Is Christ your Lord? (Part 1) -Informal Brief- Part 1 of 2 ¶ James was an outstanding person in the early church. He was the half-brother of Christ. He had a special post Resurrection appearance of Christ to him. He became the leader of the Church, which was located in Jerusalem. While the Apostles were located there, James had the foremost position. Most likely his letter was the first of the Epistles. James was martyred in 62 A.D. His letter was addressed to the Christian diaspora. ¶ His letter points out true saving faith changes a life. Salvation is by Christ alone, faith alone, and grace alone. Apostle Paul pointed out in Galatians anyone teaching works is required to be saved is an anathema. Understanding the relationship between faith and works is crucial. ¶ John 3:15 that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 36 One who believes in the Son has eternal life, but one who disobeys the Son won't see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." ¶ Paul wrote on how a person is saved. You believe in the finished work of Christ. What the Romish Church teaches is the very opposite of what Paul taught. [Continued]
Is Christ your Lord? (Part 2) --Informal brief-- part 2 ¶ Being good doesn't save you. If you believe in Christ + something else for salvation, you aren't saved! ¶ James isn't addressing salvation. Saving faith you change your life, and the results will be good works. Salvation results in good works. If a life is not changed, a person is not saved. If you say that God requires you to change your life to be saved that's heresy. If you say that the Bible requires that if you have been saved and that requires a changed life that's Biblical. ¶ James 2:15 And if a brother or sister is naked and in lack of daily food, 16 and one of you tells them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled;" and yet you didn't give them the things the body needs, what good is it? 17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself. ¶ Matthew 7:16 By their fruits you will know them. Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree produces good fruit; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. 18 A good tree can't produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. 19 Every tree that doesn't grow good fruit is cut down, and thrown into the fire. (And see the following several verses) ¶ Saving the country means bringing the overt sinners and "Pharisees" to Christ!
Excellent two sermons on husband&wife -- children An annex to my previous message! ¶ As you probably have already noted, Dr. Rugh's sermons are not short ones like mainline talkers. This means he covers a topic much more thoroughly than most--and even in one summary there's not enough room to briefly cover many of his sermons. ¶ So, I think there is indeed important and interesting material in the second half of this sermon you should be made aware of! ¶ All too often you see the example of ungodly handling of children by seeing childish tantrums in public. To be Godly man you have manage your own household! ¶ Titus 1:6 if anyone is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, who are not accused of loose or unruly behavior. 7 For the overseer must be blameless, as God's steward; not self-pleasing, not easily angered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain; ¶ Any father should be respected not because he's violent, but because he's right. Children are a blessing from the Lord, not outside work for mothers. ¶ Many modern nations and their witch doctors--psychologists and psychiatrists, have criminalized spanking! This interferes with the Godly responsibilities of the father & mother. Responsibility for children ends only when they move out the parent's home.
General truths about fathers & mothers--and kids marry and have children, it is (not abnormal) exception of childless marriages. The most important, basic relationship is the husband & wife. If the husband & wife are behaving Biblically then there's a fit home for children. There is a uniqueness in the husband & wife relationship. ¶ While it's Biblical to have children, these children are sojourners in the family, because they will go out and form their own families which supercede the original family in their responsibilities and attentions. In the human realm the first responsibilities of spouses are their responsibilities to the prime relationship. The wife first responsibility is to her husband and vice-versa. ¶ Children are cute little sinners who learn to work parents against each other. Parents are to pres Unofficial brief! ¶ God created them male and female, the general plan is that men and women ent a united front to their children. Contention doesn't belong in the home. The father can never forgo his responsibility to be the leader in the home. ¶ Father & mother should come to agreement on handling children. The father is commanded to be a leader of the home by God. Husband & wife should be modeling the Word of God. Be committed! ¶ This is part one on families see the sermon on Disciplining of Children.
Great Sermon! Jim,
This has evolved because much preaching has been on the love of God to the neglect of preaching the judgment of God.
When is the last time we've heard about the coming judgment upon the ungodly? There is no incentive to live unto God if he only loves us. Some don't want to believe that God hates the wicked. "God is love." Therefore, he must love everyone equally is what they're hearing. God is just.
A deviation; God is not going to give ISIS the same reward as he will give to those who love him. God hates all who hate him.
