Great Sermon! I'm hearing that many young girls are having 'misscarriages' when it's them using RU486 and other things..cause they arent surgical abortions--these girls are going to scar their uteruses so much than many MEN wont want them later--cause they canNOT hold their babies until delivery
Great Sermon! And I thought going after Christian hypocrites has been the subject of TV since "Leave it to Beaver" days; even that show made fun of the lies that parents tell kids. More interesting would be to make fun of liberal hypocrites, just to show that there really is no one who behaves perfectly in accordance with their words or beliefs. Remember Jeremiah 17:5 Cursed be the man who puts his trust in man
Great Sermon! Excellent message. Another wonderful fruit from the so called egalitarism movement. I've also fallen victim to this a a number of occasions and that made me determine as a young woman to raise my daughters as females and my sons to show respect and protect women.
Great Sermon! egalitarianism ALWAYS LEADS to NEOPAGANISM----I was waiting for you guys to mention the Costa Concordia Hurricane Katrina was the same way---if it wasnt for Christian homeschool movement, most wouldnt know how to raise SONS---at least it trickling into the 'mainstream' churches--not mainline
Great Sermon! You DONT HAVE TO GO that far back as LAURA INGALLS AND ALMANZO actually started with the WALKMAN in the early nineteen80s, video games and then the internet made it waay worse. Early television was made for families and even neighbors, people werent supposed to enjoy media by themselves. It's the seperation from others that makes it real bad My daughter doesnt really go on the internet unless its for school, she dont like what it does.
I actually think sooner or later, boys especially may start to stop having so much MEDIA on their own..they will be the ones to start it; because girls in general are more verbal.
Lastly, the ANTICHRIST may use it for his 'glory' and many will be soo addicted to it so much that it would be harder to resist.
ABC might be doing the church a service I do not have a TV set and don't plan to watch the show. Abc does not need a gcb show to promote fornication. If a Christian loves the Lord, this kind of show might confuse them, but exposing hypocrisy is doing them a service... but you guys have a knack for getting angry at the culture when your sin is an insult to God's word. REPENT!
Great Sermon! I believe GOD is going to use this'show' for HIS GLORY....I also believe we're in a period of the last of of 7 7's--Prayer became illegal in school since 1963. It's possible, within the next few years, you'll see a repentance of many CHRISTIANS
Great Sermon! 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
When a practicing homosexual reads this list he may identify himself as being "sexually immoral" but how could he not clearly understand that "adulterers ... will not inherit the kingdom of God"?
However, in Christian denominations he's observed that adultery "cleansing" works this way:
After the two engaging in adultery are outed, each divorces their current spouse (leaving strings of kiddos behind), marry one another and repent as they fall asleep in the marital embrace on their satin honeymoon pillows. Voila! Their adultery is washed away. Whiter than snow. Instantly vanished. Gone.
At this, the homosexual wonders:
"How do these heterosexuals make their damning sins go ---- poof --- but I have no way to wash away my 'immorality' and also get sprung into Heaven?"
Like ABC's point, how is this, too, not blatant hypocrisy?
Great Sermon! Thank you, Pastor Swanson, for addressing this very real battle over our God-given rights as Christian parental educators in Alberta.You find yourself thinking at times, the government couldn't do this, they shouldn't, they wouldn't do this, this is a free country!!Times change, governments change, people change b/c they've grown Lawless. Even if Bill #2 doesn't become law, I hope it wakes up many Christian home educators to be more vigilant and ever watchful and mindful of what godless bills are being proposed which encroach upon our freedoms. As my husband and I were discussing this, he had mentioned the fact that this Diversity Bill (Bill#2) is just a ploy to parent our children, (the state made children) b/c the Education Minister's assistant director of communications, Donna McColl, stated“Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences,” which in homeschoolers cases would not be, b/c we don't even attend the schools. How can we disrespect differences if we're not even there?Please spread the word of our great concerns and continue to pray that these sections of Bill #2,that take away our freedoms, are changed or that homeschoolers may be exempt from certain sections.Sincerely, Kristen Dubitz
Great Sermon! I may be wrong on this one, but Its possible that President Kennedy was blackmaled into signing the bill that Madeline Murray O'Hare made into taking prayer out of school in 1963-they knew he had many women and were gonna tell--we were falling since the early 50s with Kinsey, but we dropped like a ROCK after 1963
Great Sermon! regarding this particular show: explains it ALL: its either two-ism (us with GOD) or one-ism(pagan again)---sigh--you should interview this guy
Great Sermon! oh my gosh...Have you heard about the 41 yo male teacher who went off with his daughters 18 yo classmate? and abandoning the family? I think the 18yo may never had a dad and he is using her sexually..just a thought; please bring this one up. If you dont, there may be more copycat crimes like this....
Great Sermon! I believe cultures dont stay 'atheist' forever since MAN is a worshiping being--what WILL happen is his desendants will become PAGAN..I also believe humans went through these movements 1000s of years ago. Unless they go to the GOD of the BIBLE, they may live in 'caves'....just a thought
Great Sermon! It seems that England is further downhill than we were dont forget Darwin is from there: they were the first to tattoo alot before we did, and the 'punk' look came from there as far back as the mid 70s(i know these things are superficial compared to the heart)---so, of couse they would be more atheist--I would have more 'faith' in the US coming back to GOD and lead England
Jots and tittles Speaking of the law, I can't help but wonder if your clothes are made of mixed fibers, or if you've ever enjoyed a nice, juicy pork chop... Maybe you coukd explain why those jots and tittles are no longer important?
Great Sermon! "In 1589, at age 15, she [Anne of Denmark] married King James (then King James VI of Scotland [and King of England and Ireland as James I]) by proxy. The royal couple proceeded to have eight children." It's unclear where the rumor began that King James I (commissioned the KJV) was a homosexual, but this would have been unlikely since he and his wife (he lived with her instead of concubines which many kings did in those days) had eight children.
Additional Resource In relation to this, "Back to Eden" is a wonderful documentary about sustainable gardening. You can watch it online at