As we look back over this past year I have see many articles written recently about the large number of deaths of well known of actors. Doubtless this has caused people to mourn the loss of talented actors/actresses. However, bemoaning these deaths seemingly above all others makes me ponder, what does our society deem to be important?
Coming from a Christian perspective, one thing that really matters to me is the spiritual state of the church in the UK and the world. How sad it has been this past year to see men such as Pastor Vernon Higham go to be with the Lord or more locally to Westminster, Don Frampton, someone who was an ardent open air preacher in London and preached at Westminster Baptist numerous times. I knew him a little and he always struck me, even before I was saved, as a man who took the Word of God seriously, saw the magnitude of God's love through Christ manifested to him as an undeserving sinner and who was concerned about his Christian walk with the Lord.
Losing such people - Our families and dearest friends, our mentors, our brothers and hard. We, of course, should draw comfort from Psalm 116:5: 'Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.'
We also mourn their loss and look forward to God's continuing work through in this world. We pray that the Lord would raise up people who will stand on the shoulders of those gone before. To proclaim, in what we are told is a 'post-Christian' culture, the never-changing, ever-amazing, Gospel of salvation through faith alone, in Christ alone and by God's grace alone. We pray for men and women who will share the Gospel, speak truth, love His people through a host of ministry services, and seek the glory of God in all they do.
We also pray for those who are currently serving in their local church and communities, for the glory of God, that they would be strengthened by the grace of God to continue.
Finally, we pray for those Christians who feel they have little to offer their church families or neighbours... that they would know the great value of all ministries and services from preaching the sermon to serving the tea, since we are all part of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:20-22).
Knowing that in the history of the church the Lord has taken nobodies and used them to establish and strengthen His church. Such as fishermen called to follow Christ: James, John, Simon Peter and Andrew (Mark 1:14-20). Knowing we have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Knowing nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. We have a sound hope that our prayers will be answered and God will continue His work through His church until His return.
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all he that hope in the Lord. Ps. 31:24
We find the description of a hidden treasure and the pearl of great price in biblical parables. They both present to us a challenging truth: these things were gained by selling all, and the selling all was done with joy ( Matt 13 v44). This was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
All things work for my good, really? How do we know that? Because God said so. That's the only reason we believe it, we would not otherwise. Life seems to kick and hurt us, it's hard to imagine it's for my good. Ah, but God says so, that makes the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Faith in Christ is the only answer to trouble. If we are in tears, or sorrow, grieving in a valley of death, this only is our plea and answer. Faith through it all, in Christ. Let life bring what it will, Christ is still the same. Faith in Him...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Fear is in much of the Bible, a right fear, and a wrong one. David feared in a wrong way and made out he was mad. Abraham feared for his life and said Sarah was not his wife! Even Paul feared till God sent a message in the night not to fear, he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The picture we have in the Bible, of the One who is ruling, is one we may not think of much. Yes, we know God is on the throne ruling. But how does God in these last days want us to see Him ruling? Revelation is clear. It's The Lamb of God on the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In John 10 we have this grand statement of Christ, describing himself by saying "I AM the good shepherd". Whilst this statement is linked to the I AM the door expression earlier in the chapter, it is more descriptive and shows us in even more...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Spurgeon said deep sorrow sometimes would not depart - only when God lifted him up out of it. Lets us note this and all who claim to have all the answers to sorrow. It's not of man to know all things - but God. Not of a book (outside of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The problem with a person who worries is that they worry - that's their problem. If they did not worry they would not have this problem, says D M Lloyd-Jones. So he said, do not say to them don't worry. If they could stop they would not be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Noah's name means safety, rest. This is pointing to Christ in whom we would find rest in the Cross -through His death. Noah made a Ark for salvation from wrath of God, as he was told to.The floods came and they who had faith were safe in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]