Great Sermon! I think Sarah Palin may do ok IF SHE gets an ALL MALE CONSERVATIVE CABINET MILITARY RAISED and also VICE PRESIDENT. She has to be the ONLY woman. Washington, and Lincoln had rogue kids as well. DON'T FORGET ABOUT DEBORAH IN Israel.--men today are spoiled by easy woman
Great Sermon! I've lived many places BUT noticed that the BEST public school teachers are the ones that are CHRISTIANS! America may survive if we get teachers that were raised in good homeschools or christian schools--theyre trained how to educate all learning styles
Great Sermon! America is being sifted---we will survive. Israel was a mess and GOD disciplined her--but our country isnt Israel,(although a reflection) we dont have a monarchy in america--we could get christians to run for office and PRAY FOR THEM
Great Sermon! My daughter likes hymns better than the rock music of ccm. I don't like Christian rock either. I wonder if the 10 string lyre had two 'octaves' (actually two pentatonic scales) many hymns, not all have that in them which are the 3 chords: Tonic, Subdominant, and Dominant in any key AMAZING GRACE is such a song; also spirituals.
Great Sermon! I think,like i said before, the LORD is going to use Persia and the ECONOMY to get our country back--i see boys and girls in a few years, getting rid of earrings and tattoos--because when people starve who used to have masters degrees, just watch! Christian prayers will come back in public schools-or women will bring back polygamy (i think women started it/ Sarah told Abraham to go into Hagar, he didnt volunteer) most women want alpha males with money and when there isn't any, its going to be a nightmare! (two women married is HALF A HAREM!)
Great Sermon! I think Sarah Palin is Americas Deborah--we mirror Israel. Unfortunatly, I notice when women start becoming aggressive or leading over men, the men become EXTREMELY PASSIVE and that is not healthy-video games are like arsenic for the male brain as well--they don't even know how to work on their cars anymore--I think you guys are hard on Palin though, a little bit. Deborah didn't want to be a judge in Israel either, she HAD TO. I think Todd Palin is wussy though, HE should protect his daughters
Great Sermon! Thanks for being there!! i found you on 'bing' looking for something else--I wonder if GOD is using the Persians and the economy to get us BACK TO THE FAMILY because it seems like things change in 40 years, and were ripe for it
Great Sermon! Just remember that the guest stated that Palin is bright, hard to take him seriously now. She's not even a bright mother.
In gaffe, Palin supports 'our North Korean allies'
Great Sermon! Can't disagree with anything the guest said but let's put things in perspective; even the Pentagon knows the US is greatly responsible for stirring the Muslim hornet's nest. Common sense to many Americans and the rest of the world but most conservative Americans are blind to the evil their state does around the world in the name of "freedom" and "democracy". It seems like a national version of Stockholm Syndrome.
A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terrorism
The West should get out of Muslim lands and foreign Muslims should be kept out of the West, that will go far in solving these issues.
What a coincidence What a coincidence; the CBC radio show The Current aired a documentary on this very issue today.
I've emailed them a link to your show on these faux adults.
Great Sermon! The Kevin Swanson sermon on YOGA addresses so many topics; an all-purpose ministry. We know nothing about New Age nor anything about the Word (unless we keep Scripture study as a priority). Kevin Swanson with sermon on "The Shack" is another piece of full ministry.
I have Portland Oregon and Japan in common and have visited Oshima Island.
Great Sermon! Is the government's and societies' acceptance of this perversion slowing the frequency of gay suicide or has it not had any effect at all? Surely the fact that those poor sodomites can marry one another has helped in recent years hasn't it?
Great Sermon! Thank you for tackling this thorny issue! I know many "Christian" (apostasized) women, who go to (apostasized) "churches" and practice yoga. It's important to understand that yoga practicers who go to "church" are not Christian; they are inconsistent humanists/Eastern spiritualists.
Sometimes when people are very new to the Christian faith, there is syncretism for a little while until they learn the word of God better and the Holy Spirit brings them under conviction and they purge these wicked pagan practices from their lives; however, that's not what we're talking about here.
Thank you for standing publicly against this anti-Christ syncretism! The true Church needs to clearly and publicly repudicate anti-Christian religious practices. If a "Christian" publicly repudiates the law of God, then they have publicly repudiated Christ. The one who does so is NOT a Christian.
But the apostasized "churches" are not disciplining these evil practicers (of course), damaging the reputation of the Lord. True Christians need to publicly repudiate these false churches.
There are so many great books on this. I recommend "Unmasking the New Age" by Douglas Groothius. I also applaud Al Mohler for his concern over this common and dangerous issue.
Music And Standards When music standards in a church become contemporary, the standard of dress follows suit. When the standard of dress falls, the morals follow quickly. Then it's debatable if the assembly is a church or an alcohol free social club. (some 'churches' even add the alcohol)
troubling I was really concerned listening to this podcast. We are missionaries overseas. Many of our family have celiac disease. We DO eat with a joyful heart (even gluten free food!), but it did not protect us from environmental and food factors causing us to become sick. We pay way more attention now to what we eat, not in order to fret, but in order to actually consume things that can be called "food" and not food-like substances. Twinkies would be a good example of this.
Eating GMO food and just waiting to see what will happen is a potential recipe for disaster. Potentially our grandchildren will see whole new types of illnesses springing up in their generation because of our food habits now in the same way that we are now experiencing so many health consequences of eating non-food and non-organic food. It's only been in the last 75 years or so that we have been eating food that is not organic and look at the health of society and convince me that it is not related.
I respectfully disagree that we can sit back and just see what happens. I want many years to share the gospel and I do not want to die young because of extremely preventable health problems. What we feed this next generation is very important. So we will eat and drink in a way that Glorifies God and honors
Great Sermon! Wow! What a great balanced interview. What a great point of singing hymns from different eras. I thinnk the biggest thing here is not style but substance and balance. Thanks Guys Excellent job!
Very, very interesting, and timely! As a musician who composes contemporary musical arrangements to the Old Testament Psalms, (see Ministry Of Psalms), this message was most interesting!
Organic fretting We eat mostly organic and we definitely don't eat days old donuts (unless they're home made).
It is news to me that we and other people we know that are picky about food fret and worry over food.
Perhaps some people just have more refined taste and don't consider Krispy Kreme to be fit for human consumption?
Dave makes some great points but it doesn't appear he understands why many people are picky about what they eat. Most of the sick (or on the way to being sick) and obese people don't appear to be fretting and worrying over what they eat, perhaps they should.
Paul Washer, who has travelled widely, made some interesting remarks in some of his sermons regarding American face stuffing and the lack of refined taste in American food culture, is he also fretting or could it be that there's more to eating any old slop and being thankful?