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"Sumo (相撲): Promoting Obese Gluttony and Shinto"
Anonymous Name
It should be noted that sumo (相撲) is known for promoting the transgression of obese gluttony and demonic and Satanic Shinto....
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Sermon5/18/13 9:01 AM
Ken Colwell from Eastern Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ken Colwell
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Save your Kids, Home School God Bless you Kevin:)

Sermon5/17/13 11:49 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by Still Waters Revival Books
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“ John Knox On Resistance To Tyranny, Ungodly Gov. ”
Of course, John Knox was among the clearest on this point. "No manifest idolater, nor notorious transgressor of God's holy precepts, ought to be promoted to any public regiment [i.e. government—GLP], honour, or dignity, in any realm, province, or city that has subjected itself to his blessed evangel". - John Knox, from "Summary of the Proposed Second Blast of the Trumpet" (1558), as cited in Greg Price, Biblical Civil Government Versus The Beast; and The Basis for Civil Resistance (free online book at or

Sermon5/17/13 11:42 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by Still Waters Revival Books
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“ Rutherford On Resistance To Tyranny, Ungodly Gov. ”
One of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly (and one of the best theologians, by God's grace, in the history of the Church), Samuel Rutherford, also wrote, "I lay down this maxime of Divinitie; Tyranny being a worke of Sathan, is not from God, because sinne either habituall or actuall, is not from God; the power that is, must be from God; the Magistrate as Magistrate, is good, in nature of office, and the intrinsecall end of his office, Rom. 13:4. for he is the Minister of God for thy good; and therefore a power ethicall, politick, or morall, to oppresse, is not from God, and is not a power, but a licentious deviation of a power, and is no more from God, but from sinfull nature, and the old serpent, then a license to sinne." - Samuel Rutherford, Lex, Rex, or the Law and the Prince (1644)

Sermon5/17/13 11:35 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by Still Waters Revival Books
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“ John Calvin On Resistance To Tyranny, Ungodly Gov. ”
"One factor behind this rising tension was that Huguenot political rhetoric had required a decidedly anti-royalist tone during the second and third civil wars. While Calvin’s Institution of the Christian Religion seemed to suggest that private citizens owed their obedience even to an ungodly king -- only lesser magistrates could legally oppose the authority of a wicked king -- his biblical commentaries published late in his life offered more intriguing possibilities. In his Readings on the Prophet Daniel first published in 1561, Calvin argued that when Daniel refused to obey King Darius, ‘he committed no sin’, since whenever rulers disobeyed God, ‘they automatically abdicate their worldly power’. Calvin went even further in his Sermons on the Last Eight Chapters of the Book of Daniel published posthumously in 1565. Describing the same biblical incident, Calvin argued that when Kings defy God, ‘they are no longer worthy to be counted as princes… [And] when they raise themselves up against God… it is necessary that they should in turn be laid low’." - Mack P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion 1562-1629, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2005), p. 78

Sermon5/16/13 9:22 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Im hearing boys went to church because his MOTHER TOOK HIM. Steve Harvey The comedian,his mom was always at the church and took him. i NEVER HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT HIS FATHER being at church and leading him..when that happens, you get too many female pastors and it becomes out of order

Sermon5/16/13 9:11 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We better break this crazy pattern!! I just read Malachi 4:6..GOD said the fathers need to get back to the children and the children, father or else he would STRIKE THE EARTH WITH A CURSE.. are these weather patterns of tornados in TX and storms like Sandy the result?! Hey, i have an 18 yo daughter who i want to see married to a mature young man who not only a Christian BUT A GOOD PROVIDER. Shes still a virgin, thank GOD and she goes to church at bible study and prayer twice a week on top of sunday. Could it be possible as well, is that women wear the pants in the family, and dresses are looked on as the plague by young ladies? many women are wearing black, white, and browns for the spring and summer, not all...but the MEN ARE WEARING THE BRIGHT COLORS.. its WEIRD. something as simple as dresswear could make the difference. I remember the men in the early 70s getting scared that women were wearing pantsuites rather than dresses, and said by 40 years, men would be irrelevant. They in a way were prophetic...sigh. I wish they had 'shepherd centers in CA'

Sermon5/16/13 8:03 PM
David M Tremont from Rochester Hills Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by David M Tremont
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“ Why can't I donate? ”
I tried to acceess to donate to generations but both my ipad & desktop said your site is down. I would like to keep you funded because I totally agree with the world view of Christ which you definitely present in clear and precise Bible terms. I listen to everything you post on this site and would like to help you out finacially as I am able. I am praying for you, David and your congregations. You & David are defintely a voice out in the wilderness. Please send note on how I could help you finacially thru snail mail if this website at will be down for an extended period of time. May God bless you and keep you. Love, David M Tremont

Sermon5/16/13 1:10 AM
Dav from Australia  Find all comments by Dav
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As a adult myself dealing / coming to to terms with my own gender issues, I truly do feel the pain transgender people face in life, I take comfort in the bible's message of love, as Christians we must love each other, showing kindness to all people, this includes transgender people, In the end God Almighty is the finale judge of all people including transgender people.

