Great Sermon! I believe if we are old enough, we will see our descendants practice foot binding, forehead flattening, and other pagan practices with their children along with tatting their little 3 yo girls (sigh)--many christians believe in tattooing their arms now and thinks nothing of it. They just havent went into children- YET--neopaganism is the DAY TODAY
Great Sermon! This is very hard to believe, Unless they are looking at ONLINE PORN as a 'religion' and not in their BIBLES or on certain chrisitan radio, etc. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PORN --this is scary--oh yes, if romney gets in, they may go to mormonisn before their bibles--every girl/woman KNOWS deep down that something is WRONG with these modern boys even if they dont listen to this show--and mormonism seems to have 'answers' for yong men to grow them--[sigh]
Great Sermon! Fantastic... I have a 12 year old daughter inquiring about reading the book. I had been investigating responses but have had trouble finding anyone to provide such a great Biblical Worldview. I will listen to this with her tonight.
Great Sermon! At first, I was afraid of the 39th year. Thinking something bad was going to happen..I should have trusted in GOD instead. October Baby was called just in time for the 39th year....they are 39 books in the cannonized Old Testament, there are 39 Jewish writers of the bible I think: Luke is the only gentile which makes 40 authors etc.
Great Sermon! What also is happening in public schools though is that HOMOSEXUALITY IS INCREASING thanks to the GLBTQ groups. Not all boys and girls will go that way BUT some who are on the fence and kinda 'unsure' will..the tomboy girls and the artistic boys---being a tomboy or artistic does NOT equate gender confusion per se BUT as i said before, they WILL be thrown into it if not already
Great Sermon! There were lots of gentlemen in 1912..also I know today they are NOT HAVE as much REAL MEN TODAY we need to put modern men back into manhood and it may have to take women to coax their men into taking a course in it: i have a 17 year old daughter and the guys are thuggish or wimpy and no in between also it would help if we women start wearing skirts or dresses as standard fare instead of denim slacks to signal womanhood..ON THE OTHER depends on where you were and what you may have looked like in 1912.. in some areas, some women were lynched by men who were terrorists in the old south
Great Interview! Thank you for featuring Michael Peroutka on this edition of Generations Radio. You and he are both great inspiration for believers seeking to advance God's Kingdom.
Time to wake up! Thank you Kevin Swanson and Joel McDurmon for speaking the truth! It is far past time when Christians need to stop accepting socialism and humanism in the place of God's Law! We are all theonomists by definition so accept it! Repent and take up the Word of God and read, therein lies your salvation and the future.
Great Sermon! OCTOBER BABY is another one like COURAGEOUS. It's the 1st one that looks at the abortion issue; since the girl is an abortion survivor
A Very Sound Review! Thank you for your Biblical review about that movie. Thank God for His Spirit that gives us discernment. Thank you for revealing the subtle evils that this movie is trying to indoctrinate young people.
Avoid movies. I understand that this movie sends the wrong message to people, however, movies and theatre have the sole purpose in getting people to forget about their lives for two to three hours.
This does not mean that movies should make things like murder acceptable.This is totally wrong.
Overall, people should just avoid movies. They are always biased and feature things and events that are not biblical.
Great Sermon! this is what happens when you take prayer out of school dont forget: Martin Luther was german--49 years now--wow nazis, and don't even know it---very cool!! :(
Great Sermon! the reason its making soo much money is that its the BACKLASH of the movie COURAGEOUS---you KNOW how SATAN is...dont we? spiritual warfare folks--it LOOKS like a mixture of The Lottery, Lord of the Flies, and Chronicles of Narnia..the author got ideas probably from all 3---i hated ROLLING STONE MAG ever since 1968 whe it had POT on the cover
Thank You Thank you Kevin and Em (sp) for providing this great overview of the movie. I am glad I don't have to go and subject my mind to such trash and can still be informed. I have asked all my staff to download the program and be informed.
Great Sermon! Responded TOO SOON: as I speak, many black women are pro-choice; liberal whites have done their deed--what happens in the black community, they're many black girls going to school getting degrees but dont save until marriage--and then throw it into the guys face. Many black guys dont even have a highschool diploma--nor mentored-like in the movie COURAGEOUS