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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Anime and Manga: Marketing Androgyny"
Anonymous Name
It should be noted that anime and manga are both tools for marketing androgyny, especially since many male characters in anime...
Kevin Swanson | Culture Check
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Sermon8/1/11 5:48 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
THIS IS PITIFUL......I thought Promise Keepers had some hope BUT ITS IS LIKE A SPORTS ARENA instead of the MILITARY guys CRAVE MILITARY type stuff--I have a daughter that wants to be married AND i have cousins, all girls who are homeschooled and are going OUT ON THEIR OWN at 18. while you see boys being potheads and living offa mommy...I'm praying for a good STRONG CHRISTIAN HUSBAND for her..many Christian women today may NEVER FIND GOOD MATES..since were all doing better than boys..the men WONT BE RESPECTED by women their age..boy oh boy...I hope i dont see polygamy soon...CHRISTIANS we need to do better than this..we CANT LET THE MORMONS TAKE OVER THE CULTURE!!

Sermon8/1/11 3:22 PM
Debbie Bonnell from Loma, Colorado  Contact via emailFind all comments by Debbie Bonnell
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! The segregation of family by youth groups IS happening. We did not have our children in these groups. We saw the kids that were in them come to dislike being with family on weekends, or for family activities. The teens would draw away from siblings as well, because they are taught to enjoy the youth but not the family or elders! The fathers are allowing this! The church takes advantage of the situation to ADD a Program and look like a church that is DOING GOD's Work!, instead of taking advantage of teaching the fathers to be the Spiritual Leaders of the home! Discipleship BELONGS to parents, and a True Biblically minded assistant pastor, will think of that and help the parents by having family teaching, or help teach parents how to teach their sons and daughters, how to lead their own home. These pastors will NOT take the father's place and the father's honor and glory in it. Titus 2 is the pattern to follow! I am so sad to see and say that the pastors are ridiculing parents like myself for homeschooling and what they call "smothering" my children because they don't have control over our home, they do not have our money for their Christian School, or they do not have our children in their youth group and it looks bad that other families see us set a par

Sermon7/20/11 8:45 PM
kerry from seattle  Find all comments by kerry
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You, My husband and I are expecting our 5th child in December which will make 5 under 7 for us. We are both 1st generation homeschooling parents. This sermon was just what I needed yo hear- I'm not alone!

Sermon7/19/11 4:40 PM
Bibliophile  Find all comments by Bibliophile
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“ Great Books! Great Message! ”
Guest stated that in reading Gregory the Great's "Pastoral Care" (A.D. 590) he found a new "calcification" of the Church because Gregory discusses the doctrine of purgatory which he didn't find in Augustine. However, Augustine of Hippo writes this of Christians in the "City of God," 21:13 (A.D. 426): "But of those who suffer temporary punishments after death, all are not doomed to those everlasting pains which are to follow that judgment; for to some, as we have already said, what [sin] is not remitted in this world is remitted in the next, that is, they are not punished with the eternal punishment of the world to come." Excellent topic.

Sermon7/15/11 12:31 PM
PCA  Find all comments by PCA
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Waffling on Homosexuality
Kevin Swanson
“ Heart of the Matter ”
Example: A 20 year old baptized Christian man is seriously tempted by same-sex attraction and occasionally gives into it for the next 50 years of his life. Questions: (a.) Is he saved once-and-for-all, by faith in Jesus, regardless of the number of subsequent homosexual acts? (b.) Does he lose his salvation each time he gives into a homosexual act? (c.) Is salvation even possible for him? Excellent message.

Sermon7/15/11 12:11 PM
PCA  Find all comments by PCA
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Waffling on Homosexuality
Kevin Swanson
“ Timely ”
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." -1 Cor 6:9-10. "Being gay doesn’t send you to Hell. And sin doesn’t send you to Hell ..." -PCA Pastor, Dr. Tim Keller, Columbia University, "How to Treat Homosexuals," [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTwugmG4hoA]. However, if a young man loves Jesus and is saved yet is seriously tempted with same-sex attraction and occasionally gives into it (as someone who is tempted with alcohol), is he damned? In other words, does one homosexual act damn him or does his salvation, through Jesus, even remove that sin no matter how many times he gives into it during the next 50 years of his life? Great points.

Sermon6/20/11 11:23 PM
RRP  Find all comments by RRP
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“ In Agreement with BWS ”
Amen! I could not have said it better. It seems as when anyone points out the social, much less the Spiritual problems with the Texting Media, they are accused of being outdated in their thinking and said to want to go back to using smoke signals. Just another evidence that the new tech has not helped people be able to reason or listen to a well thought out opositon.

Sermon6/20/11 5:23 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ Would Apostles or the Puritans Use Facebook? ”
The open controversy needs to begin, as T. Challies makes this all too "normal" for Christians, where the line between world and church by this medium is indistinct. Under the pretense of "Christian liberty" and threats of "legalism", dissenting Christians are being marginalized by those who quickly are conforming to the world, in *not only the technology*, but the WORLDLY CULTURE, LANGUAGE, GOSSIP, NARCISSISM, HEDONISM, AND IRREVERENT SPEECH that comes w/ "social media". Should churches be using Facebook and Twittering to the world? Remember when Christians never would let children have their own phone at home? Who thinks that Spurgeon, John Gill, or the Puritans would be using Facebook or Twittering each other publicly, for all to read? They were always careful what they sent to the Printing Press, and warned against indiscriminate socializing. "BE QUICK TO HEAR, SLOW TO SPEAK" should be a clue that saying everything you do, or think, is contrary to what scripture teaches, while a "fear of the Lord" is missing entirely as theological issues are discussed superficially and lightly. This is breeding a Pop Calvinism and furthering Pop Christianity, both worldly in lifestyle, "minding earthly things", even with religion mixed in.

