Oh theres lots about the visit from on high(Heaven) in Bible telling of the Christ that was to come Isiah Chapters 60 and 61v1-3 talks of poeple in darkness seeing a great light....in chapter 1 v19 of 2 Peter letter talks of the day star...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Peter was rubuked by Paul Gal chp 2 v1-18 because he compromised ......yes even though a angel or Apostle speaks another Gospel thats not The Gospel we need to Speak Up! that includes any well known name in U S A or U K who has compromised the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Amazing thing convertion is nothing of us for we Bible says loved not God but that He loved us...1 Letter John.Chp 4 v10..how could we dead in sin love Him who is Holy Holy Holy Isiah chp6...a dead person cannot love ...sad thing... "not that we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Who is the First and Best amoung beings?Isiah chapter 40.Catechism( Keach) God, Isiah Chapter 40.v25 has non egual to Him.Allmighty all powerfull ,ruler and above all beings He is the first and the last Rev1.Knowing beginings from before time and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Math22. 1-v14.In v 11-12 we see a man in wedding feast with no wedding Gament...spaechless-word means muzzled he was ,oh as someone said this was person plenty to say in life but now.Silnece in court bring him forth to the bar of Gods...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Reader you are not saved if your not a new creature,old things past away....all things new says Bible.Not asking hav e you changed ,no.Are you a new born again creature Christ spoke of ?We must die before we can be born again Rom 6.v6 old man is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Forget your good works, your church attendance...I have one simple question for you.Christ so loved you with all His heart giving you salvation free and of Grace..John 3.v16..Have you given Him your whole heart?simple question yes the whole not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ love is more than we will ever know....it melted the harlots heart when she wiped with tears his feet,such love some onlookers mocked at, have you known this infinite love in Christ through the Cross,His daeth for our sins?payed for on the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Shuold we mix with non christains in a close way?? or mix the world with Christ? any excuse to not follow Him! Luke 9 v 59-61 Let me fisrt bury my Dad Jesus? No says Christ follow me let the dead bury their dead. The dead in sin and darkness flee...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Do we relise Christ love for us,if we are saved ? He looks and loves us with everlasting love saying I will never never leave thee nor forsake thee....I will hold you up when down and lift you when sin enters your heart and breaks it....I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]