Great Sermon! Wow--I'm starting to see changes!! there has been a 'manly' teenage boy who REFUSES TO WRESTLE A GIRL --HALLELUJAH!!(maybe i shouldn't use quotes on that term)[feb 2011] we're making inroads===even many non-christian girls want this BUT TOO AFRAID TO SAY SO and many non christian men WANT THIS SILLINESS FOR THEIR DAUGHTERS--the non christian men are weird and soft, but they may see changes when CHRISTIAN young men start getting discipled correctly
Great Sermon! This is one of the reason women are getting extra stress today--women are getting heart problems NOW when we didn't THEN when we both smoked cigarettes, so it isn't the cigs...I think we are going to do something NOW since even the WORLD knows something is wrong--no dads---and guys dont even know how to change their oil or tires on cars--our church, the one we go to is changing that and getting guys to GROW UP it's getting better (im writing this in feb 2011)
Great Sermon! I think m & m doesn't have a father AND maybe came from a ONE NIGHT STAND--It would have been nice if his MOTHER ADOPTED HIM OUT TO A TWO PARENT HOME --most of these modern 'artists' born in the 1980s ke$ha, lady gaga, etc. cause WHERES THEIR DADDIES??!!
Great Sermon! I think it will be women to help bring back the 'women as helpmeets' movement like what the Bible says---since we were the ones who 'messed it up' in the first place--even Hefner was raised by such silliness in the church--also, if 'gay marriage' goes through, POLYGAMY WILL BE NEXT because like you said, there are NO MEN WHO ARE MATURE out there--i'm praying that my 15 yo daughter finds a man after Christ that is mature--unfortunatly she goes to a public school--she is pretty a la world standard--im GLAD no boy is interested in her (the boys don't have to ask the girls anymore, the girls ask the boys--uggh)she thinks she's ugly--i know thats not the case, and the're NO MEN, LIKE YOU SAID TO RAISE THESE BOYS!! if girls do the work, the boys will get HIGH ON DOPE AND GANGS just like you said--(peyote and tribal warfare)
Great Sermon! When people mention the 60s they NEED TO SEPERATE the EARLY 60s from the LATE 60s-the early 60s were rather innocent UNTIL mid 1966--the positive thing is that we COULD BRING BACK POSITIVE MASCULINITY AND FEMININTY when we get burned out on this--many kids especially under 18 WANT someone to help them in this way (although we don't know it)it could be a huuuge way for the church to reenter the culture--put have males be loving leaders in positions
Great Sermon! When I lived in the country, I saw MORE tattoo parlors than in the suburbs or in cities--even among girls, there were tattoos of NECKS!--I think girls are becoming more 'lesbian' in their behavior--don't know much about guys though--i'm noticing many male stars look more 'feminine' in nature than they did 40 yrs ago (i may be wrong though) and it is not attractive to me to watch
Great Sermon! I don't see how romance novels do this---I always think of them as sci-fi in a way--I also read Amish novels, and novels by Janet Oke sometimes--it also depends on how the relationship was BEFORE the marriage; even for Christians--I thought most christian women thought marriage was like breathing (inhale and exhale) etc. INHALE is romantic feelings and EXHALE is busyness, socks all over the room, kids crying, etc.
Great Sermon! Yes, the OLD ENGLISH has three different terms for YOU just like Spanish does today--Tu and Usted are Ye and Thou; we threw out thee and combined Ye and Thou (the word YOU didnt exist!!) imagine that--i dont know when Yea became 'even though'--also our presidents Washington and Lincoln used it--'twas all they had--This may sound odd BUT GOD allowed a lunar eclipse on Dec 21st--and the last time it was like that was 1610 (400 years ago)
Great Sermon! I wondered why many young men today are soft and wussy, or hypermasculine--and when you said porn was the problem, aside from CHRIST of course, that answered it!! When women are loose, men lose direction and women arent happy as well because we want strong Christian men for husbands because there are still women who run households (keeping up the house) and wondering what happened to their husbands
Great Sermon! I especially appreciated Kevin's describing homosexuality as the "dry rot" of society--very well put. I did think you brothers were holding back in your calling to account Philip Yancey, who has now gone the way of Tony Campolo. Whatever salt there was in their works has long since been squandered. Evangelicals need to distance themselves from Yancey and Campolo. Yancey has been drifting for a long time, as any reader of his Christianity Today column can testify (and his left-leaning and modernist compromises were among the reasons I let my sub to that rag lapse). Insightful remarks on pornography, too.