Sermon6/20/11 4:19 PM
Alice DelaRosa from Grand Rapids, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alice DelaRosa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think we are doing average, with getting the gospel out, but failing socially.

Sermon6/18/11 6:35 PM
mama san from Philidelphia PA  Find all comments by mama san
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Generational Impact
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Speaking of PKs, I think they have GREATER POWER than regular rebelious teens because SATAN could use them MORE!!!!!! We need to pray for CHILDREN of PREACHERS (Absalom was VERY POWERFUL!!) REMEMBER THAT

Sermon6/17/11 7:03 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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Whatever Happened to Sandlots?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well Well Well...now we KNOW WHY KIDS ARE LOW ON VITAMIN D!!---we have to get supplements?--these kids are going to have weaker bones than the baby boom generation!!--Im glad my daughter isnt into the electronic stuff--kids need to get OUTSIDE ON THEIR BIKES instead of THE PARENTS

Sermon6/17/11 5:58 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Well Well Well,,,,I think THIS is how POLYGAMY DEVELOPED in the ancient world--my daughter doesnt have a boyfriend yet in high school,,I thought it was something else'''(sigh) this may sound trite and stupid: women in the past pretended to be a certain way so the MALE would become a MAN and marrying them--guys don't have to get married unless they become 'golddiggers' and riding womens careers for their own pleasure

Sermon6/6/11 6:13 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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The Apocalyptic Sense
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lady GAGa is a LESBIAN TYPE--she sings LOVESONGS TO WOMEN!!(GAGa, Madonna, and Sinatra are all Italian ethnics, but that is not the point)[Hendrix used to have sex with his guitar and then set it on fire in 1969!!)----THIS IS what happens when more women than men, sing.... most men are 'RAPPING'--i beleve in the next 40 years will be open sacrifice of babies--not just abortion....and open child rape...I predicted this back in the early 70s, i'm surprized it isnt WORSE in 2011---Chivary was made for marriage--men today will marry a women who makes more than them and they will be 'golddiggers' women were tricked into having 'careers' instead of forming families first

Sermon6/6/11 5:45 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Many of these kids have extreme debts but work at MC DONALDS ---I wonder how long it's gonna take to pay off that SCHOOL LOAN!!!--your way sounds sooo much better

Sermon6/6/11 5:36 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's sad..really really sad--california was great when it was strong for civil rights for minorities, was also the beginning of the modern era (through the gold rush,) and also the WWW was formed here (San Mateo and Santa Clara counties) on the San Francisco Peninusula--so whatever I mean WHATEVER forms in CA, goes WORLDWIDE and there is no stopping it, Unless people on the San Francisco bay area get radical in the Churches.....for BIBICAL MORALITY...period

Sermon6/6/11 1:52 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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Burned Out on Global Warming
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
global warming is just NEO PAGANISM WRAPPED IN A PRETTY BOX!! it's not warming now--with snow in the sierras in MAY--spring was ALWAYS tempermental--by June 21st, the weather would be warmer

Sermon6/6/11 1:47 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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Marriage and Idolatry
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Christians are getting just as bad---we need to marry younger and not fornicate--most people do NOT have the gift of celibacy, and have to worship together--the HOUSES ARE TOOOOO BIG for the space!! and not enough children--people dont realize that youre siblings are going to be the aunts and uncles of your CHILDREN and help you raise them and give you fellowship (if christian) and breaks..i've spent time with aunts and uncles when growing up--when you have only 2 children instead of 4, its not the same

Sermon6/6/11 1:41 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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Marriage and Idolatry
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank GOD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE like Ben Shapiro!! there needs to be more young MEN like him---I havent watched tv much after 1985--when the program SOAP came out--I knew it was the BEGINNING OF THE END!!--as long as the Hayes Code was in place,(1933-1966) it was safe--except there wasnt as much representation of minority families--(blacks were ones, when represented to look more Christian though)when some kids, listen to porn music, i call them out on it, especially when the songs are sung--I call them out on it--the girls suffer from depression for a reason!! boys too

Sermon6/4/11 7:31 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The music was doing this for about 40 YEARS!! and its girls that suffer the most from this wickeness!! the difference today, is I notice that many female singers are singing lovesongs--its use to be the women who were singing to---I actually think that these modern singers are possibly singing lovesongs to WOMEN (Lady GAGa is one of them who sings lovesongs to women) and the men are just singing straight porn!--there are NO MODERN or very FEW lovesongs sang to women from strong men anymore-and girls arent as pretty unless they are over 40--(feminine pretty)

Sermon6/4/11 7:21 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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Pornography and Your Son
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
What porn does, is make married relational sex, RARE. Men, usually have a 72 hour cycle for 'relations' and if the man uses too much porn, HE WONT HAVE RELATIONS with his WIFE AT ALL, and she gets frustrated!!--a normal married man has sex or wants to have sex with his wife at least 3 TIMES A WEEK---''all in all' unmarried sex RUINS SEX for MARRIAGE, and easy divorce ensues (some silly women assume that they have a higher drive than their boyfriends) girls usually tie their emotions with their sex life more--guys do it when married!!(normal christian guys)not porn guys--sigh

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