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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Melissa McCarthy as Satanic Ursula"
Anonymous Name
It is rather tragic how comedy icon Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970) was cast as Satanic Ursula, the cephalopodic sea...
Kevin Swanson | The Disney Machine
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Sermon8/17/12 1:20 PM
Gabe from VA  Find all comments by Gabe
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“ Have read the book but not seen the movie. ”
I would disagree with you saying that her dumping the Tracker Jackers(Killer Bees) on the people who were waiting to kill her at the bottom of the tree she was hiding in, was murder murder. Maybe it wasn't said in the film but the book, the bees going to wake up soon and if she didn't get rid of them they would attack and kill her. And the people at the bottom of the tree were not innocent little kids. They were volunteers who were trying to kill everybody else so they could win(And taking sadistic pleasure in it). And contrasting it to David sparing Saul is taking the scripture out of context. David would not kill Saul because he was the king appointed by God. If it was the Phillistines you can bet he would attack them without any hesitation. In the Book(And from everything I've heard the movies follow them VERY closely) she only kills to defend herself or others, with the exception of killing one of her attackers to spare him from the agonies of being torn to pieces by dogs.

Sermon8/15/12 2:39 PM
Nancy from Wisconsin  Find all comments by Nancy
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Billy Graham: America, Repent!
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
1Jn_2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. I think the problem has been that we have created many different ways to make Christians, and unfortunately Mr Graham was a part of that. We need proclamation of the God who saves, the need of salvation and the results of salvation. It has become man centered because many are still self centered. Good topic.

Sermon8/14/12 7:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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Billy Graham: America, Repent!
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
...at least world net daily DOES PICK IT UP... the Harbinger is a warning. Many in the Christian community dont even know about Jonathan Cahns book and all of the connections to ancient Israel..we're at the 39th year this year

Sermon8/11/12 9:42 AM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I cannot agree with Cezar's statement below that it is easy to wait until after marriage to have relations. The drive to have sex exists within single people, too. Since so many ladies particularly are forced to defer marriage, the wait becomes long, extended, and looks downright hopeless at times. It is NOT easy.

Sermon8/10/12 8:29 PM
GentleDove from Pacific Northwest  Find all comments by GentleDove
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Lady Day, Regardless of how parents feel about homeschooling or whether they feel as though they are able, the fact is that God instructs parents to be with their children and to teach them throughout the day as they go about daily life together. God makes people "able" to homeschool their children, though often the ability doesn't come before the homeschooling begins (only after). This requires faith in Him. Unbelievers may not fare as well. This is a call to them for repentance and faith in the living God. God does not command the civil magistrate to tax people for the building of schools and the hiring of teachers who are not allowed to name the name of Jesus. Public schools are inherently contrary to God's commandments for child raising, and He won't bless them. Thankfully, He is merciful and sheds His common grace in many cases. The point is to be faithful and obey God, regardless of what we're afraid the outcome might be. We're all learning and discovering that we have not lived accord. to the Bible, but the way it's been done in the past. All we can do is repent, change our ways to God's way, and move on, secure in His grace and forgiveness.

Sermon8/9/12 12:45 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Gentle Dove, all i'm saying, is that Christians need to try to get on the school board and change the tide. What happened in the past, is they thought it was 'worldly' to be part of the world if you stayed out of such things. I'm all for homeschooling, but remember: our kids are going to be with those kids, but with the social media, with many parents that dont know how to use it, they will get involved with them in not so good ways. My cousin homeschool their kids though, and it has positive fruit, but she did with her oldest with not so good fruit. She came back to the faith though (when she took out her tongue piercing)

Sermon8/9/12 12:39 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The public school where my daughter was, had a CHRISITAN teacher who invited the kids to see these guys, (forgot who they were) who would 'break ice' at her church..she was a MATH SCIENCE teacher in 6th grade. When CHRISTIANS dont sign up for school board, etc, we should expect to be marginalized.BTW, this has been going strong for about 49 years now; next year would be the 50th. I'm all for homschooling but we must remember; our kids would have to work with these kids when they grow up, and not everyone can homeschool or send kids to private Christian. What happens is many Christian parents who send their kids to public schools dont check them out, or the teachers--The math/science teacher was so good, I was learning about Earth science helping my daughter--lastly, it used to be in the 1930s that public school teachers COULDNT BE MARRIED...remember the Little Rascals and Mrs Crabtree?

Sermon8/8/12 8:17 PM
Sarah from Kansas  Find all comments by Sarah
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“ Excellent Topic ”
This is a wonderful topic to address and a very needful message. Well presented, Renee!

Sermon8/7/12 2:42 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
To me, it seemed it was only after the EIGHTIES (80s) that food started getting weird and kid started to get fat and snack all day. Women wanted to go or had to go into the workforce and not do the domestic thing as well. Before the 80s, people, unless you lived in CA came from one paycheck families. I knew plenty of farmer types where you knew where the food was coming from, and there wasnt enough corn syrups being used a sweeteners--(they had to chemically make corn sweet, corn isnt naturaly sweet to me)

Sermon8/5/12 11:39 PM
GentleDove from Pacific Northwest  Find all comments by GentleDove
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“ Great Sermon! ”
to ladyday: I never knew who of my public school teachers were "Christian" or not. Public school teachers are prohibited from teaching in the name of Jesus Christ. If being "Christian" in the public school is just being a really nice (moral) teacher, then those teachers are just being really nice (moral) in the name of the false god of State, which commissioned them, and commissioned all the immoral teachers, too. Christian parents teach in the name of Christ who commissioned them to teach their own children. Public school teachers who think of themselves as salt and light are deceiving themselves. I recommend the documentary "IndoctriNation."

