Great Sermon! Yes, it's the FATHER that is responsible for the SEXUALITY of his children--without the male head, kids would ruin their sexuality eventually BUT I think good Christian men could offer to be mentors and stop this en masse.Girls who have boyfriends today and when the boys break up with them, the girls start experimenting with lesbianisn. Many boys go into homosexuality BECAUSE of the male kinship which is natural and get sexualized.
Great Sermon! As i'm listening today,(3-13-11) the states are starting to strip government because they cant afford it..Usually GOD works with a few people, not a lot, but he does wonders with them! California unfortunatly voted for Brown and other liberals
Great Sermon! comparing RACE with HOMOSEXUALITY. IS RACIST. A PERSON IS BORN A certain 'race' BUT HOMOSEXUALITY IS A BEHAVIOR. I think our black brothers and sisters got the BLUNT of it, when they tried to marry whites in the church, and the LGBT lobby uses the past sinful ways of not letting blacks and whites MARRY UNTIL 1967 in all 50 states, as their reason to MARRY
Great Sermon! MALE COSMETICS??!!! arrrggggh!! they are trying to turn men into IMOS. Imos are teenage guys into mascara and nail polish, pink shirts which i hate as much as pierced ears, and girly pants...oooh i also know you dislike 'noob' behavior (boys on video games)
Great Sermon! I think many women don't know how to raise children anymore and are overwhelmed today and that's why they feel defeated. The women in the church aren't fulfilling Titus 2 in average churches
Great Sermon! I've NOTICED THAT. Many men under 30 are getting fatter than ever. Television voices are very androgynous as well --in the 50s and 60s men sounded like MEN. The univision (spanish) isn't like that yet.Spanish and Japanese sounds very sexual distinct in sounds still
Great Sermon! yikes--GOD WILL DESTROY A CIVILIZATION? i'm wondering that GOD MAY have allowed Islam to form 600 yrs AFTER Christianity BECAUSE the church was weak and did the SAME THING on a micro scale that we do now--how come the radical left WONT ATTACK IT? (the early church had the same areas as Islam has today) It doesn't make sense logically--Islam is very anti woman!! especially when the Islamists get more 'conservative' in their faith SHARIA and not as liberal as they are now in America
Great Sermon! As of today, 3-12-11, Japan has just got hit with an 8.9 earthquake, and I believe they are ripe for harvest. They will find out that buddism couldn't help them with the tsunami and evangelical christians have a shot, but they better take it BEFORE THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY does.
Great Sermon! WOMEN REDEFINING MARRIAGE WILL LEAD US RIGHT BACK INTO POLYGAMY because 2 women married is 'half a harem' and there will be no getting out of it. When women do what men generally do, men do NOTHING, and they will 'marry up' to get for their children, even if they have to share a spouse...sigh..these silly women call it 'empowerment'.
Great Sermon! I think, though I may be wrong, is that we're CHRIST CENTERED because he's the only part of the Trinity with 'skin on' The FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT are both SPIRIT---I also like that we also could pray to the HOLY SPIRIT
Great Sermon! UNIVERSITY IS A CHRISTIAN WORD. It's NOT a word for communists and marxists--it means UNITY in DIVERSITY--GOD is allowing these 'UNIVERSITIES' to implode until they come back to HIM. They were invented to teach HEBREW GREEK and other --sigh--classical methods----MOST of the UNIVERSITIES have the BIBLE, or used to on it's seal. Yes, even CAL BERKELEY has a BIBLE on its seal
Great Sermon! WOW maybe later, they will force their GRANDKIDS TO BE MUSLIMS BY SHARIA LAW!!IN England complete with BURQAS!!--they'll WISH for the HOLY WATER!!
Great Sermon! Mr Ham is RIGHT about teaching evolution. Many Christians who compromise with that demonic teaching (neo-pagan but with modern gadgets) are the ones who lose their kids. In the late 60s, evolution was taught as THEORY ONLY not FACT in the PUBLIC SCHOOL!!--the PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN CA!!
Great Sermon! I know a woman who became an MD while her brother, 2 years older became an unemployed pothead. She happened to have the same mom who was ALSO a pothead, and treated pot like the FIRE IT IS!! I think also that pot HURTS MALES just as much as video games(the way the brain is WIRED), and is NOT AS BAD with females, so many females are able to function better
Great Sermon! I think when the kids were in K-5, they were spoonfed on Potter, now they are making LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD a reeally strange movie--very dark and occultic!! It also goes with these kids wanting to have the SKINS SERIES back on MTV---they have nothing else to compare it to
Great Sermon! I've never read this book!! i can't believe that conservative Christians are into this mess--no wonder Katy Perry went off track! GOD IN THE TRINITY IS MASCULINE--CREATION AND THE CHURCH ARE FEMININE---Marxist conditioning isn't new--if this continues, we will see real polygamy as common as shackup relationships in 10 years--I wan't my daughter to marry someone she doesn't have to share!!Yes, God punishes for sin--if the eastern religion called it karma (and their pagan!) what do Christians think
Great Sermon! Adding to limbaughs 4th marriage, FOX NEWS WOMEN NEED TO STOP SHOWING THEIR CLEVAGE especially ANN COULTER!!---the men don't have to wear tight shirts--they are ALWAYS in respectable wear! I think when conservatives start looking conservative, the kids would be more able to handle things and we would get more young men into politics--as I speak, the're more young WOMEN into politics, and most women tend to marry 'up'
Great Sermon! "Ideas have consequences, and we are going to have to live with the consequences for another 50 years or so!"
Why, what is going to change for the better in another 50 years or so?