Great Sermon! I don't know about you BUT if the CHURCH didn't get involved with slavery, we wouldn't have abolished it. This guy could, if he is black, have been in a bad 'black liberation theology' church the Black Liberation Theology church is strange 'bedfellows' with the Nation Of Islam BTW, which is worse than LDS. The same kind of church that Barack Obama went into. I don't care for LDS because they arent Christian! but darnint! we cant have THEM outdoing the Church!! with fruit of righteousness!(OTOH this is why I HATE TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS--in pagan cultures, when they went Christian STOPPED IT AFTER)many Christian men pierce and wear little girl pink
Great Sermon! Males are the ones who get hooked on these games...and get OBESE..many girls are usually hooked on texting.--this mess like Marilyn Manson is 30+ years old already!=I just wish that young men would build treehouses like they used to--LOL--if they have friends, mark my words, they are WATCHING PORN---its getting hard to find guys for you daughters to marry today
Great Sermon! the DNC mocked GOD 3 times--after 9/6, I though we would get bombed---we DID, 5 DAYS LATER ON 9/11---tuesday 9/11 11 years after tuesday 9/11---girls are going to be VERY SORRY, when they will be in their mid 30s without a husband, or will she become wife number 4 later since marriage wont be protected. It'll be like the pre christian grecian family====another thing----we Christians cant fall for this and let the LDS church dictate FAMILY FOR CHRISTIANS because they have 'better looking fruit'
Great Sermon! I guess the LDS church will whip them back into shape when Romney & Ryan get in the White House. Even the 'black church'(AME) is VERY APOSTATE--they have two strange 'bedfellows' (BLT & NOI) blt is black liberation theology & nation of islam, is ISLAM--Obama was as christian as BLT would let him...---JUST wondering: I gues we wont be able to pay off the national DEBT unless WE RESTORE MARRIAGE!! LEVITICUS 2013 is next year!
Great Sermon! Another thing: many people SINCE THE WALKMAN, etc. ARE EATING ALONE----people were NEVER CREATED to eat ALONE---even JESUS didnt eat alone (too many are alone today-no marriages with kids and neighborhoods)--probably snacks when your blood sugar dropped during the day. Even the microwave over contributed to the obese culture---kids and adults had to rewarm their food and it took time.
Great Sermon! We shouldnt go 'amish' but go at least, maybe to the early 80s but pre SONY WALKMAN--LOL. I also believe people who use too much technojunk cant really create. If you notice, there isnt as much creativity differences as much as techno differences. I wish we could allow our kids to enjoy Lincoln Logs, Kaliedoscopes and blocks--WITHOUT A SCREEN. Just watch the commercials!! they are SHOWING 6 YEAR OLDS WITH I-PADS---i KNEW it was getting bad--kids are becomming depressed, even Christians-with 'cutting' and starving themselves
Great Sermon! Although Barrenness and Sterility have always been associated with the death of a Christian family, most no longer even care. Planned barrenness is the modern expectation even for the most conservative married Christian. However, the earliest 1st Century Bible commentary's opening sentence puts this intentional sterility in context: "There are two ways: one of life and one of death; and the difference between the two ways is great." In other words, intentional "Barren American Presbyterians" are in diametric opposition to this way of life, the way of the Gospel. How can the PCA, the CRC and the EPC on one hand say they love Christ but on the other despise the fertility that He gave them? Any denomination that allows birth control or abortifacients, embraces the way of death, intentionally participates in its own extinction, and, in the final analysis, does not love Jesus. If you're following this way of life, how can you pop the Pill everyday and consider yourself saved?
Great Sermon! I'm GLAD they are G' Joshua is out there--who knows how to debate; (many were aborted, but thats another story); unlike Barack Obama--I felt sorry for him, but we need to have stronger leadership
Excellent Analysis! The regime under which I live has outlawed homeschooling. To give you an example of what that means: Just last week another family of homeschoolers had their parental rights revoked. The children have not been removed from the family, but that has come one step closer.
It is not officially mandatory to send one's children to a kindergarten, but there is definite pressure to do so.
Compulsory state education at an ever younger age, coupled with the economic social structures of the industrial West, has made it very difficult to disciple one's children, because the family is not together for the majority of waking hours.
Even where public education is not compulsory, given the current economic structures, the father, is absent from the family. It is he, however, who has been charged with the discipling of his children.
Yes, it is God's sovereign will which determines whether any particular person will come to saving faith; however, as was very correctly pointed out in this broadcast, we do have a responsibility to base our social structures on the biblical model - i.e. on God's Word and on His Word alone: Sola Scriptura.
Oh, may God see fit to give us repentence - which means a 100% turn around to follow Him in obedience!
Great Broadcast! This broadcast exposes the inconsistencies and double-talk of the evolutionists' reasoning, but they have the main-stream media and the public schools, so this is what the average person is inundated with. How very important that our children are taught to think properly and given the right information to think with. Praise God for Answers in Genesis and all those men who are standing up for God's Word..
Great Sermon! It's very possible that the 'plan B' pill and other abortifacents could cause INFERTILITY among women---once the uterus had too many chemicals attacking it.....and these pills DONT NEED A DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION?!EVEN THE WORLDLY PEOPLE OF 20 YEARS AGO WOULDNT ALLOW THIS!
Great Sermon! The earliest 1st Century Bible commentary begins this way: "There are two ways, one of life and one of death! and there is a great difference between the two ways." What voice has more clearly and loudly denounced this Way of Death which drives the greatest genocide since the worldwide flood? “This policy of dispensing of powerful medicines [Plan B pill] to young women — without their parents’ knowledge and consent — is tragic and misguided,” Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Diocese of Brooklyn wrote today in a blog post on the Archdiocese of New York website."Â
Great Sermon! Mrs Crawford--thats DANGEROUS. If the church is complaning about the way she is dressed, were a long way from 2 Chronicles 7:14. I for one would LOVE to see the 'below the knee' skirts come back in style AS STANDARD as in NO MORE JEANS(i remember when women NEVER wore pants unless horseback riding and pantsuits were RADICAL for women). I believe a person dont have to wear a skirt down to their ankles though
Great Sermon! Many female so called Christian performers are just as guilty of lack of modesty. Rebecca St. James for one. I had heard of her but never seen her. I looked at her facebook page. And was shocked at her lack of modesty. Just because she doesn't show as much as Britney Spears or Lady Gaga doesn't mean she is being modest! I commented on one of her pictures where Rebecca St James is wear skin tight leather pants (nearly all her pictures she is wearing very form snugging material including yoga pants) and mentioned her outfit wasn't as modest as it should be & how much lovlier it would have been with a nice long skirt, simple and elegant. Oh my goodness the reaction from her fans was awful! You would have thought I called her the devil or something! Her fans told me I was rude and uptight and old fasioned & even went so far as to send me private messages to harrass me! Hmmm.. maybe I struck a nerve?