Great Sermon! Great perspective, Ray Comfort just did a documentary called Genius. It addresses much of what you spoke of on the program. You can watch the video free online.
right on This definitely speaks to the nature of man and his sin in light of this awful event. What a revival it would be to families when they realize the condition of sin.
Great Sermon! I believe Bill Murray the son of Madeline Murray O'hare blames his mother for what has happened fridayi read the article. it has been 49 years since we took prayer out of schools 3 months later Kennedy was assassinated..many kids who were the age of 6 & 7 used to pray a nonsectarian prayer in school..Obama doesnt even know what is happening, PLUS these drugs for young men under 25 could cause dangerous things to MANIFEST anyway--i said earlier this year that i was afraid of the 39th year which this is--what happened is Dec 14,2012 was the last day of 2012 school year or the bottom of seven sevens.
after 1963, vietnam happened, then the civil rights stuff went downhill,(civil rights came from black church when it made 'sense') then drug scene mainstreamed, then no fault divorce, then abortion homosexuality, as race, and porn being protected by 1st amendment+ this has made the media more violent--even GOTH manifested after the 1980s AIDS happened seven years after 1973
now many young girls dont even know what 'romance' is in the natural, they are so desperate for male attention they may put up with polygamy within a few would be nice if Bill Murray would set a new REVIVAL or 3rd great awakening in the land
Great Sermon! it has been 49 years after we took prayer out of school..YES, 6 & 7 year olds were praying in 1962-- AND 39 years since abortion became legal--even BILL MURRAY blames his mother for what happened after 1963--basically we FELL LIKE A ROCK--vietnam, then drug scene became MAINSTREAM, then no fault divorce, then abortion, homosexuality, porn being protected, then AIDS, WHICH happened 7 years AFTER homosexuality became same as 'race'
Now I believe, many people on the east coast need to keep their kids HOME ON JANUARY 22 2013 ITS ALSO ON A TUESDAY just like both 9/11s 11 years apart--its been 40 years after roe v wade.
Some 'nut' may think he may be doing 'gods will' ---if he wants to open fire on a elementary school again or a daycare!!--oh yes, the GOTH LIFESTYLE been around SINCE THE LATE 1970S if we are just takes a while to manifest
Great Sermon! I cant believe Rick Warren is starting to go into APOSTASY!! Today is 12/14/12!! the end of the SCHOOL YEAR...for many...WE JUST LOST 20 5 year old kids!!
Lest we forget: this is the end of the 49th school year since they took prayer out of public schools--(end of 1963)i knew something like this could happen--since 2012 is the 39th year after abortion and HOMOSEXUALITY became 'normalized'--GOD didnt say it was ok AT ALL---if you look at the first five books of the bible youll see something: Genesis 2012-2013 Exodus 2013 and LEVITICUS 2013!!---(colons left out for emphasis) I just hope we dont go JOHN 666
Like Esau ... ... those who are more concerned about tickling men's ears sell their inheritance for a bowl of pottage ... so sad. (And I would like to second Brenton's statement: You're important to me, too - and I am sure very many others who are wanting to follow our Lord Jesus. God bless you.)
Great Sermon! When the WORLD GET DARKER--- the LIGHT SHOULD SHINE BRIGHTER---today, at a mall in Oregon, a man open fired on a crowd of people! I believe Christians also need to learn to use a firearm so they could stop the perpetraitor by shooting him before he hurts others. If you know how to shoot, you could hurt the guy without killing him
Great Sermon! 50-60% of American Catholics are not even biblically married (e.g., they contracepted on their wedding day) and qualify for annulment ... if they were to seek it. Thus, from a grassroots view, most church-attending Catholic couples are at risk. This is a reason U.S. annulments have skyrocketed. However, liberalism didn't stop there. It's effected academician, politician, pastor and bishop alike. Satan cherishes the culture of death. For example, "[The battle against same-sex marriage] was actually lost the moment American heterosexuals succeeded in formally disconnecting sex from marriage [c. 1960s]. The idea that anyone would be able to limit the sexual revolution to heterosexual adultery and fornication was like saying, “Don’t worry, we’re only going to let one or two evils out of Pandora’s box.â€" -Andy Webb, PCA Teaching Elder in Fayetteville, NC
Great Sermon! ME?! I would rather have the EPIDURAL--which i did BTW with my 17 year old than mess around with midwifery--Genesis 3:16? no thanks..LOL--although i knew a few women who did it--you have to be in VERY GOOD SHAPE athleticly to be able to 'breathe' correctly..animals do it by instinct and dont hurt as much..they didnt get the CURSE
Amen! I am so thankful to hear someone talking about how conservative talk radio is NOT loving. I have a very hard time listening to it and trying to have a meek, quiet, or loving spirit. The rest of the message was great, too. Very important and convicting!
Great Sermon! A week before this happened, I made a decision. I am no longer going to stay silent when I am with a group of believers and they are talking about watching ungodly shows. It is not okay to be entertained by sin! I stopped watching TV in 1996 and now if I see the same things I used to be conformed to seeing...I am appalled!!! We must be holy (set apart from evil and sin, and devoted to God's glory) as he is holy; this is a command from God.
I want to be full of grace and humility, led by the Holy Spirit, boldly and lovingly speaking the truth to my friends.
Great Sermon! TV nowadays is full of filth.I never watched Two and a Half Men,Family Guy and any reality shows.I'd rather watch reruns of shows I watched as a kid gRowing.But most important is JESUS!!
Great Sermon! love the music BUT ITS TOOO LOUD!!
I wanted to hear what you guys are talking about---PIANO IS TOOOOOOO LOUD!!!!!! He just needs to get off the show by QUITTING!!!! I stopped watching TV around the late 80s...something happened in the late 80s to tv starting with NYPD blue, and then it got worse in 1995
The late 80s were the time when secular music started going downhill with the sound..if you think about it, that was the time the children who would have been 16 were aborted in 1973--Rock and Roll was made by teens or for them...they werent born
Agree about these movies! It would have helped if there was a discussion about the law of God and how it is written on the hearts of the regenerate making us wanting to glorify and obey Him. Just preaching the law without stating it was meant to lead to Christ does not lead to the gospel/salvation. It leads to white-washed tombs. I did like the sermon. I usually check out Christian Spotlight on Entertainment website for movie reviews and the review for this movie on that site was lacking in biblical clarity.