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Given the Gnostic overtones of Star Wars and sci fi in general, it appears that liberal Lucasfilm is comparing the stormtroopers...
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Sermon4/7/13 12:48 AM
Silvia Hebner from Carlsbad  Contact via emailFind all comments by Silvia Hebner
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon4/3/13 4:57 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Its 'possible' that the homosexual and other kinds of marriage is making headway and GOD IS ALLOWING it BECAUSE CHRISTIANS ARENT MARRIED AND ARE DIVORCING AT RECORD RATES..they should marry BEFORE at least 25 years old.

Sermon4/3/13 4:14 PM
Rob from Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Bigger issue with colleges isn't just a man or woman taking classes, but rather the fact that Christians get just as carried away with the thinking of "sending away" their children to a college, and then letting the state school indoctrinate them for 4 years.

Sermon4/3/13 4:00 PM
Rob from Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
While I think there are some good points made here, the problem I find is that there's the other side of the two-kingdom mindset, which tends to be more of a theocratic direction. When Jesus showed the denarius to the Pharisees, it was to draw a clear distinction between the earthly kingdom and the heavenly one.

Sermon3/31/13 1:05 PM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Cezar, I stand by my original comment. The fact that people are needlessly and unnecessarily delaying marriage and fornicating in the meantime makes this all the more difficult. And being a follower of Christ in a world that hates Him and His people is not--again, NOT--easy. "Christians" who claim that going against the world's grain is easy are not being realistic. Maybe you married early, and in the Lord; I hope so. Not all of us have been so blessed.

Sermon3/26/13 7:50 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I love these kids, and wouldnt know what my life would be without them..my daughter actually treats them as her older brothers although they are her older nephews.. she even has a nephew older than 35, since her oldest sister was a teenage mom as well,,,shes even a great aunt, whomever she gets married to would be a great uncle before hes a father

Sermon3/26/13 7:41 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I remember, just about to marry my husband: his wife got divorced from him and had a daughter. she got pregnant by a 18 yo boy while she was 15. EVERYONE INCLUDING HER MOM WANTED HER TO HAVE AN ABORTION..EXCEPT MY HUSBAND...he was the only one who happened to talk her out of it. Even then I was still pro choice since she was only 1 month pregnant she could have had one. Alhough he and his brother could have made some better decisions they never were in JAIL for violence, etc. because my husband still had a good influence on them. Tomorrow will be his 23rd birthday and, yes, she didnt shake the 'loser' and got pregnant another time with another kid, hes 20, my husband, their grandpa still had a good influence on them.. the problem today is that too many silver haired ponytailed toothless meth addled 'grandpas' dont care. its not the first generation, its the 3rd generation today..We also have an 18 yo daughter together who is an AUNT to these kids, and she is doing great today, still a virgin. i told her to wait until marriage because her aunt got pregnant on honeymoon--uncle used a condom, ahem,,they dont work 100%, and kid is 50

Sermon3/26/13 3:59 PM
find that gate  Find all comments by find that gate
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The RCC is so chock-full of sinners that Pelosi and Biden are just a few of the most prominent cake toppers. Though the Catholic Church has a 2,000 year immutable prohibition against abortion, contraception AND sterilization, there was a sea of humanity at the Pope's inaugural mass. If priests, bishops and cardinals could even discern which of these is worthy to receive Communion during this august gathering, it would amount to some fully-habited nuns, a few quiverfull families and a little old lady on the pro-life running team. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. (Matthew 7:14)

Sermon3/26/13 3:22 PM
jamesc from Fallbrook, CA  Find all comments by jamesc
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“ Great Interview ”
Thanks for this. It was a blessing to hear and a reminder that God delivers us from the penalty of our sins and the power of our sins.

Sermon3/24/13 7:52 PM
PuritanDownloads.com  Protected NameFind all comments by PuritanDownloads.com
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“ Homosexuality & the Christian Faith, Butterfield ”
Below are a couple YouTube videos by Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, regarding her Christian testimony, that may also be helpful. +++ Conversations that Matter: Homosexuality & the Christian Faith http://ow.ly/jn6w0 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkJZSeUGzWw (Free Video at YouTube). Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, author of "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" addresses the topic of homosexuality from a Biblical and personal perspective in a fascinating new autobiography of an ex-lesbian English professor who finds Christian faith. +++ Part 2 at http://ow.ly/jn6uT or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-AQlrcTr5w (Free Video at YouTube). Very interesting question and answer period. Dr. Butterfield's testimony of God's sovereign grace in her life, in paperback format, is entitled: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey into Christian Faith by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. It is available at Crown and Covenant at http://ow.ly/jn6Kj and elsewhere.

