Great Sermon! Thank you so much Kevin for all your Kingdom efforts. Here in California we are kicking off a Personhood Amendment drive as well, led by Pastor Walter Hoye. He is a black pastor here in CA that was arrested outside a Planned Parenthood death clinic for holing up a sign that said, God loves you, how can I help.I think he would be someone that would be good to have on your program. He also was deeply involved in the Mississippi drive for Personhood. You can reach him at Issues4Life Foundation
1684 Decoto Road, Suite 261
Union City, California 94587-3544 Keep up the great work. By the way I pastor Reformed Heritage Church and we sponser the WCWC that you spoke at this year.
Extremely Vital Message! Christian marriage is the portrait of Christ and His Church. However, the "exception clause" (Matthew 19:9) coupled with "no fault" divorce laws (Circa 1969) have led millions of baptized Christians to divorce for virtually any cause. Further, the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) 24:5 gives a Christian license to "sue out a divorce" in direct violation of Paul's warning to never sue each other and if we ever do, Paul states that Christians are "completely defeated already" (1 Cor 6:7). In summary: The Gospel is defeated. There are many baptized Christians sitting next to us in the pews who unbiblically divorced their spouses, are remarried living adulterous lives yet remain members in good standing even in the most conservative denominations. Add the 800 lb Gorilla -- 24/7 access to pornography -- THE number one form of adultery -- to the mix and you have a witch's cauldron spilling over into every church and denomination. Now, with porn-addicted zombie-husbands and zombie-pastors, guess what'll happen to the divorce rate in the church? Boom! Through the roof. As shattered as it is now, what will this portrait of Christ and His Church look like in 20 years if we do nothing? Christ have mercy upon us. Covenant matters. Vows matter. The Gospel matters.
Great Sermon! The fear of the lord has changed and is gone. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 9:27 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
Many surprises in the judgment seat. This is bad this is really bad ! God Bless
Great Sermon! This is why there are NO YOUNG COUPLES LOOKING 'normal' everything is 'upside down' no boys driving girls around. Girls are asking boys out and males feel weird when girls are too easy with their bodies.THEY DONT have any natural 'affection' even in the worldly sense.... Someting positive: I have a cousin who is 22 years old, she is marrying a (ahem) youth pastor. They have NEVER KISSED EACH OTHER or ANYONE ELSE. he has only kissed her on the forehead or on the cheek since they got engaged. They are saving the kiss on the lips for their WEDDING-when the pastor says you can 'kiss the bride' BTW she was homeschooled since day one. Since the guy is a youth pastor, he is being an example to other Christian boys and they are treating girls with more respect and he also has accountability with the young men..yaay..PRAISE THE LORD
Great Sermon! This is sad! I was in a rural area last week and I saw at least 6 couples between the ages of 16 and 35; and all 6 had the GIRLS DRIVING THE GUYS! To me, it doesnt matter who owns the car; the man should drive the women. period. not because the woman cant drive, the man NEEDS TO. I know this sounds trite; but its scary. What happens, i wonder if our country gets attacked. too many men are too out of shape and cant fight, etc. 'cause of these stooopid video games and their effect on the male brain.
Great Sermon! All kids have mothers and fathers AND everyone knows their mother BUT many people dont know who there fathers are...I believe it has been bad before in ancient history.I believe women have created it until they found out their daughters werent able to find strong men instead of males. Most women want to have men to marry and will double up on alphas (polygamy) to have security.Most women no matter how much they make dont want to support overgrown males--black women just dont marry half the time. I think strong women werent on anyones 'radar'. If you read some Greek History, they had women WARRIORS and fighters (the amazons were real to a point). We blacks have the worst of it like you say, but its happening all over-- i think we hit BOTTOM, its going to turn around starting in 2013 and later. We cant leave it to the MORMONS!!
