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Indian Hills Community Church
Jesse Randolph  |  Lincoln, Nebraska
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Indian Hills Community Church 1000 S 84th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68510
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"Interesting Verse"
Jim Lincoln from Nebraska
Hebrews 11 "Verse 27. By faith he forsook Egypt. Some have understood this of the first time in which Moses forsook Egypt, when...
Gil Rugh | Hebrews
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Sermon8/1/09 3:39 AM
Angela Lovell from Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Lovell
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Rugh, I have been greatly blessed by your sermons and am deeply grateful to the Lord for guiding me to your ministry via the internet. Thank you for this particularly convicting teaching which has compelled me to pray more and to rely on Christ's strength rather than my own. May our mighty and merciful God bless you, your family and your entire congregation who are blessed to have a pastor who truly loves the Lord and His precious Word. Yours in Jesus Christ.

Sermon6/19/09 2:45 PM
Jim Lincoln from Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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“ The Sermon isn't all about Israel ”
May, I suggest, Brad, if you get the opportunity to listen to the entire sermon, which is really a good summary of the Book of Revelation as well, and notice that the Church has great prominence in it. Now it is in the second part this nearly hour-long sermon. Please notice that during the Church Age NOT ONE Jew is saved! Not One! Now there are Jews who are saved when they become Christians, and this is the only way anyone can be saved during the Church Age. Gil vigorously defends the local church against the family first types, individualists, and the mystics. Now if you are a supercessionist, "What is Replacement Theology?" then you may have some problems with the sermon. However, as Gil mentioned even if one is pro-Israel doesn't mean you're a Christian. I don't see anywhere in the sermon that the Church is de-emphasized, and a good history of its beginning is given just as they are for the nation Israel.

Sermon2/9/09 4:20 PM
lyn from usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message was a blessing. Pastor Rugh speaks clearly on what has always plagued the church, false teachers. There is an influx of them in these last days. I recommend this to all, it is so relevant for the church today.

Sermon11/9/08 2:06 AM
Trevor H from Australia  Find all comments by Trevor H
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“ Food For Thought ”
I know we give thanks in all things. So this comment is just food for thought. Islam has meat that is called Halal meat. In which befour the amimal is killed it is offered up to Allah the moon god in thanks and preyer. Is it ok to eat this meat. Next time you have a kabab now you know who it has been offered up to first Allah the moon god. Are we to give thanks for this meat. Food for thought.

Sermon10/4/08 9:55 AM
Jim Lincoln from Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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“ Adam plays the primary role, not Mary ”
Jesus was free from sin, not because of any "Immaculate Conception" of Mary or because of any Gnostic-like ideas that Jesus (not the Son of God) was not conceived in Mary. From the Matthew Henry Concise Commentary, "Romans 5:12: 12-14 The design of what follows is plain. It is to exalt our views respecting the blessings Christ has procured for us, by comparing them with the evil which followed upon the fall of our first father; and by showing that these blessings not only extend to the removal of these evils, but far beyond. Adam sinning, his nature became guilty and corrupted, and so came to his children. Thus in him all have sinned. And death is by sin; for death is the wages of sin. Then entered all that misery which is the due desert of sin; temporal, spiritual, eternal death. If Adam had not sinned, he had not died; but a sentence of death was passed, as upon a criminal; it passed through all men, as an infectious disease that none escape. In proof of our union with Adam, and our part in his first transgression, observe, that sin prevailed in the world,...the sin of Adam extended to all his posterity. He was a figure or type of Him that was to come as Surety of a new covenant, for all who are related to Him."

Sermon9/23/08 2:31 AM
Carlee Anderson from Wichita, KS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carlee Anderson
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What Do You Treasure?
Gil Rugh
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an awesome reminder of what we are to be focused on, especially in times like these. As usual, very sound teaching! Thanks Gil. Our pastor in Wichita taught the same message.

Sermon7/17/08 10:02 PM
William Wright Jr from Maryland, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by William Wright Jr
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Thank You Pastor Gil for preaching the plain truth of God's word and teaching how the plan of Satan is to destroy the Jews. Thank you for teaching a literal interpretation of the Bible while many other Pastors/Preachers read the word 'Israel' in the OT and replace it with the word 'church' except when it comes to curses. What hypocrisy they do! Thank You so very much for staying away from that hypocrisy and teaching a literal interpretation of the bible -- as it should be read! You are so correct in saying God's plan for Israel has not changed. Oh how I wish there were more pastors like you! Keep up the great work Pastor! Blessings, Daniel

Sermon3/8/08 4:29 AM
Jude Newman from Brisbane, Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jude Newman
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“ Great sermon ”
I have been listening to this series for a couple of weeks now. Very informative, excellent clear preaching. Gil Rugh does not compromise God's word at all. Greatly appreciated. May our Lord and Savior bless you and keep you

Sermon3/3/08 12:01 AM
Inspired Listener  Find all comments by Inspired Listener
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“ Great Sermon! ”
No names are really necessary in order to discern those who we need to avoid. When we seek the Word of God with a hungry, humble, and prayerful heart, and pray to the Father for wisdom, He has promised give us wisdom to live holy and righteous. This includes the blessing of biblical discernment that will automatically shed the light of truth on false teaching. In all our getting, let us get true understanding from God.

