Great Movie! Mr. Bowers, Thanks for a very informative movie!
One of the suggestions you made was to watch movies like yours once a month with friends. Here's a website promoting just that...
Great Sermon! Good show. Below is a link to a Stand To Reason show where Greg Koukl and James White talk about the issues surrounding the King James Bible.
James White
King James Only Controversy
Starvation Not to defend communism but, besides the 1920's and early 1930's in some parts of the USSR, WHERE and WHEN was there starvation? Leningrad during the war doesn't count because it was under siege for three years but even during the worst war ever seen the USSR wasn't starving.
I don't think hyperbole helps.
Great Sermon! A very poor show. And this shows why Christianity is on the back burner and basically irrelevant. The interviewee basically said that the Bushs were descent men i.e descent presidents. And Obama and Clinton were worse than them.
I suggest that the interviewee go do some research on illegal wars, and the trampling of the constitution with the patriot act etc
Great Sermon! I CANT BELIEVE HOW WUSSY these teenage boys are! many of them dont even know how to change their oil or even drive their cars today..some of these boys are DRIVEN BY THEIR GIRLFRIENDS..and both end up depressed..whats happening in these schools, teenage boys are on MEDS 'for depression' and it causes them to become SUICIDAL EN MASSE. like the boy in the highschool lately...cause there's no dads, or incompetent dads....polygamy is coming towards women as well..most women know wussy men are 'feminine' and in the end, don't want them
Great Sermon! I believe socialsm here happened en masse AFTER 1988--THE spirit of raw communism came HERE....It's hard to explain..but people in Russia, is exposed to the GOSPEL when they weren't before...COMMUNISM IS A SPIRIT!
Great Sermon! It's scary, because christian marriages are ending in DIVORCE! BOTH ARE CHRISTIANS AND STILL DIVORCE! I know such a couple...sigh..I think, if christians would marry young and keep their marriages together, only then will we be able to change the culture
Great Sermon! I believe you--although i couldnt believe it before--girls were mean to my daughter at 2nd grade! they were acting like 7th graders! she's 15 now, has a cell phone, but only text once in a while
Great Sermon! This is bad because most women, deep inside, want real men; especially when pregnant. I believe in 20 years, many girls would become 2nd and 3rd wives, and these will be the grandchildren of the feminists--women don't do househusbands too well--we're cyclical when men aren't--also some men, who want sex, will want women to be 'equal' so they would have access to easy sex, and not sacrifice for them
Great Sermon! I though it was freeing, not knowing that children dont stay little forever and the extended family becomes smaller--men also become like Hugh Hefner and expect the women to handle everything--there is LITTLE FAMILY today, and that could be a reason for clinical depression. My mom was one out of ten, most are dead, i just had my sister, and now i have a daughter with family that is too small; neighbors and even churches cant or wont become close--were missing PEOPLE-GOD is using his judgement with illegal immigration--hes filling up america with Muslums, Latinos who dont care, etc. because of this
Great Sermon! Sometimes it's the 'boyfriend' or grandmother of the baby who pressures the girl to have an abortion. In the Bible, Solomon, sacrificed to MOLECH! and he was a man of WISDOM when he was younger--seperate bedrooms will cause antidepressants to rise! Married people need each others breath--pheromones.
Great Sermon! I've noticed, like you, that this 'global warming' nonsense came out in 1988, when the wall came down in Russia and Germany. How, pray tell, is carbon dioxide a POLLUNTANT! THE PLANTS BREATE IT AND GIVE OXYGEN; i've learned that in the THIRD GRADE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL!
Great Sermon! I notice that the PRETTIEST GIRLS are the ones who are Christian girls in dresses or skirts, and who are around other women showing them how to be feminine; and the guys having strong positive masculinity, not 'macho' or 'wimpy' etc. they could be flat chested or a little overweight--these MODERN actresses are UGLY even though they could have been classically pretty-- also when women are 'imitaion men' they are ugly
Great Sermon! This is happening BECAUSE of the breakdown of the extended family, on top of the daycare and latchkey kids--i'm not surprized that choking to get high didn't happen sooner--when they are raised by 1 parent and their so called live-in friend. I know this happens in intact families, kids need 'community' as well neighbors, etc.
Great Sermon! I think it depends on HOW the public school is run--sometimes parents cannot homeschool their kids for various reasons, BUT they get together, and maybe have a truly Christian teacher male or female who is really good and prays for their students--I didn't know Todd Palin was AWAY FROM HIS HOUSEHOLD for 6 MONTHS!
Great Sermon! A girl could go to christian college and STILL turn out ok and not feminist and too independent..i know a girl who met her husband there, and they got married at 20--yes both her and her husband were virgins when married
Great Sermon! It's CRAZY! although we should learn to shoot, fly planes, etc, we should NOT DO what men do, or else men WONT FIGHT FOR THE FAMILY--men end up like Adam and Abraham--letting women telling THEM what to do. Men allow this, and then hate the woman, and BLAME HER
Great Sermon! Kids are horribly fat and youre RIGHT about VIDEO GAMES with BOYS (girls have a problem in texting)When food was in the grocery store, it was healthier--women used to cook 3 hrs a day, and the microwave is used wrong by heating up junk
Great Sermon! It's SCARY when CHURCHES accept HOMOSEXUALITY---Physicaly, to be a father is just 'a shot in the dark' while for a woman, it takes 40 weeks--i think, like i said before, that Todd Palin, Sarahs husband, is a little wussy