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Sermon11/6/12 1:04 PM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Excellent Program! ”
It is a sad commentary on today's culture when a CD filled with songs about fornicating would sell 1.2 million copies in its first week of release. My prayer for Miss Swift is that she believes on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, becomes saved, and repents of her sin. She has a tremendous influence among youth, especially young girls, and she is encouraging them to follow her example of hook up, break up, and repeat. I'm concerned that when she's older, this will become marry, divorce, and repeat. I know she is young and likely a bit naive, but I pray God would send an older woman in her path to teach her to forsake her foolishness and wickedness.

Sermon11/5/12 9:23 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The music form of CCM used to BUG ME..i play an instrument, and i believe the chord structure of CCM is hard/soft rock is 'bad' with form. I myself like the old hymns with their chord structure. Even in the early 70s, they had Bach on top 40s--a few times

Sermon11/5/12 9:11 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I wonder why the 'giant'(shes 5'11") started singing like this? Was it because Tim Tebow didnt want to go with her? Well, he wants a Chrisitan woman to be his wife. Now I know why young girls are looking so unloved--girls driving their boyfriends and giving them their bodies..girls getting pregnant without even having a boyfriend..the only people showing affection are older men to their women..a positive: the only thing a young woman to do is to STAY A VIRGIN==dont even kiss them, because you could get HIV Or is it similar to Proverbs 5. The entire chapter---a silly boy goes into the home of a married woman/ same as a young woman going into a married mans house that promises her a weekend trips. These silly men and women who want to be fiscally conservative AND NOT MORALLY CONSERVATIVE---just doesnt WORK==he even talks about wealth going to FOREIGNERS! because of immorality...soooo-your grandchildren just may fornicate, and then we hyperinflate and STARVE unles we repent as a nation.

Sermon11/4/12 1:48 AM
Cezar from Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Lady_Virtue: It's easy. For those who want to follow the Bible. Others make excuses. How many "good" Christians waited until after marriage, like the Bible says to?

Sermon11/3/12 3:43 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
People need to repent--and look at Proverbs 5--the whole chapter for one, and wonder why good American jobs are going overseas--this is why--or seems like it. He talks about the foreigner getting our wealth after he goes into a woman who was MARRIED and I also see STDs--about the body,when flesh is consumed and how he hated instruction......and wishes he listened to wisdom--i better be prepared next year for an uber earthquake---im hoping we repent

Sermon11/3/12 3:30 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What is different about this storm than Katrina is the WEATHER--it's getting COLDER--we wont even find the death toll maybe until January.I believe although I may be wrong but THERE WONT BE ANY BALL DROPPING AT TIMES SQUARE at 2013---this is the 39th year after abortion, homosexuality, and porn. ALL THREE happened in 1973--we took prayer out of school in 1963--probably the negative will happen before the POSITIVE(jubilee effect or not?)---I live near the San Andreas fault line for SF--its on Hwy 13!! it may put SF underwater--and destroy the social media throughout--twitter is in SF, Yahoo, google,etc is down the SF Peninsula--i didn't know we could be the 'third strike'!

Sermon10/31/12 4:56 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
People just don't GET IT. You cant be fiscally conservative WITHOUT BEING MORALLY CONSERVATIVE---it DOESNT WORK. If the family gets stronger, maybe it may change--that means no sex before marriage, dont get married until you are able to take care of children who may come Now with SANDY--it's IMPOSSIBLE to think what will happen next--it's also getting COLDER. This could be worse than KATRINA because its NOV 1 not SEPT 1

Sermon10/29/12 7:50 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I didnt vote for Romney, i voted for Ryan--besides, if Christians werent sitting around waiting for the rapture, we would have had more christians running for office I actually heard on the Jim Bakker show in august: he had a prophet on his show that said NYC would flood over and the center of the country near the mississippi river would get a huge earthquake

Sermon10/27/12 8:11 PM
Jay Litehiser from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jay Litehiser
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“ Excellent broadcast ”
Very good points about trajectory, content and form. I cannot see how Mrs. Underwood's lyrics correlate with a profession of Christ. How could anyone professing Christ consciously listen to such? Mr. Moore's lyrics were good but - as was aptly pointed out - the form is also expressing a message. Is this form really conducive to spiritual growth? Further: Is not this form yet another step along the path of the youth culture's continuing rejection of/rebellion against the forms of their parents, i.e. the breaking of the commandment to honor your father and your mother? From Bach to Rape Rap - progess, well, yes, but not along the narrow path. Excellent broadcast.

Sermon10/26/12 10:42 AM
Jessica from New Mexico  Find all comments by Jessica
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“ Praise God ”
We gotta keep going on despite the apostasy. We should pray that God's word will pierce like a two edged sword to the people that have become discouraged and fallen away.

Sermon10/25/12 3:47 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Modern feminism, causes women to be more 'yin' (im not into eastern religions ) and men to become more 'yang' ish in behavior. What I mean is , if the women become more independent, men become more passive, not developed even in their 30s. This is why there are FEWER MEN AT THEIR 30s i believe--women just dont know it.

Sermon10/23/12 11:31 PM
Jay Litehiser from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jay Litehiser
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“ Very true! ”
Yes, how true! We are one blood, all of us descended from Adam through Noah, and all of us have the problem of sin. Yes, (and oh how sad!) the church has accepted Darwinian ideas instead of following God's Word, but not only here has the church bought into the teachings of the world. Long, long ago the church started moving away from God's Word in crucial areas. Take, for example, the council of Laodicea where the God-ordained Sabbath was "abolished" in favour of the so-called "Lord's Day" - which was, of course, Sunday. Such hybris ... How sad that these things are done in the name of our Lord! God's Law is perfect and teaches us how we should live; however, sinful mankind adds to and takes from His Law, preferring their own idea of what constitues righteousness, and then the church wonders why they are not taken seriously by the world. May God, the God of mercy and grace, grant us repentence.

Sermon10/23/12 7:52 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What happened to the Mormon church? Is it possible that they had an effect on the KKK since the KKK didnt come out until 12/24/1865---Christmas Eve---(sigh)I'm glad you brought out that Athanasius was BLACK. So was Simon the Cyrenian-who used to be called Niger, or 'black simon' and was one of the first deacons in the BOOK OF ACTS.BTW Someone needs to get to the Nation of Islam and tell them not to tell the lie that Christianity was the 'whitemans' religion since it was the ARABS who used the black slave exclusively...

Sermon10/22/12 12:35 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I mean--Lecree Moore---it HAS been EXACTLY 50 years. We went into the sewer even more after the early 70s---What I like about Romney & Ryan is that their WIVES are prolife==Mitt is the least prolife because he knew a girl who had an abortion and died, and want that option etc........If we dont repent next year, I believe that we could hyperinflate and starve!!

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