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Sullivan, Thomas from Owensboro, Kentucky
As I listened to this discussion sitting at the kitchen counter eating supper;I had a startling illustration of the discussion....
Kevin Swanson | What Is the Worldview of A.I.?
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Sermon2/28/12 10:10 AM
Jeremy Boyce from Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy Boyce
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“ Good topic! ”
Your show was good. It's hard to find anyone addressing these topics today - largely because of the postmodern "If it's okay for you then it's okay" attitude that is overthrowing true authority in the church. And, taken together, they point in a very dark direction. I just have one comment, though, about cremation. The scriptures don't appear to address this topic directly. Certainly you can point to historical attitudes about burial vs. cremation, but this issue (on its own) isn't quite so straightforward. Yes, any true Christian is looking forward to the redemption of the body - but Paul speaks about "giving the body to be burned" in the same breath as faith, prophecy and giving away all one has. In other words, the destruction of the flesh is important in the context of intent. If I mark myself in ritual or brand myself or drink blood etc..., that is a form of abomination. But if someone can't afford a burial (just as an example) and cremation is the option, how is that demonic? Isn't God the God of the living? Wycliffe's bones were burned - many martyrs gladly gave themselves to be burned for the furtherance of the gospel. In essence, they were voluntarily cremated. I Cor 3:17 says those that DEFILE the body are destroyed. Isn't that different from cremation?

Sermon2/24/12 6:31 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think we're hitting bottom. Prayer has been illegal since 1963..I believe a 'Jubilee' effect may take place in 2013. GOD may allow PROVBERBS & PSALMS back in public schools ...Not everyone could homeschool even though they may want to, and, I've seen homeschooling abused and the kids learned nothing. I'm glad youre out there; probably public school teachers may use your books....WOW *smile* PRAISE THE LORD

Sermon2/24/12 3:54 PM
Excellence  Find all comments by Excellence
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children ... By knowing how to acknowledge their own failings to their children, parents will be better able to guide and correct them: He who loves his son will not spare the rod. . . . He who disciplines his son will profit by him. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." [http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/2223.htm]

Sermon2/23/12 6:56 PM
thor from los angeles CA  Find all comments by thor
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hey, when Iran raises oil to 200 dollars a barrel, THEY WILL USE PROVERBS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS along with PSALMS..I think pro sports maybe ok for a Christian because he\she is more than that BUT modeling underwear is not very unifying for a christian. Victoria Secret may promote fornication, but not always, I like Tebow as well

Sermon2/23/12 6:04 PM
lady day  Find all comments by lady day
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“ started around 1990 ”
When the clothing for men got baggier, for teens, it started to hide their FAT instead. People didnt get paunchy until the early 30s

Sermon2/23/12 6:01 PM
started around 1990  Find all comments by started around 1990
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It seems to me, that children and men under 30 got the fattest! Children used to soak up vitamin D outside for years,Vita D is an appetite suppresant; and now you dont see them as much anymore. Also by 1990, many women had to work outside and had to move away from their families;many Christians were getting away from fornication, alcoholism and drugs; even GOD told us how to handle food in the law. We christians also dont have a fasting period, like we need to. For the sake of the country and ourselves

Sermon2/22/12 1:08 PM
Celebrate  Find all comments by Celebrate
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“ Great Discussion! ”
Significant topic. Also, in his Summa Theologica (Part 2-2, Question 148, Article 4, A.D. 1274), St. Thomas Aquinas reiterated the list of five ways to commit gluttony: Laute - eating food that is too luxurious, exotic, or costly Nimis - eating food that is excessive in quantity Studiose - eating food that is too daintily or elaborately prepared Praepropere - eating too soon, or at an inappropriate time Ardenter - eating too eagerly.