Sheol is full of undisciplined children Unofficial brief on the sermon ¶ Jokingly, Dr. Rugh pointed out, he has less control over his adult children then when they were young. One's children are always one's children. ¶ Satan has been given control over the world. We are in a spiritual war with him. The more Biblical we are the more conflict we will have with Satan's world and this is true in disciplining children. Husbands hold the ultimate responsibility for children's discipline in the home. Wives are to support their husbands in discipline. You can't have a Godly home if you don't function in a Godly way. Disciplining children in the home is part of God's plan for their accepting salvation in Jesus Christ, but of course discipline doesn't guarantee that. ¶ "Spare the rod spoil the child," isn't as widely believed as it should be. Sometimes the pain is necessary for person's good, hospitals and dentists, will inflict pain in their processing of helping people. If verbal rebuke doesn't work, then spanking is required. Time-outs don't replace spanking. ¶ Proverbs 13:1 A wise son listens to his father's instruction, but a scoffer doesn't listen to rebuke. 24 One who spares the rod hates his son, but one who loves him is careful to discipline him. ¶ Undisciplined children are a reflection on the father.
Homosexuality is sin -- past, present, future This is a very--unofficial--summary! It will emphasize points that I find of interest that may not be in an official summary or stated in way I will do it. ¶ Homosexuality--has become an issue and the "glamour" sin around the world. Besides some of the major leaders in the US, 61% of people born since 1981 support queer marriages. The trend is going toward support of this immorality. Psychiatrists and psychologists have become the new witch doctors who condemned homosexuality as abnormal and now consider it abnormal to oppose queerness. ¶ Liberal religious support queers. There's no constancy in morality "new" truths pop up to replace "old" truths. We have to modify "Gospel" truth. ¶ Romans 12:2 Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God. ¶ We have serious difficulty with evangelical institutions that twist the Scripture to conform to the world! Church discipline is not hate but Biblical. We have gone from rational to emotional arguments. There's no bottom to the depths of sin. ¶ Genesis 5 2 He created them male and female, and blessed them, and called their name “Adam,” in the day when they were created. ¶ Jesus took Genesis literally.
Fine sermon on the topic ( The Husband of One Wife - Qualification for Elder). ¶ While I was wandering around on the Internet, I found this good complimentary article--personal viewpoint!!!--on one of my favorite sites. not only does it look at the qualification of an elder but the general idea of a Christian being divorced or remarried. An excerpt from the above: ¶ "Our conclusion would have to be that technically the man divorced on Biblical grounds meets this qualification [for being an elder]. As will be noted later, however, this qualification is not to be interpreted as a simple legal statement but rather as a quality of a man's life. It may be therefore that a man may legally be the husband of one wife and yet not be a faithful loving husband. This is sometimes true concerning parties that are divorced. While there may be technically an innocent party it is possible that he or she was not the faithful spouse that they should have been. Each case deserves investigation with regard to this qualification for eldership." ¶ I would think that a person to be considered for an eldership who had been divorced would have to have exceptional abilities to be considered for the job.
Great Sermon on Gospel more important than moralis Personal view: ¶ Dr. Rugh often will have more than one topic covered in a sermon. He makes a natural switch from moralism to what really matters -- the Gospel. This occurs 39 min. into the sermon. ¶ How often have you shared the Gospel this year, add up the number of times? ¶ John 8:31-32 Evangelicals jumping on the bandwagon judging between the righteous and unrighteous -- but God doesn't judge on external actions. ¶ The Truth will make you free not stopping a particular sin activity. You can be against homosexuality and adultery etc. all your life and still go to hell! The bottom-line issue is--are you a slave of God or the Devil? The most important issue in the world, are you for Christ or against him? You aren't a Christian if you're against homosexuality and not a Christian if you support it, you're actually a moralist. The problem is not the promotion of abortion etc., in this country, but God says that it is the result of people obeying their lusts. ¶ A Christian is to be moral but why are we judging unbelievers? God wants them to hear the Gospel. They have an internal problem of rejecting God. ¶ We are all sinners before God, even the most righteous people. Making more Pharisees won't clean up society. --See 2 Cor. 4:1-7!-- The world is ripe for judgement.
