In my reading, I am now reading of the greatness of Solomon. Solomon is known for his great riches. The kingdom of Israel expanded to it's greatest heights during the regin of Solomon. However, it is not his riches that Solomon is best known for. It is his wisdom. Today, the Word says of Solomon,
1Ki 4:29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
The phrase which was highlighted in my mind was that God gave Solomon "largeness of heart." My first impression was that this meant that Solomon learned to have compassion on those who were needy. He was able to see to the needs of the less fortunate.However, this is not what that phrase means. Keil & Delitizsch, a commentary, says this means
signifies rather practical wisdom, ability to decide what is the judicious and useful course to pursue; 转职旨讘讜旨谞指讛, rather keenness of understanding to arrive at the correct solution of difficult and complicated problems; 诇值讘 专止讞址讘, mental capacity to embrace the most diverse departments of knowledge.
From this, I understand the wisdom of Solomon is even greater than I had previously understood. God's plan was to enlarge the kingdom of Israel during the reign of Solomon. He did so. Not only did God give the wisdom to Solomon, God also gave him the ability to communicate that wisdom. God gave Solomon the ability to speak Psalms, songs and proverbs. He spoke of trees, of animals and birds, creeping things and of fish. God desired for Solomon to be able to speak his wisdom in a way that you and I can understand it, and enjoy reading it.
God used Solomon to deliver His wisdom to His people. We would do well to read it. We would do well to seek it. Then, with largeness of heart, put God's wisdom into practice.