When God says nothing must be put before Him....do we say yes.....or no...or yes and then put something before God .....why call you me Lord Lord and do Not my commandments...says Bible,.sad fact there are more poeple in the world that call Jesus...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What makes a person a christain? Answer is not! what we see in ourselves or our good works etc.But Chrsit it is He and what His done that makes us Saved...through faith alone by Grace alone in Chrsit alone.!sounds simple but it defeats most of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Did you know you must die to live? Jesus said so....so did Paul.....unless a seed dies, said Jesus it cant pruduce friut and live.So he said he who finds life loses it and he who loses it(dies to self and sin) will find it.Through His-Christ life...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Mans chief aim is to give God glory and to enjoy Him forever.....the more we live this out the more we give glory to God, the more obedient we are the more we enjoy Him, as we will forever be in obdience to Him in Heaven to His Glory ..Through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Do we believe in imputed Righteousness? of Christ to the sinner? This may seem a strarnge questsion after all we cant enter Heaven by our works of righteousness,yet do we act as if we have this in Heaven in Christ at Gods side allready done and we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What make a person a christain? Its not what we have done or will do or what we are thats saves a person but ,what Christ has done! His perfect life in our place imputed to us,our sinful life placed on Him on the Cross by The Father.The just for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Repent or be Lost. If you dont repent you shall all likewise perish says the Bible. Why is this simple Bible truth from Gen.to Revelation missing in many a church? and sermon? Dont we beieve Gods word? you shall all...no if or buts here,will...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Romans Chapter 9 v 14-24 It is Not of him that Willleth If its God who chooses whom to have mercy on a personal thing,how can it be us choosing God in any way?If it were us chosing God in faith, then Paul here in these verses would not have to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
He went further on and prayed on His own ....in the garden.Have we gone further for Christ?In our prayer life? service? dedication? to Christ and God the Father?What is God telling you to do you put off ?go further today for Christ ,go on and do...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
OF COMFORT "Everlasting consolation" is our heritage; not comfort for a day, but for a lifetime; nay, for ever. God's desire in behalf of his own is that they should be comforted. Though in heaviness through manifold temptations, they are yet...[ abbreviated | read entire ]