Exegesis Vs. Eisengesis (Continued) Personal parallel look at this sermon ¶ Dr. Rugh continues not only to look at Reformed Church Covenants, for a partial printed idea presented in this sermon see, Thomas Ice's (Covenants and Dispensations ---Part I (PDF) Thomas Ice) ¶ What also may be of help with this sermon, is the following: (Summary of the Dispensations and Covenants) Now this isn't from Indian Hills Community Church. It will help with the sermon, and it looks like it closely with Dr. Rugh is saying. Now the best thing to do is to download the previous sermon and this one to listen to, for this topic. These sermons may be one of the more complete sets on the topics of Dispensational vs. Covenental Biblical interpretation. I would think it would be a good idea to get a transcript of both sermons. They are both full of details! ¶ exegesis 1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) explanation or critical interpretation of a text, esp of the Bible. ¶ eisegesis 1. (Theology) the interpretation of a text, esp a biblical text, using one's own ideas. ¶ Definitions from the Free Dictionary. Dispensational theology is exegesis. Reformed theology. is eisengesis.
The most famous case of exegesis vs eisegesis? My personal observation: ¶ See the official summary for a good description the eternal Abrahamic Covenant, as Dispensationalists understand it. Dr. Rugh decided to look into the man-made non-Biblical covenants of Reformed or Covenantal Theology. ¶ The three extra-Biblical covenants of Reformed Theology, The Covenant of Grace, The Covenant of Redemption, and the Covenant of Covenant of Works. ¶ Covenant of Works. Eternal life given to Adam, a free creature in the image of God, depended on total obedience through a probationary period. ¶ The threat of death if he disobeyed ¶ (The word "Covenant" is not mentioned in the first chapters of Genesis. John Calvin didn't believe in a Covenant of Works.) ¶ Covenant of Redemption is the eternal pact between God the Father and God the Son covenanted together for the redemption of Man. God the Father appointed God the Son as the Mediator giving his life for Mankind. This covenant was made in eternity past. Covenant of Redemption fulfills the Covenant of Works. ¶ The Covenant of Grace is the supreme Covenant. All Biblical covenants are an expression of the Covenant of Grace. The Covenant of Grace is made with the Elect. ¶ This system eisegesis is becoming very popular among more Evangelicals. ¶ Get a transcript!
Great Sermon! Unofficial observation ¶The most important thing going on in the world today has nothing to do with politics, terrorism, etc., but the presentation of the message of salvation by Jesus Christ! We have the honor and privilege of doing the most important thing in the world -- giving the message of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. ¶Our weak appearance and speech are not important but the message we present has the power to change lives. The apostle Paul's life should be an example to us that it's the message and not we that will impress people. ¶There is no middle ground for compromise with religions, such as Judaism, Islam, or Catholicism that don't believe in only in the grace which only comes by Christ. It's not how much we agree on, but what we don't agree on! They are all wrong! Christians are narrow minded, because the Spirit gives life but the Letter kills. The New Covenant means we can't join with Roman Catholics (29:18 min into the sermon) who say they modeled their priesthood on the Old Testament Aaronic one. They have a system of priests with Pope being the high priest. They offer the false sacrifice of the Mass. They say that salvation by faith alone is an anathema; this makes them an anathema to God! They have a ministry of death; we have a ministry of life!
A Closer Look at Ezekiel Part One of Two Unofficial Summary. ¶ We see things unfolding that the prophets of the past wrote about. Attitude of the world is fear and frustration. The fate of world or nation doesn't hang on elections, but everything is under the control of God. Ezekiel was a major prophet, who was one the important people who were deported to Babylon from Judah. There are three major divisions in his book, the judgment of Israel, the judgment of other nations, and finally, the restoration of Israel. Ezekiel is entrusted with the vision of judgment and restoration. ¶ It would be good to reread of all Ezekiel, and take note of such chapters as 33., e.g. , 31 They come to you as the people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear your words, but don't do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their gain. 32 Behold, you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they don't do them. ¶ Everything happening in the world is about Israel. God is doing it for His Namesake. Chap. 38 of Ezekiel is about the last days. ¶ This is first of two sermons listen to the other one that was on this date, "Stage-Setting for Israel's Peace & Security"
Great Sermon to think about.... ... and the short summary is very good. It is especially obvious, if one has been paying attention to the news and seeing how many church leaders have been subject to serious behavioral issues, ¶ Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ¶ Of course this is not a new problem, perhaps even occurring from the beginning of the church itself, But while what Dr. Rugh suggests may at first seem harsh, but is it, when you do look at the news stories and perhaps what you have seen what has happened in your localities? A quick surgical removal of a problem may very well be the best way to handle it. Give the sermon a listen, read the short summary. Sometimes, if not many times ignoring a problem is not the best way of handling an errant church member. When one remembers the steps of church discipline, the final one is the separation of an errant person from the church. ¶ On any account the disruptive person who has power in the church he should immediately removed from his position! ¶ This sermon is one to think over and not to dismiss quickly.