Hey I like older hymns, especially Amazing Grace on Bagpipes :). I also like Gospel Country (done by Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, etc.). When I'm not listening to music about God, Christ, and such, I will listen to some "rock" music (nothing obscene,etc.). But I don't see where it fits in Church, I can/could understand it when your outside of the church, but in Church classic hymns are so much better.
Great Sermon! I've never known that human sexuality and roles for men and women were so FRAGILE......If women stayed in the 'home' and being ladies, the homosexual movement wouldnt have got so strong and modern men wouldnt be sooooo useless at times--(why be a man when the lady isnt there, why strive for something)----the CREATOR is MALE the church, and creation is FEMALE--this female GODDESS revolution may collapse if homeschooler families like you keep doing what youre doing
Great Sermon! I KNEW THAT THE 111TH congress was the BANE of silliness, I knew it waaaaaaaay back in 2006!! I think the 112th congress 'might' be able to stop the nonsense any further 'just in time' (there always were homosexuals in the military; even in ww2) they just werent gross about it----LADY GAGA? PULLLLEEEZE! as crazy as it sounds,(music hasnt had any new SOUND since 1988[Madonna is gagas protegee and she came out before 1988) i think we MAY be able to stop this (LORD WILLING) lastly, women have to start becoming ladies again to save the republic as well
Great Sermon! wHEN BOYS 'sag' their pants, it shows that they have probably had SEX IN JAIL with other MEN [easy access](the men in jail do it for domination)---whats sad, is when girls 'go for' the guys--either because they dont have dads, or their dads are too weak cause of feminism
Great Sermon! iF THERE IS NO TRUTH then a person COULD KILL WITHOUT REMORSE------ it's becomming more commonplace for kids UNDER 14 to murder, and not feel ANYTHING
Great Sermon! like i said---MALES ARE GETTING SOFT TODAY FOR A REASON---bibles are getting gender neutral---before long, beastiality will be the NORM
Loving and Caring Relationship... And here's what the Swedish embassy says regarding a letter asking... "By what basis does your country argue they have the right to do this?"
"In Sweden it is against the law to use violence, including corporal punishment, against children.
A child should grow up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, and the family has the primary responsibility for nurturing and protecting children.
The parents are responsible for upbringing, but society is obliged to intervene if the parents cannot live up to their responsibilities and
the child is in danger.
“There are many terrible things in the world, but the worst is when
a child is afraid of his/her mother, father or teacher.”(Janusz Korczak)
Brave New World An excellent and insightful program (as usual). A book you brothers may want to read is "THE SHALLOWS: What The Internet is Doing To Our Brains" by Nicholas Carr. He argues the Internet is reducing people's abilities to think deeply, to read anything of substance and length, etc. The late Neil Postman was a prophet of sorts in warning us of the slippery slope television would turn out to be. Yes, getting children (and adults!) to listen, focus and comprehend is an increasingly uphill battle, and I lay the blame on the technology addiction afflicting so many believers. Unfortunately, being tech-savvy is looked upon as a virtue even by many Christians. As discerning believers who see the danger, we somehow have to be counter-cultural and "un-cool" the iPads, iPods, Facebook, Wiis, etc. I'm not sure how to do it, but it's a battle worth waging, especially for those of us who are parents and/or pastors and teachers.