Sermon3/2/08 11:54 PM
Tracie Hall from Wilmington, NC  Find all comments by Tracie Hall
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“ If You Need Your Faith Renewed Listen To This! ”
This message helped to remind me of where my faith needs to always rest, whether in trials or in prosperity. But especially in trials or testings, we must always remind ourselves that God is our "Father". He loves us, and has a reason for all that we face in this life to prepare and prove us as His dear children. We must seek to surrender our lives to His care. I have been blessed by the word of God purely and humbly given from this faithful vessel.

Sermon1/17/08 3:51 PM
Jim Lincoln from Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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“ Quick Definition ”
Gil picked an excellent word to describe this problem. The sermon does go into the history of the problem, but just to give you a very short definition. [QUOTE] [AUTHOR] Webster's Dictionary [1913 with example] (SYNCRETISM) [/AUTHOR] Attempted union of principles or parties irreconcilably at variance with each other. He is plotting a carnal syncretism, and attempting the reconcilement of Christ and Belial. ---Baxter. [/QUOTE]

Sermon9/30/07 12:57 AM
ezra Chen from San Diego  Contact via emailFind all comments by ezra Chen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon! Gil is in the grip of Holy Spirit, and he is fully enthused (true to the etymology of the Greek meaning) with the Spirit. It is yet so down to the earth, Gil is humble and sincere to share his life experience with good abstraction without any indulgence---Gil is highly gifted so that he is in complete logical order to have a full discoure of the Logos of life to follow God and Living in God. This is for all those who are afflicted in big or small way to mature and Gil is a fine and deep teacher, forceful and yet humble. Erra Chen, Ph.D.

Sermon9/6/07 2:53 PM
Kim O'Connell  Find all comments by Kim O'Connell
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“ in despair? Listen to this! ”
A must listen if you are going through a fiery trial in your life! This sermon has been an encouragement for me in my trial. It is a reminder of a great truth that we must hear over again. It can't be stressed enough and Pastor Rugh covered all the bases. Thank you Lord for your word through this pastor.

Sermon8/23/07 6:06 PM
Wes Parr  Find all comments by Wes Parr
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Gil is excellent. The only problem I have is that Gil doesn't name names, so it's impossible to know who to avoid when it comes to incorrect or false teaching. See Romans 16:17.

Sermon11/15/06 10:15 AM
Peter Williamson from Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter Williamson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is one of the best sermons I have heard on Revelation chapter 11. The key to understanding the importance of the linking word 'And'. The fact that this is a real period of time is confirmed by 42 months and 1260 days which are both periods representing 3 1/2 years. A real Temple built to the glory of God in Jerusalem (the bible only ever states Temple alone if it is a Temple built to Jehova God, otherwise it is clearly stated the temple of daegon or his (rulers) temple at Babylon). It is good to know in these dark days on the Earth that Father's eternal plan is moving forward with awsome power and might, so that every word that has ever proceeded from his mouth will be utterly fullfilled. Let us all rejoice in the testamony of Jesus Christ, which encourages us in this dark time to look up and say 'come Lord Jesus come'

Sermon3/19/06 5:22 AM
Jim from Nebraska  
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Gil Rugh
“ Great Sermon! ”
I don't remember if I ever heard this sermon until recently, if I haven't it was to my loss for use as a reference and to give this sermon as a reference to others on Dispensation! As a member of Indian Hills Community Church, I have picked up these details in church classes. However here are the details on dispensation by a dispensational pastor on dispensationalism. Scofield even gets mentioned in passing! Progressive revealation is explained detail by Gil. He explains from the Bible how the Apostle Paul is used by the grace of God as a vehicle to explain the mystery of the church. A new revelation from God that Gentile and Jew are one in the Church. The Church is his chosen instrument. God's will is now fully, completely revealed in the Bible. Members of mainline churches will appreciate the length of this sermon, it is only 32 minutes long, and that may be only 10 or 12 minutes longer than a typical Methodist sermon. You will also find Gil's sermon packed with information and details.

Sermon2/7/06 10:13 AM
Jim from Nebraska  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brad, I will correct several misconceptions. During this Church Age, The salvation of the Jews is a backdrop for what God is doing for us. As I pointed out the booklet by Gil, "Does God Have a Future for Israel?" Shows how the dispensations work. It is a pity that much of the land that was given to the Jews by God is unrightfully occupied by Moslems, but this will be sorted out by God in the future.

Sermon1/20/06 1:24 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this great message! Some very good points are made here - defending the true gospel of God's wonderful Sovereign Grace! Let all who have "ears to hear" listen to this one! Yes, Salvation is of the Lord! Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! I thought I understood the Grace of God, but this message helped me understand the Mercy of God!

Sermon7/23/05 8:59 PM
Michael from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via email
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“ good ”
Good sermon, but a little long. Gil deals fairly with the text, and good historical background for our understanding. Keep up the good preaching. We need to be faithful, as our world has many temptations. God have mercy on us, and may we stand in faith.

Sermon7/21/05 4:41 PM
Dallas from Australia  
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Freedom from Addiction
Gil Rugh
“ Truly Brilliant Sermon! ”
This sermon is right up there amongst the most brilliant I have ever heard! Gil Rugh has taken false assumptions and beliefs that have become so common in the Church and stood them on their head, and revealed the Truth of what God says about sin in a marvelously clear and understandable way. I recommend this message to anyone wanting to get a handle on why they have not overcome sin in their lives.

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