Another excellent, challenging show Great show, I'm sure it was challenging for many nationalistic type Christians out there.
Some more relevant commentary from Jacob Hornberger at the Future of Freedom Foundation:
An Open Letter to the Troops:
You’re Not Defending Our Freedoms
by Jacob G. Hornberger, May 31, 2011
Great Sermon! This has been the best Generations Radio program that I have ever heard! (and I listen mostly everyday) Kevin and Dave address the things that are so obviously wrong in our country today. From Lady Gaga to Harold Camping, and everything in between, there is an apocalyptic feeling all over the world.
One thing that Kevin doesn't do much of is address end time prophecies as they appear in the Bible but he focuses mainly on the future of our nation and our families and the events that threaten the way of life once coveted by our Christian forefathers. At one point in the program I had to say out loud, "maybe all of these things are happening because Jesus IS coming very soon!" because it seemed as though Kevin was circumventing all of the events that we see unfolding around us as issues that are going to go away at some point.
The whole undertone of the program was "where do we go when" and then points out how far we, as a culture, have fallen from the starting point which was our Christian heritage. The hosts leave the question open ended for the listener to put the pieces together which is not hard to do if you know bible prophecy for all of these things point to the coming of Christ for His Bride in the Rapture. Good Stuff!
Great Sermon! Music has a mighty hold on the youth today. On "our" youth today. I cannot say that there are many youth who profess to be Spirit filled and do not listen to music filled with suggestive lyrics, frenzied beats, and profanity. As a matter of fact the music is no longer suggestive, they are just flat out saying it. Every kid who listens to the music knows the words they sing but few adults call them on it. Few ask them, "What is it you are listening to?" and few adults when they find out say, " I can't believe you would let that garbage enter your body where your soul is and the Holy Spirit is supposed to be dwelling." If more adults did this, children would listen to it less.
Now any kid who I come across, whether it is in the grocery or the mall, who is bobbing their heads to the beat and singing along, I ask them if they really know what they are singing. They get embarrassed and I have done what I believe as an elder I was supposed to do. Make them aware of the line they are crossing when they listen to it. I also ask them if that music would be the type that they would invite Jesus to sit and listen to. The answer so far has been a resounding no.
Parents listen to the music too and I have heard a few who are actually fans of many a rapper and eyeliner wearing male rocker.
Awake thou that sleepest! A must listen interview for parents with teenagers. No wait, a must listen interview for everyone! Do you really think that music isn't powerful? Do you really think it doesn't matter what you listen to? Wake up! Your eternal soul is in jeopardy!
Thank you Pastor Swanson and Trace Embry for tackling such a tough issue head on. "Speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns and spiritual sons, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" Eph. 5:19
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for pointing out that "church" should be relational AND have structure and accountability. I have had disagreements with the way things have been done at my church, but I've stuck it out and will continue to do so as long as possible!
Surprised I was pleasantly surprised at Doug's even handed commentary on US foreign policy, quite surprised. This is not something typically heard from American evangelicals, save Kevin Swanson.
Though I would urge some perspective on D-Day. Here's an article by Eric Margolis, writer and US military historian, and known as someone who does not like Russia.
As my Southern Baptist pastor mentioned in a sermon, at the end, Hitler claimed that Slavs were the superior race, because they had beaten the Germans. Hitler knew where the fight was.
The fact is, Russia killed 75%-90% of all Germans in uniform.
WWII was between Russia and Germany, everything else was a sideshow in comparison. No slight intended.
Great Sermon! The Bible tells us that no man knows the day or the hour the Son of Man cometh, not even the Son so there's no way that we could know and shouldn't even try to guess but we do need to understand the times we are living in and have always been living in. Jesus said 'you can follow the pattern of the weather but you don't understand the times.' What He is saying is to pay attention to what is going on around you. Satan has been preparing for his reign through the anti-christ and many have been deceived for the past 2000 years and so we do need to be aware of these things and make sure we are following the true Jesus Christ. That is why there has to be teaching of eschatology. Right and balanced. Not this other setting dates junk. Spurgeon, Tozer, Ravenhill all warned of the same thing b/c that's part of the 'job.' But they never tried to guess when, they just preached the same warning as Jesus and pointed out the deceptions of their day. Like we have to today. We must be balanced in every way,not neglecting any part of the Bible. We must carry a sword and a shovel. Working and proclaiming, fighting and warning and all for the glory of the Lord. For His great Name. I am always appealing to balance. Whenever we get out of balance in any way..we get in trouble. God bless.