Great Sermon! GOD STILL HAS HIS HAND ON US!! he is taking away our economic power for a REASON...we could still repent when it gets really hard (about GOD spitting us out, etc. ) he doesnt have to --just hit our pocketbooks!! and have NO EASY JOBS!! even with college education
We need to love each other This was a great talk. Our lack of love for each other is a huge problem...THE problem. It is so true that so many of us waste time chasing after small doctrinal issues, or preaching against huge moral issues, without loving those involved. This is when it becomes dead and foul smelling. Kevin Swanson mentioned how so many believers hate abortion and talk vehemently against it, and rightly so, but the question they also love their OWN children? Not sentimentality, not easy words, but love.....sacrifical time, mothers giving up economic gain to be home with our children, telling the truth to each other etc....but also, on the issue of abortion; christians who are so vocal against it, should examine themselves as to how much love and time they actually give to single mothers. Are they making single mothers and their children a part of their own families and loving them? No? Then there is no point preaching against abortion if you are not willing to do your part in supporting single mothers and their children to make it in this cold world. There are plently of single mothers who chose not to have an abortion, and that is why they are now alone raising their children.....they are turned off by christians who preach against abortion but do nothing to love single mothers.
Great Sermon! As offspring from the PC(USA), how do the OPC and PCA protect themselves from the surging sexual-tsunami? If a seminary accepts government financial aid as does Covenant (the only theological seminary still attached to an orthodox Presbyterian denomination), what retains a flood of female M.Divs. gunning for even the conservative Presbyterian pulpit? Not too long thereafter the openly-gay PCA pastor is sure to follow. Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Pill has bewitched us.
Great Sermon! We always had things but we baby boomers ruined it all--I kinda knew the highschool and college classes of 1968 were no good in the long run...the positive about this is people will have to learn to live together like our ancestors and we may JUST REPENT of the last 45 years and come back to the gospel with everything..the kids are not as healthy as boomers either cause of no VITAMIN D we see many with diabetes and heart disease in their twenties!!
Great Sermon! By 2029, Catholic hospitals will sell or liquidate to avoid being forced into providing contraception, abortion, sterilization, IVF and euthanasia. Our forefathers who built these hospitals couldn't have anticipated even the outer-bands of the F5 winds that are already upon us. Also, without significant shelter, our 100% pro-life doctors are in harm's way. Please pray for them.
Great Sermon! Correction: The story mentioned wasn't about C.S. Lewis, it was about G.K. Chesterton: "When The Times invited several eminent authors to write essays on the theme "What's Wrong with the World?" Chesterton's contribution took the form of a letter: Dear Sirs, I am. Sincerely yours, G. K. Chesterton. Chesterton here combined wit with a serious point – that of fallen human nature and humility." [] Note: C.S. Lewis came to the Christian faith by his friendship with J.R.R. Tolkien and through reading G.K. Chesterton's book, The Everlasting Man.
Great Message! In the 1909 thriller, "The Machine Stops," the main character, Vashti, lives in “a small room, hexagonal in shape, like the cell of a bee” where she shops by phone, digitally orders food, gives lectures to an audience she can see and hear on a hand-held blue plate without leaving her room. Vashti is also pathologically afraid of direct experience. In her world, direct observation, physical space, the unmediated event, have all been banished. Her room—an underground bunker linked to others through a sort of computer fully equipped to compensate for the outside world—is a self-enclosed universe. “Though it contained nothing,” Forster tells us, “it was in touch with all that she cared for in the world.” -E.M. Forster, "The Machine Stops," 1909, Perhaps we're merely life inadvertently imitating this 1909 dystopic novella.
Great Sermon! While reading Dr. Russell D. Moore's article, "Where Have All the Presbyterians Gone?" I wondered: Where are they? Dr. Moore is a leader in the 16 million-strong and conservative Southern Baptist Convention with six seminaries.
My concern is that of the Presbyterians, almost 3 million are part of the PCUSA which as of 2011 is ordaining openly-homosexual clergy. This makes the PCUSA a post-Christian organization.
Therefore, there are only 380,000 between the largest remaining faithful OPC and PCA denominations and only one remaining denominational seminary, Covenant, controlled by them. And some Covenant professors now even endorse evolution?
What will save orthodox Presbyterianism?
Great Sermon! "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
— Daniel Webster