Sermon8/4/12 11:33 PM
you know  Find all comments by you know
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Bonhoeffer vs. the Third Reich
Kevin Swanson
“ glorifying man ”
ecumenical agenda as usual ..

Sermon8/4/12 10:51 AM
david davis from Montgomery , al  Contact via emailFind all comments by david davis
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Bonhoeffer vs. the Third Reich
Kevin Swanson
“ disturbing ”
it is profoundly dissapointing to see how much of the orthodox christian community is glorifying Bon. He certainly did not believe in historic Christianity. One hopes that before he was kille he came to true faith but unlike many we cannot just assume that it happened.

Sermon8/3/12 5:46 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i know one thing: Being a Good Public school Teacher is a good ministry for missionaries. Some parts of our country are just like the 3rd world. Many who homschool their children, should; but more CANNOT afford private education or homschool....instead of going overseas, stay and become a Public School teacher who happens to be a CHRISTIAN.... when CHRISTIANS leave things, THEY ROT...remember SALT and LIGHT?

Sermon8/2/12 5:00 PM
:D  Find all comments by :D
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“ I couldnt keep serious... ”
Since when was God spelt "GoT" lol.

Sermon7/31/12 2:46 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
College is starting to be a ripoff for women if they arent getting or going to get an MRS degree. Also many of the modern colleges are similar to how High School was years ago....so, its not good prep UNLESS its to teach good business skills..or in engineering..maybe 'certain' political science courses University IS a CHRISTIAN TERM--and the secular people need to learn that if they want to survive

Sermon7/30/12 2:42 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I knew c/Rap music was going to take down the 'black community' Music is HYPNOTIC! and always was. BTW--have you heard about what happened in MS? The First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs MS REFUSED TO MARRY THEIR BLACK MEMBERS!! It went VIRAL! but this has to be addressed..the Deacons or Elders were racist!--like i said, this has to be addressed black women and girls are into these communities and are stuck in there! Some black women call these 'black communities' BLACKISTAN

Sermon7/30/12 2:25 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm UPSET AT THIS! I'm a BLACK WOMAN! Many of these males dont even know who their GRANDFATHERS ARE much less their fathers...their mothers could have been 13 years old when they had them this could actually be how the BARBARIAN HORDES happened, and destroyed ROME-- Isnt that what a barbarian is anyway? The only solution, if there is one is to bring back PROVERBS into PUBLIC SCHOOLS---being a public school teacher is just a good a mission field as going overseas i believe Did you hear about the many christians who are in IRAQ!? they are actually teaching their OWN now in the BIBLE

Sermon7/29/12 6:53 PM
Cezar from Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's easy to wait until after marriage to have relations. Christians need to stop with expectations like the world has and look for a Christian spouse who has saved themselves for marriage.

Sermon7/29/12 5:31 PM
Peter McKelvey from Northern Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter McKelvey
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Shooting Rampage in Colorado
Kevin Swanson
“ Useful discussion, but care with conclusions ”
Thank you for this discussion Kevin- you make many excellent and helpful comments, particularly regarding God's judgment against abortion. I would just make a couple of comments to recommend care. Firstly Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in 'The Dark Knight', did not definitely commit suicide. In fact it seems more likely that his death was accidental. Secondly, do we not have a responsibility to view everything we see in the light of Scripture, whether it be in our workplace, our family, on the news or in a movie? The reason I ask is that the point that God is not in the frame could be made about most movies, some of which are very good and whose content would draw very little criticism from Scripture. So that is not a reason not to watch them. I would suggest that the Batman franchise, as with many hero movies, when viewed allegorically, can actually make a very strong biblical point. The overarching message that I am often left with afterwards is that the hero is good, but falls short. And when people make such movies, without realising it, are they not reflecting man's desire for the ultimate hero, the ultimate Saviour, Jesus Christ? And to be a great saviour a hero has to save people from great evil, often depicted by violence which is necessary to make t

Sermon7/26/12 1:53 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW Mack the Knife---SHOULD MAVE BEEN LEFT AN INSTRUMENTAL---the way people in the 1950s liked the song was its 'fox trot' tempo speaking of the violence: I'm actually surprized these movies didnt happen sooner! As long as the Hayes code was around, the violence had to make 'sense' aka Biblcal roots--but most of this GARBAGE happened AFTER 1966 when they destroyed the Hayes code (it was a code that PRIESTS, PASTORS, AND RABBIS created) The 1920s were actually BAD! they just didnt have the TECHNOLOGY to do so--I've heard a pastor say that the DEPRESSION was a way to SAVE THE NATION!from further JUDGMENT

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