Often when reading the Scripture, what you read will stir your heart in such a way that you want to know more about a subject. Today is one of those days. In my reading today, the building of the Temple by Solomon is discussed. One thing which is noted is the name of 2 pillars. Why did Solomon name one pillar Jachin and the other Boaz.
When studying something of this nature, one must rely upon the writings of someone else. The answer is not given in the Scripture. What did I find about the naming of the pillars?
Kimchi has correctly interpreted the first name thus: “Let this temple stand for ever;” and the second, “Solomon desired that God would give it strength and endurance.” The pillars were symbols of the stability and strength, which not only the temple as an outward building, but the kingdom of God in Israel as embodied in the temple, received from the Lord, who had chosen the temple to be His dwelling-place in the midst of His people.
The pillars were symbols of stability and strength. These2 attributes are difinitely attahced to the things of God. If we consider His kingdom, we know it is eternal. We also know His Sovereign power will reign in His kingdom forever.
I encourage you to read the Word of God for yourself. You never know how God may lead you, or what He may teach you. The Word of God is alive. The Word gives life. Study it, that you may be fully equipped to follow the Lord and serve Him.