Spiritual Health Check 1. Did I awake spiritual, and was I watchful in keeping my mind from wandereing this morning when I was rising? 2. Have I this day got nearer to God in times of prayer, or have I given way to a lazy, idle spirit? 3...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Miss Laid-aside found in gutter On his way back he met his friend by the gutter, called Miss Laid-aside. A Christian women who like Joe was not living as Gods word called for, she was once a school teacher and helper at the church but now does...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
SLEEPY JOEWAKES UP! Oh ( a load noise), “who’s that?, its sleepy Joe” says Mr Devotion “he’s not even got up today yet.” Sleepy Joe lay on the couch. “Get up” said Mrs Lawgiver I need to hoover this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Seeking the "joy unspeakable" at its fountainhead; "In Whom believing." I have been taught that joy in the Spirit is the frame in which God blesses us to others. Joy arises from fellowship with Him - I find that whatever sorrow or humilation of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
MR SLACK RESTORED Mr Slack came out of his room red eyed, and looked shorter with no shoes on, he had been brought low and humbled but surely even this works for good to them that love God. "You ok" said Mr Devotion, "been brought down a peg or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS (Continued - Part 2) Then as he looked out the window on a snowy day he saw cold hearts, a crowd who go to a local church on there way to the cinema to see an X rated film. They were convinced it was ok, Mr Devotion...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESSDay breaks..."Morning" says Mr Slack as he sits down for breakfast." Good morning" says Mr Devotion." Why you look so well, so happy today" says Mr Slack, "oh" says he "I was so blessed in my devotion this morning, you?"...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LOOKING UPWARDFaith is to the soul what the eye is to the body, namely, that which enables its possessor to look outside of himself and steadfastly fix his gaze on an external object. And hence it is that the exercise of "lifting up the eyes" and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sins of the Saints - Including Preservation and PerseveranceThere is a fundamental difference in this respect between the believer and the unbeliever. The unbeliever is "the servant (slave) of sin" (Jn 8:34), but the believer has been "made free"...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the Kingdom of God, or, the Kingdom of heaven? Is it a place of the future? Are all the blessings in the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5) really to be had in the future in heaven above? What is the kingdom of God, or Heaven? Certain...[ abbreviated | read entire ]