Ye do the works of your father. Jesus made that statement to the Jews in the treasury. They were claiming to be children of God because they have Abraham as their father. Jesus tells the Jews, their works prove who their father is. They sought to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I am preaching through the book of Psalms. While studying, I came upon Psalm 5:5, "thou hatest all workers of iniquity." As I was meditating upon this verse, I wondered why God hates sin so much. Five of my friends and I produce a video chat...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today in my reading, I read about the children of Israel becoming discouraged because their journey by the way of the Red Sea to compass Edom was hard. I thought how many may have the same thoughts as they walk through this life. The way we walk...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last year I was producing a blog by this name. During the spring I was asked to help my father-in-law with a project. I stopped producing the blog during that time. Now, I want to begin again. When writing a blog about what you read on a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today, Solomon in his book of wisdom warns the young man about pursuing a seducteress. We live in a sociey which promotes pursuing the opposite sex. Our society knows very little about the design God has for a family. God brought Eve to Adam....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Psa 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. To many this is a big day. Today I turn 50. Also, it is my 27th wedding Anniversary. It is time for reflcetion. I have been...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In my reading, I am now reading of the greatness of Solomon. Solomon is known for his great riches. The kingdom of Israel expanded to it's greatest heights during the regin of Solomon. However, it is not his riches that Solomon is best known...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon. She came to see if the greatness of Solomon was as great as others had claimed it was. She found that yes, Solomon was great. She said of him, "Happy are your men and happy are these your servants who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today in my reading, Solomon is dedicating the Temple which He built for the Lord. During the dedication serivce, He prays. During his prayer, he asks the Lord to remember His people. "For they are your people and Your inheritence, who You bought...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Often when reading the Scripture, what you read will stir your heart in such a way that you want to know more about a subject. Today is one of those days. In my reading today, the building of the Temple by Solomon is discussed. One thing which...[ abbreviated | read entire ]