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"File this next to Proverbs 22:6"
Handy Randy from Isles of Langerhans
Listening to the latest messages (abortion, psychology) makes one think that the Amish are wiser in divorcing themselves from Our...
Kevin Swanson | Boys Veer Off the Tracks
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Sermon6/22/12 1:34 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wellllll.. why do you think KING SOLOMON had soo many women? THE PAGAN MALES WERE DRUGGED!! Herbs were/are just as strong as drugs. There were abortifacent herbs What do you think it was before pills? I used to think it was because they died in wars;so the women had to start polygamy--with that,shell have the strong man, and the help with the kids....oops Don't tell the 'gay' marriage folks that men are misusing their bodies and could get sick and die Romans 1:27-(penalty of thir error) while women (lesbians) will just fit in with the polygamy families---this is WHY THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN--and for the SAVIOR of the universe...

Sermon6/18/12 5:26 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
LAST ONE!! honest!! I hate that the homosexuals are turning their 'struggles' into a civil rights one. the RAINBOW FLAG was made only for the MIXED OR BLACK/WHITE families CHILDREN. Homosexuals had the PURPLE TRIANGLE ONLY.. they are using 6/12/67 as their struggle (called Loving day when Richard Loving (white) married Mildred Jeter (black) legally)homosexuals are taking the month of JUNE because of THIS DAY---(also the day when, i believe, was the beginning of the Messianic movenet for JEWS Y'shua ha messchah (sp)) --(end of 6 day war in Israel)--supernatural because of the SAME TIME

Sermon6/18/12 5:20 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
People like carrie underwood SCARE ME more that the LGBTQ folks..because she is part of the 7:14 crowd..At first, it seems like that scripture was taken out of context because solomon messed up ROYALLY.2 "Countries"7:14 i mean (Chronicles)GOD is going to DEAL WITH US he dealt with JONAH AND THE WHALE Pagans didnt know why the seas began to ROAR,, but JONAH DID..7/14 is like Pearl Harbor, to Modern Israel? perhaps?

Sermon6/18/12 5:12 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Modern science is actually based on atheism or communism, etc. Evolution doesnt LINE UP with the MATH..they get figures out of THIN AIR... they cant figure out that the heart has 3 valves, the skin has 3 layers, the eye has 3 layers the ear has 3 parts, the spine from the tailbone to the skull has 3 parts 7 bones in neck (cervical)12 bones in torso and lungs (thoracic)and 5 in the 'foundation'(lumbar) It always gives us problems between the lumbar and the thoracic disks (between T-12 and L-1)the dura mater which surrounds the brain and spinal chord has 3 layers--you could easily check this out with an ANATOMY BOOK..Israel is the only country outside America which has christian principles..because of 3, 7s. sun 12/7/41---to sat 5/14/48 -7 +7 +7. 3 months later.the 33 1/3 LP was born 8/15/48--went until 1988

Sermon6/11/12 8:49 PM
Larissa from Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Larissa
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“ The movie versus the book ”
I haven't watched the movie but I did read the book. I was curious to know how the movie compared to the book but I now believe it doesn't compare in the least. There are many things that you mention that either doesn't happen in the book (she does not have faith in her amulet, nor does she have a foul mouth) or seems to be terribly skewed (the hero doesn't want to be able to kill on his own terms, he wanted to die as himself--that is, he didn't want to be made into a raving killing lunatic or screaming for mercy...actually the hero you described didn't sound like the hero from the book at all but an amalgamation of two characters). I would say I don't understand why Hollywood would make such changes but unfortunately I do. Hearing your review was interesting considering I've only just read the book and a good deal of what you said contradicted what I read.

Sermon6/8/12 1:50 AM
FG from USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
If Christians cannot discern away characters like Lady Gaga and the like, then what does that say about the sad spiritual condition of the church today? I prefer to be hopeful that somewhere in some rural barn or in some building in an urban ghetto somewhere in this country, there is a prayer meeting going on that is about to break out in revival.

Sermon6/8/12 1:37 AM
FG from USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Agenda or Conspiracy
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
We need revival.

Sermon6/5/12 6:28 PM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/4/12 7:14 PM
Lady DAY  Find all comments by Lady DAY
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“ Great Sermon! ”
OH and BTW... to make you 'feel better', ZOMBISM is comming back: a man just ate a mans FACE OFF AND THE GUY WAS STILL LIVING IN FLORIDA......theyre will be copycats!!mark my WORDS the cops had to shoot him at least 4 times to KILL HIM

Sermon6/4/12 7:11 PM
Lady DAY  Find all comments by Lady DAY
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“ Great Sermon! ”
GAGA IS GOING TO TURN WOMEN IN TO LESBIANISM WORLDWIDE---Rom 1:26 men right now are living with GRANNY---THE HOMOSEXUAL KRAP STARTED WITH ROCK IN THE LATE 60s WITH THE SEXUAL CONFUSION...David Bowie, etc.. the next step is CHIDREN....KIDS ARE GETTING INTO PORN IN THE SINGLE DIGITS NOW... they are better off BREAKING LIMBS climbing trees...i would hate for my daughter to go to a womans locker room!! shell turn on WOMEN................................sigh....................................................................................................................

Sermon5/30/12 1:57 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I KNEW IT: when guys are raised ONLY by MOM, the happens. Also one of the reasons we are having 53% out of wedlock birth, is people are more pro life today--they used to abort these babies. We have to 'scare' women into abstance--no sex without marriage, no perfect birth control: sex is a dip in the pond BUT for us, 9 months of waiting; when you are waiting, morning sickness, (depending on your mom AND his) body ((((Quakes)))) [thank GOD for epidurals] and then you have to pppuuussshhh--you also could rrrippp pushing baby out. After baby is born, breastfeeding or formula and breast is EASIER but hormones are askew. He could go '[party] and do whatever he wants to do..even see another girl and have HER going thru this...we have to raise our young men for character..teach your GIRLS to look for CHARACTER for MARRIAGE and save themselves for the honeymoon....thats all

Sermon5/18/12 7:09 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have a theory: I believe some of the apostacy comes from 'preacher kids' look what damage they do now. Hugh Hefner, Katy Perry , Nietche, and others--this could also be why the Catholic movement having priests and nuns to be CELEBATE--no kids...

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