIM and lets her wear it anyway!! whats going to happen when she falls in love with a CREEP who uses her for sex----I hope there will be young girls out there to see through this------I'm listening to this in Feb 2011

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