Sermon5/14/13 7:56 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
'Moroni' visited Muhammad as well: Islam is Mormonism East, Mormonism is Islam west, sort of. Mormons are polytheistic, while Islam isnt Mormons have a Christian veneer while Islam doesnt--even some christians get fooled by the LDS. They tend to do more for people than christians since they have more money by the forced tithe Both religions are actually anti black africans, and promoted slavery of such. while Moses did actually have a black wife and father in law

Sermon5/7/13 6:28 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
ooops spoke too soon!! its amazing that kjv only pastor is pro homosexual marriage!! this is scary, but that pastor who is 30 years old is NOT THAT WAY!! I know he's fighting upstream as you guys are, pray for Pastor Steven Anderson!! He even believes in soulwinning door to door!! its crazy seeing the church falling down on everything!!

Sermon5/7/13 6:22 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Your sons is RIGHT!! this happens when the family is destroyed--and homosexuality will not stop, pedophilia may be next....its the MEN who are responsible to GOD HIMSELF.. physically it only takes 30-40 seconds to become a father, and 18+ years to become a mother. Kids are ALWAYS with mom: and when dad isnt there, the kids can be confused sexually. Even in the old days, there were enough marriages to show kids how to be. Boys will become men and girls will become women. When women allow lots of men to live with them WITHOUT MARRIAGE, kids can and WILL become confused sexually. Maybe, since the weather and the earth is having trouble, COULD IT BE FROM BROKEN HOMES!? it reminds me of the last verse in the old testament Malachi 4:6--striking the EARTH WITH A CURSE iTS not all bad: there is pastor in Tempe AZ who is only 30 years old and completely OLD FASHIONED KJV only, and everything that goes with it..Pastor Steven Anderson. He is also on youtube as sanderson1611

Sermon5/7/13 6:01 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Im sooo disappointed at Paul Ryan. I actually voted for 'him' instead of the Mormon. A big shock!!!!

Sermon5/3/13 11:55 AM
less filling  Find all comments by less filling
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Not "Rhino" but RINO (Republican In Name Only). RINOs are usually a few years or, in this case, months behind their evolving Democrat counterparts. If you want Democrat-lite, vote Republican. If you want the real McCoy vote Democrat.

Sermon5/2/13 11:31 AM
kenu from Montreal, Canada.  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenu
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“ The answer of course is no. ”
John Lennon is dead. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, LIVES ON!

Sermon4/29/13 2:05 PM
low and sinking lower  Find all comments by low and sinking lower
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Since the turn of the century, eighteen (and counting) western countries now recognize same gender marriage. For the first time in recorded history, the Devil and his minions have finally united. In contrast, Christianity has never been so divided. One report suggests that there are upwards of 41,000 Christian denominations and independent churches. Reference: Gordon-Conwell Center for the Study of Global Christianity. Perhaps Christ is scourging Christendom for its disobedience to his prayer that the church be one. The Christian west, now in each of our thousands of tiny isolated ghettos, has become Les Misérables. O how far we've fallen. What have Christians bequeathed to the coming generations?

Sermon4/17/13 1:01 PM
Recovery  Find all comments by Recovery
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The world has telegraphed to the church that men and women are exactly equal in every way and in every role with just two exceptions: most women are usually a little smarter and way better communicators than most men. Therefore, when they set up the pipeline of students into America's foremost conservative seminaries (Covenant, RTS, WTS, etc) attracting both men and women, guess which degree will soon be awarded -- not just for men -- but for both sexes? That degree which is the gold standard for entrée into even the most conservative pulpit: the MDiv. Government-backed student loans at these august institutions will see to it that this absolute equality and equity are maintained. Once the conservative church market is flooded with male and female MDivs, it's only a matter of time (and a well-placed EEOC lawsuit or two since $100,000s in lifetime income's involved) and they'll be women preachers crawling throughout the OPC. Wait ten years and your OPC preacher will be openly-gay. After all, according to the government, it's only "fair." Whoever set up the dual-sex pipeline's to blame for this -- not Reformation -- but deformation. How will the OPC ever recover from this blunder?

Sermon4/16/13 12:08 PM
Eureka  Find all comments by Eureka
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Before this is all over, which will be the last state standing? 49 will eventually succumb to this communicable economic and infertility death spiral. This single state is where the 2nd Mayflower is ultimately heading. Wouldn't recommend a real estate investment in any of the other 49 failing or soon-to-be failing states. And since Washington D.C. is the only recipient of positive cash flow, perhaps this provides a clue which direction to move, invest and sink down really deep roots.

Sermon4/7/13 6:07 PM
Lisa from Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good testimony.

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