Sermon3/24/13 4:57 PM
if it were possible  Find all comments by if it were possible
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after." -Gloria Steinem. Multiply this effect by billions of women (yes, even Christians) and in this egalitarian age, all men are drunk with scott-free sex (if they wish) while the women reign. Sanger has toppled Mary as the new god-bearer. Pastors Bayly report that 2,000,000,000 children have been lost in this epic 40 year battle between the forces of good and evil. The Lord of the Air has so stupefied that evil somehow now emits light and good, but darkness, bigotry and shame. Up is down. In tail-foremost arguments, pure reason emerges. In the last days the second-created shall command the first.

Sermon3/23/13 10:30 PM
Thomas Sullivan from Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ A lot to think about. ”
This interview was timely for me because just two days ago I downloaded Rosaria's book to my kindle and have almost finished it. One of the most important points for me to ponder was the way her pastor calmly and methodically brought light to her during their visits. I have a son that is very far out of the way and I have had to learn that even though I have narrated every Jonathan Edwards' deprecatory sermon in his two volume works, the communication of such sermons were long ago lost on my son and he was able to cast off their light, and other thundering messages. The last 3 months I have made some progress with him but it has been by spending hours with him and me alone, at restaurants, out picture taking, or other events. The doctrine of hell doesn't scare him but it did keep him from committing suicide more than once. But what does work is an approach where the people that reach him have to woo him. The result has not been accomplished yet, but Rosaria's story is helping me to make some sense of things. To re-evaluate some of our evangelism techniques and couple it with our Christian lives.

Sermon3/22/13 7:28 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Today in the early 2010s, if things continue to go this way, and homosexuals get 'marriage', this is how POLYGAMY BECOMES LAW. Women will have a harder time wanting to get married since fewer and fewer boys are raised with fathers. Besides, the kids who are babies today, and want kids, they will think NOTHING of sharing a man, at least they have a father and theyll think its better if they have a father than without one. It took years for christian women to change this trend in the early 200s since it takes 40 weeks and lots of training in the WORD OR GOD to change it. and its only took a few DECADES PLUS ABORTIONS to change it. Its not all lost though, some young people are rebeling agains the rebels for example, when they marry, write their names Mr & Mrs Husbands Name or even Mrs Husbands Name, (that takes guts). They need to start by watching WOODSTOCK and rebel against it--i just watched it and they had YOUNG WOMEN SKINNY DIPPING NAKED at the end of the movie (hendricks was the last one playing among the TRASH THE BABY BOOMERS LEFT) Since im a black woman, this is real depressing for me: young black and latinos in the early teens killing babies with guns ON PURPOSE...and NO ONE wants to be near them-you could only be fatherless for a few generations before...

Sermon3/22/13 7:11 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe 'like attracts like'. When women start acting assertive, it could easily (among some women) turn aggressive, and when that happens, men get WIMPY..IMO although it could be a theory, is that the BC pill could be a factor in some of the mannerisms of modern males. I say this because when childbearing women are together, their cycles synchronize..so when young boys are around these women, their natural masculinity is squashed to a degree, with guys under 45. Guys OVER 45 who didnt smoke too much dope, are still pretty masculine. What needs to happen as well is women need to GET RID OF MS as a title.ESPECIALLY CHRISTIAN WOMEN!! Either we are Miss or Mrs. period...only MARRIAGES form societies, not just single people fornicating. I also believe some of these kids were in daycare or raised on media. Many kids sometimes have homo feelings but they DONT ENTERTAIN THEM...women need to go back into the home...if we dont, GET READY FOR HYPERINFLATION AND EVENTUALLY STARVATION...much of this started in 1963 and we are 50 years deep into this muck..i was hoping this would be a jubilee year, when we christians repent..the year isnt over yet

Sermon3/21/13 7:54 PM
Jessica from New Mexico  Find all comments by Jessica
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was a pleasure to listen to. Praise God!

Sermon3/15/13 9:40 AM
berean from so.fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by berean
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Catholics do,Protestants do, but born again christians are not roman catholics or protestants...read Mt 13...while men slept !

Sermon3/15/13 12:01 AM
Jennifer from Washington  Find all comments by Jennifer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The majority of protestants do, too. When you dig in a bit, you see that those who take seriously their faith and profession stand against it- Catholics and protestants both.

Sermon3/11/13 6:43 PM
Cezar from Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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“ Christians and the Conspiracy ”
Christians and the Conspiracy http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=1029121014401 Alex Jones is not on our side. Just to let you know.

Sermon3/9/13 7:42 AM
Bruce from Ontario, Canada  Find all comments by Bruce
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The end is nigh! 2 Tim. 4:3 Rom. 1:26-32

Sermon3/7/13 12:53 PM
berean from so.fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by berean
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What should we expect wt shows like modern family etc....we hav trannys as mayors,pastors,etc...come quickly Lord !!!

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