Great Sermon! Watch the MUSIC they listen to. This could happen anywhere. Ive heard from my step grandson about someting called BLACK METAL, DEATH METAL TOO--WHICH IS SATANIC. IMO any hard ROCK that doesnt have a strong melody is and preaching agains family. This is why i really dont like I-pods OR private music with headphones--(the GRANDSON OF Mr. WALKMAN)
Great Sermon! I think a Godly form of entertainment is to read books to children. I am not married, and cannot believe that married people would go to bars when they could be with and talk to their spouse. What a treasure. Not everyone has such a treasure as a spouse. I have always prayed that God would grant me a wife to build up, disciple and lead into Christ's service. But He has provided kids at a children's English school to teach and read to. Much, much better than ESPN or the bar scene!
Great Sermon! I believe girls are the ones who SUFFER THE MOST on NO ABSOLUTES...I found out on a website that the DATE IS DEAD..the NEW YORK TIMES said Feminists made war on LOVE AND ROMANCE and the Feminists WON. the Article is on by a Ms. Keller..she WOULD HATE to be a young lady today--she said most young women had to be WHORES to have any kind of social life--this is from a secular mindset to even think this way.
Since you have daughters,and only one son, its good you work with young men--it would be a good way to find your future son-in-laws..LOL
Dont forget: Exodus, Leviticus 2013--(colon left out for emphasis)its the VERSE!--and IMO we need to repent before December this year--i may be wrong though
@Lady Day Remember the socalled 'modern' invention America brought to the world -fast food, tv, cinema, rockn'roll, movies, entertainment, be rich and famous(or at least do so and get the new this and that via credits),and last the incredible proudness, which all together formed the new worlds. It destroyed families, values, ethic and religion.
Great Sermon! Sigh..and 'double sigh"!! and BABIES DONT STAY BABIES FOREVER... they just grow up and perpetuate the SAME THING!..besides many in the extended family are also gone...they have been ABORTED!
Great Sermon! Although I like C.S.Lewis and his Narnia books, i wouldnt like the Hobbit or 'usually' anything else out of England. Wasnt England going 'downhill' spiritually when they let Darwin get a foothold in their country? besides I notice that many occultic scenarios come out of that country especilaly since the late 60s--this is just a thought
Thank you and Self-Defense Many thanks to Kevin and Em for getting fathers and daughters to think more deeply, more biblically, and honor and obey the laws of God to glorify Him more! Tremendous insights by both of you. Even if one doesn't agree with every single point you make, I agree wholeheartedly in the desire to discern the culture and obey God and His laws at all times. Regading self-defense (the one area you say there's not a strong Biblical base for), I hear you, but I think there definitely is a basis for it (Jesus told disciples to sell something a buy a sword if they didn't have one), but it is not an atomistic right, but is a subset of the even more important Biblical right to defend one's family and in just (primarily defensive) war as outlined Biblically by Augustine and other church fathers. Please pray for all us fathers to lead better by example and word in discerning the culture, fighting evil and encouraging our children on this same pathway of obeying and honoring God. The cultural nephilim are daunting and ubiquitous but all things are possible with God. Like David against Goliath, we, the fathersr, as well as our sons and daughters can defeat any nephilim that rises up against the knowledge of God and we can and shall defeat them through Christ, our Lord Sabaoth!
Great Sermon! What a great reminder to dig into the past for the strengths of the past generations of Christians! Our church sings "O Sacred Head Now Wounded", and I never realized it was written in the medieval period. Thanks and God bless!
A look at the motivation of Rick Warren Here is an interesting article looking at Rick Warren's motivation:
Actually, considering the above, it is no surprise that he would waffle.
God bless you, Mr. Swanson for your work!
Thank you Rev. Swanson,
Thank you so much for this message. You and your guest hit the nail on the head when you pointed out that the CT school massacre is a SIN problem. I also benefited from your link of this tragedy to abortion and violent media. Thank you for this thoughtful, Biblical response to the terrible tragedy in Newtown.
not for children Its too terrifying for children or even youth. Plus it glorifies pot smoking and getting high through various joke scenes where it plays down getting high as a fun thing. It would definitely give children terrifying nightmares. A lot of it also is filmed way too fast which looks like one of those 3d walk through shooting games which dements your mind when you play them due to the speed and disorientation. It also has very very very dark visions of black magic ideas and spectres which would terrify even most adults. It also specifically refers to necromancy and gives examples that it was done in the time of the story. A new age basis for good in the movie, no mention of God in any way shape or form, similar to star wars the force types of beliefs and basis for the claimed good heros.
Great Sermon! Were headed towards Detroit in states that LEGALIZED POT. it is insideous. I even read somewhere back in the 1970s that THC is WORSE for men than women. If a guy has smoked pot as a young man, the THC would still be in his scrotum (this is what i read) and caused problems with the spermcount (meaning the sperm) could this be the reason the aspergers, and autism is increasing?! among older men? I know many older men who have kids in the past and didnt have these problems
Great Sermon! If you say you have faith, but refuse to be open to a child (or another child) as God clearly commands in Genesis, do you ultimately have any faith at all? Though the Birth Control Pill designer laments his hand in the "catastrophe" of the nuclear family, SermonAudio's 599,927 sermons spanning more than three decades, have yielded only 19 on birth control. Only 19? And of these, you've contributed almost 40%. Hasn't the birth control era inadvertently laid bare an utterly feckless and faithless church?
Great Sermon! "beatles bigger than Jesus"
THEY were speaking this NONSENSE BACK IN 1966--and after that, they changed their sound..they went from the cute lovesongs into darkness like Jojo, the transvestite--"jojo was a man who thought he was a woman" Lucy In the sky with diamonds, LSD. Lady Madonna, a woman who had kids from various men,"wonder how you manage to feed the rest" OH BLA DE OH BLA DA about homosexual marriage (yes even then)--Eleanor Rigby was written after When Im 64, which they passed up a few years now-(no they didnt have grandchildren on the lawn, women are too 'liberated' for that today)