Great job again! Hope,we have to influence those we have influence over one family at a time. We need to keep being a light.
Thanks for bringing this up again Kevin and Dave.
Great Sermon! Why would any Christian go to see this movie? I only saw a ten second clip on the tv about this new movie and I was sickened by the sadistic violence in it. I seriously do not understand why christian and christian homeshooling people would defile themselves by watching this and going to these dens of immorality that broadcast these movies. Don't miss the real point here.
Great Sermon! It's like we're all at this wild party. We hear the clock strike midnight and know we've gotta go, but don't. Tomorrow we'll be hammered and hopefully not pregnant but, "Shh!" let's not ruin tonight by talking about it. What national preacher's gonna cut the flow of birth control that's fueling This American Orgy? So many babies are dying and it's wrecking so much havoc in the church, home and college that someone's got to say 'No!' to the Margaret Sanger Worldviewâ„¢. Church and home have been flipped on their head. Everything's now in chaos. When will the whole unified Church finally kiss the pandemonium-producing Pill goodbye?
Amy: I agree. Sin is rooted in the fall and we should not feed that evil through entertainment. This man had not seen this very movie. However, he was very familiar with the Batman franchise and was dressed like the maniacal Joker. There is something very dark about this character and some even say that the last actor to portray this character killed himself because he could never escape the macabre persona.
Great Sermon! I'm sure this is a very violent movie judging from the trailer, but didn't shooting happen before movie started? If so, shooter had not even seen it. Yes, sex, violence, crudeness in movies have all had their effect on our culture, but we must not forget the true root cause. Mans depraved nature. It started with the fall.
amen james Why do Christians think it is ok to be entertained by violence? This may not have caused the massacre but a culture of death certainly did not help keep minds on whatever is pure and righteous. Some say look at all the violence in the pages of scripture yet that is very different. The Bible simply reports historical events. These movies are meant to amuse and celebrate and revel in the gore and darkness and profane our holy God 's name. Do you really think Jesus and the disciples would sit through such vile blasphemy?
Stronger Stance Needed against worldly movies The show/talk was good, though I was disappointed that a stronger stance was not taken against these types of movies. Is this a movie that a Christian should see? We know that "all things are lawful', but is this particular movie profitable, edifying, redeeming? I could not (or maybe I do since without Christ we are under the power of Satan and are slaves to Sin) believe that 6-10 year-olds were at this movie at this time of night! A 6 year-old died. We would be quick to say that Christians should not watch pornography, but what about 'worldly-ography' or 'gratuitous-violence-ography'? Sexual Lust is not the only sin in the Bible.
Great Sermon! It may be young men who committed these massacres BUT look at when these men were BORN!!
IMO if we christians dont repent (why were chrisitans seeing movies that non christians wouldnt watch 30 years ago?!)and become 2 Chron 7:14 christians
I also think that we may see more record breaking disasters before 1/1/13
We are 39 years after Roe v Wade, homosexuality, and PORN
Now kids in the single digits are getting addicted to PORN etc. Which didnt happen in 1973, etc.
BATMAN in the 1960s was made 'campy' for a reason: the original was sooo bad that the HAYES CODE people wouldnt let it be MADE
Prayer was taken out of schools in 1963 and we are 49 years RIGHT NOW after this---before its over, we may see Hollywood BEG the Kendricks bros to take over the old studios! with a modern 'hayes code'
not everyone could homeschool their children & public schools are 'babysitters'--so many will bring back PRAYER in public schools after 2013--or MALLS wont even be safe
Great Sermon! People were NEVER meant to eat or drink ALONE! Even with food, you are supposed to eat at the TABLE so that way, you may not overeat.Except for snacks because of drop in blood sugar. On holidays, you may have had wine, BUT not ALONE----i didnt know you can find coke in a bar...the guys wife was too busy with kids to notice it.
I wonder if his church had enough STRONG MASCULINE men in it for him to socialize in it and pray with
Great Sermon! ITS HIGH TIME we teach 'EVOLUTION' as THEORY instead of FACT (they taught it as theory in 1963 and we had better scientists)
---could this massacre have been avoided? this guy had a SCIENCE DEGREE!
I think being a US PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER is a MISSION FIELD that is available to CHRISTIANS as well, as well as going overseas.
Great Sermon! OMGosh!! i feel SORRY FOR YOU GUYS IN CO!!
I hope GOD dont allow more tragedies to come to our country to get us to come BACK TO HIM
First these scorching temps taht are record breaking and making food go up in price.
NOW THIS!!--this is ALSO the day 43 years ago that MAN walked on the moon.
You may see public school teacher want the material on PROVERBS before long. Not everyone can homeschool or pay for Christian school. Teachers are with kids more time than the pastor/priest or parents
I'm praying that we wont have anymore tragedies in our country. Malls could end up unsafe as well.
People need to FAST & PRAY before thay go ANYWHERE..HOLLYWOOD may think twice in making DARK FILMS and bring back a form of Hayes code 1933-1966
Get rid of Scorsesse and other directors like him (did they make a film of the Virgin Mary (virgo) being raped lately? was THAT the last straw?)--get more directors like the Kendrick bros in Hollywood--hey, they might request them before long dont you think? thanks for letting me ramble!
America's Immoral Companies/Institutions Add Campbell Soup, Walmart, Apple and all of the Fortune 500 (which bow to political, government pressure to be incorporated under U.S. government laws and "equal rights" agendas) all of which publicly promote homosexuality and publicly condemn the Bible's position on morality. Most professing Christians and churches however would rather buy their products and support these companies who are open enemies of God and real Christianity. We are supporting our own persecutors, naively, as both governments and corporations conspire "against the Lord" (Psalm 1) and seek to "brakes his bands (laws) asunder and cast his cords (restraining moral laws) away".
It is high time to stop glorifying America's popular brands and companies and institutions (including Boy Scouts) as if they are "good and wholesome" when they "call evil good and good evil".
Great Sermon! 1973 was 39 years ago. Prayer & ethics were the NORM until 1963 when they took prayer out of public schools thanks to the ACLU. I wouldnt know what is going to happen if public schools are gone. Not everyone could homeschool, or do it right.I think it would be a GOOD MISSION FIELD for Christians to become public school teachers--instead fo going overseas--some could go overseas--[but we're in TROUBLE!
Great Sermon! IMO it wasnt the ultrasound that changed peoples hearts about abortion IT THE 4D TECHNOLOGY!---you could actually SEE the features of the baby inside the womb
Great Sermon! I heard something creepy: women are getting into PORN and since most PORN is homosexual, some were turning lesbian. I went on the website; they had an interview of 4 various women caught into it. They CAME OUT and told the man leading it, that they couldnt even be with friends without having inclinations! When they got away from it, their sexuality was healed before it went completely over the cliff
Great Sermon! I used to like the 'youth groups' but mostly, they were the world infecting the church. I think the christian kids who are TATTOOING their bodies with crosses, girls too, are a form of that. Along with the somber colors and too many slacks/jeans the women are wearing
Great Sermon! Many in generations x,y,and zee. HATE what boomers did to them.Generation zee would LOVE TO euthanise their grandparents they took their siblings from them because of abortion and this coudl be vengeful. Lately you see men who are playing in bands who are between 45-55 etc. while their kids are inhaling pizza and feeding themselves on videogames&porn-they are sooo much fatter than we were at their age--boomer fathers are still teens in the head...