Sermon2/19/12 9:55 PM
Thor  Find all comments by Thor
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's been 49 years since they took prayer out of public school. I believe lady day may have a point. 1963 would be 50 years they took prayer out of public schools. This is why the upcoming election is so crucial. Weve hit bottom

Sermon2/19/12 9:45 PM
lady day from los angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The Rock Chord progressions are the WORST---so called POWER CHORDS, ETC. the best songs, are in the PENTATONIC SCALE--Be Thou My Vision & Amazing Grace and others for hymns. Even early R&B had the same thing but with 3 chords with the relative minor of the Tonic key- Oh yes, when you have Rebellious Parents AND GRANDPARENTS who are into acid rock, pot LSD.--BTW, I think GOD is going to use Iran a.k.a. Persia to scare the west into coming back to HIM. Public schools will want the Bible back in when gas goes $200 a barrel

Sermon2/19/12 1:21 AM
lady day from los angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ youre right! ”
There is wrong on both sides, I feel sorry for the girl since she is immature and her dad embarrassed her millions of hits on how bad she was at only 15, but he needs help in parenting like many parents these days, throught the WORD OF GOD and through church and come to repentance. I think he was trying to parent by himself without other being around him

Sermon2/18/12 4:13 PM
lady day from Los Angeles CA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ WOW ”
Dont forget, when jeans and t-shirts came out as standard wear, the BIBLE wasnt in public schools for about 5 years late nineteen60s;I wondered, when we went Gender Neutral, how long would it take for it to flip over and switch to 'CROSSDRESSING'. We also have to realize when Deut was written, the pagan cultures would 'CROSSDRESS'except for slutty clothes for girls. Pagan like rampant piercing and tattooing....BTW this is also frightening when CHRISTIAN foundations like Rutherford Institute start doing this. When the church stops being 'salty' theres no hope for the world....REMEMBER ABRAHAM AND GOD'S 'ARGUMENT' OVER SODOM AND GOMORRAH?

Sermon2/17/12 12:32 PM
Susan Powers from florida  Find all comments by Susan Powers
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Santorum's 2002 trip to Rome Opus Dei -- which got little attention in the post-9/11 haze -- was to address of celebration of the 100th anniversary of Escriva's birth. He was interviewed there by the National Catholic Reporter and said he was an admirer of Escriva -- who is recorded as having whipped himself until the walls of a bathroom were splattered with blood and once wrote: "Blessed be pain. Loved be pain. Sanctified be pain...Glorified be pain!" http://www.puritans.net/news/opusdei050906.htm

Sermon2/11/12 10:21 PM
lady day from L.A. CA----USA  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
lastly---MEN NEED TO WATCH OVER THEIR LITTLE GIRLS!!Whitney Houston died today--women, Christian and not, have to realize one thing: MEN ONLY CHANGE FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR GOD women canNOT change men--Houston kept trying to get Brown off of drugs but he took her down INSTEAD---she even came from a family with Christian background Cissy Houston, a relative is/was a GOSPEL singer

Sermon2/10/12 7:42 PM
lady day from los angeles ca  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
.....but I believe the next few years,2013-15 you're going to see more people coming to Christ. Christians may change the fashions and styles--below the knee skirts and less denim pants BTW there is a blog out there called the DEATH OF PRETTY, and many resopnded-I believe pastel may come back in a BIG WAY for women and girls;D similar to the early 60s.@;D

Sermon2/10/12 2:42 PM
lady day from los angeles ca  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Greco/Roman all right: they are starting to put WOMEN on the frontline in war--along with the 'eunichs' 'TRANSGENDERED' people

Sermon2/9/12 2:59 PM
lady day from los angeles ca  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon2/9/12 2:57 PM
lady day from los angeles ca  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
YIKES......the morning after pill may make many girls uterus unable to conceive kids when they are ready--guys could conceive anytime, even in their 50s---BTW..they are trying to make girls fight on the front lines--yeah if they pump them full of testosterone--like Chastity Bono

Sermon2/9/12 12:57 PM
kenu from Montreal, Canada.  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenu
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“ So true. Spot on. ”
i agree 100% that there is hypocrisy in (a) us individually and (b) the body of Messiah overall. But might i suggest that rather than our simply condemning the hypocrisy in our home church, perhaps we can ask God how He would use us in the reformation process?

Sermon2/7/12 11:36 PM
lady day from los angeles ca  Find all comments by lady day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes men are being SAPPED. Many are not having the normal attraction to normal women. When women are married to these guys, they CANT get aroused by THEM but a PICTURE!! Its just the OPPOSITE of years ago.

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