Interesting Regarding Campings false prophesy; in all fairness, Camping is not predicting the end of the world on May 21st. Rather, he is predicting the second coming of Christ.
Of course any date setting is wrong. Nevertheless, when someone predicts the second coming of Christ and we call it the end of the world, we make the same mistake the world does. No premillinialist believes the rapture and the end of the world happen at the same time.
Great Sermon! I can't believe that people STILL BELIEVE HIM especially after the 1994 fiasco!! I knew of a pastor who lost half of his congregation because they were following Camping--he went down to just a few members, but then, he started being a better teacher of the word, and his church grew to many members--there is hunger for the WORD OF GOD
Great Program! Thanks for the insightful broadcast! What we desperately need is to repent of being half-Christians and embrace the gospel whole heartedly with all its implications for our own lives and for society.
Techno-Christian: How's That Workin' for Ya? While divorce is unthinkable for the Amish, techno-Christians no longer bat an eye at the 50% divorce rate, even in the Church. When polling my wife and six young children a couple of years ago, I asked what they thought of my work-issued smart phone. My then six year-old answered: "Dad, you ignore us." Ouch. Perhaps we're ignoring the most important people in our lives -- our spouses and children. Is there any wonder why our techno-marriages are going to pot? Compared to the "1690 Bible-reading plowman," is this Tech Age a value-add to my family and me? In all honesty, who can say it is? Good message.
Great Sermon! although I might add, there WILL be more 'diseases' such as 'ADD' 'ADHD' etc since chidren aren't gettin outside and getting fresh air--boys need it especially since they get too squirmy in their seats. I've heard years ago, that some pastors would separate them and have the boys run a lap BEFORE they sat in their seats--it might clear the 'problem' up but who wants to do that?
Great Sermon! Thank You for putting this info out!! As far as facebook is concerned, it IS addictive! people in my family don't see each other in person anymore, they just remark on facebook. I have a stepdaughter in her 40s who is always on it (although my daughter doesn't use it as much)..girls are starting to have p0tty mouths worse than sailors--and they should be called gen txt instead of 'millienials'. Also, good websites to have and imhut. com if you want to find out what they are saying on cell phone---some codes---good ones like for Christian, also +- as well, 3 for heart, but bad ones like 420 for marijuana, lqr--and numbers 2=to, 4=for 8=gr8 or l8r--what is bad today is that cellphone companies don't have codes for parents of teens:(= they could be bullied even onto SUICIDE and we wouldn't even know what happened we need to PRAY for this--they may wait until enough parents lose their teens before they make the 'codes'
Keynes Quote I love this quote:
"The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy."
- John Maynard Keynes
Keynes was blaming "fucundity" for communism. I see it as an antidote to his socialist statism: "errors of autocracy". So I get to feel productive and "disruptive" as the same time.
Lord, save us. We need you now. Is it really true that 98% of Catholic women use birth control (compared to 99% of the wider population) despite the Catholic Church's constant teaching that: (a.) "Sacred Scripture and the Church's traditional practice see in large families a sign of God's blessing and the parents' generosity" (CCC 2373) and (b.) "[E]very action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible is intrinsically evil" (CCC 2370)? Since RCC leaders teach that the use of contraception is evil, yet according to this report, almost none of their members are compliant, what does this say for those denominations which have no problem with the use of contraception -- abortifacient or otherwise? If these statistics are even close to true, aren't we entering an unprecedented demographic ice-age? Christ have mercy upon us.
Great Sermon! I don't believe that Malachi 4:6 happened UNTIL AFTER WW2---I'm starting to think that GOD 'CURSED' THE U.S.from the late 60s on, with drugs and sex-he allowed it- BECAUSE THE FATHERS werent close to their children and the didnt want their kids to go through the depression, and gave their kids eveything BUT THEMSELVES.The civil rights movement was needed but the families fell apart-en masse-I see hope though!!! Thank You for bringing this subject up
MOSES Maybe we should't be surprised, if 'moses' is an 8 yo boy from the 'inner-city'. Just like King Josiah. He had power for a while in Israel. It's a shame that our kids can't be children anymore, even if you screen everything out. When kids have cellphones, the 'web' feature doesn't block porn at ALL