First part of the trio "How the Church Must Deal with Sin" is first part of the trio that I mentioned in my first comment. For some unknown reason, probably my fault the URL for the above got mangled. I haven't added a comment to that sermon, because what the summary says is just all too true. ¶ Anyway, I think the two audio sermons, this being listened to first then the one the comment is for, and finally the article which is the first URL listed should be considered together. ¶ I just checked this one, and there was a break in the URL also :-( So, when people put up comments with URLs, and I would seriously doubt that I'm the only one, look for breaks in the URL etc. When all else fails do a sermon or Internet search. :-/
Unsound book -- theological rubbish Unofficial summary! ¶Carl F.H. Henry's disastrous little book, "The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism (1947)" has had a very bad influence on the idea of the Kingdom of God! In 1947 most evangelicals had the good sense to reject his nonsense because they were concerned with pure doctrine and not social action, today it might be the consensus view we are in the Kingdom? Too many Christians pick up ideas from scholars without evaluating them. ¶We aren't in the Kingdom! We are to be Word, We are to be grounded in the Scripture and what we'll do will flow from that. While we aren't to go out of our way to antagonize the secular world, we should also realize that ¶Luke 6: 26 Woe, when men speak well of you, for their fathers did the same thing to the false prophets John 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, since I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ¶Put a stop to false teaching, even when it's hard to stop it from within the church. You promote love by adhering to the truth. You must fight the good fight! Even good men can't be allowed to teach false doctrine of demons. Be gentle. ¶Sound doctrine promotes a healthy spiritual life. We please God not man! Flee from false teaching.
Great overview of the Tribulation A very unofficial summary! ¶ The Bible interprets the world's events not vice versa. Many of the nations in Ezekiel 38 that will be attacking Israel in the last days are in the news today and are Islamic nations. It will be a disaster for these nations to attack Israel. God intervenes to save Israel. ¶ There are two stages of happenings occurring at the end of the church age, The Jews will be brought back to the land but are not at peace. Dr. Rugh found the Pope's visit to Lebanon a reminder that religious leaders will play a significant role in the 1st 3.5 years of the Tribulation. ¶ See and listen to Dr. Rugh's series on Daniel. This particular sermon would make a very good summary of the Daniel series. Dr. Rugh links the pertinent verses of Daniel and Revelation to the religious leaders and that is why the Pope was talked about earlier in the sermon. ¶ False religious systems are examined down through ages, there will be religious people left on earth after the Rapture of the Church, Muslims, apostate Protestants, Catholics, etc., will unite, they are represented by the Woman on the Scarlet Beast. There will be an artificial peace established with the help of these apostates of the false church. Gods use the sinfulness of man to carry out his plans.
Intriguing Disagreement is the John MacArthur video of a short sermon that most closely matches the one given by of Gil Rugh. In it, I didn't find any mention of the Qur'an. ¶ Now the two men are apparently interpreting some of Daniel and Revelation differently. I would also point out that Dr. Thomas Ice would back up Gil Rugh on not using extra-Biblical sources, q.v., ¶ I have been searching the Internet --and Dr. Rugh would have at hand more resources than I do, but I can't find anyplace that John uses the Qur'an as a resource, or even says anything good about it! So, listen to both sermons and you can make your own mind up about the disagreement between the Drs. Rugh and MacArthur on interpretation on these particular portions of the Bible, which Dr. Rugh has brought up.
Intriguing Sermon! Clash? of the Titans First, a mistake was made when the incorrect sermon was put up, and I wrote a comment on that sermon which really described chapter 3, of Daniel. It was my mistake to not recognize the problem when I was writing my comments to it, and checked on my unease to see there was good reason for it. ;-) What I said still applies as far as I'm concerned and John's sermon, (See my first comment, to get the URL for it!) is directly related to the one I'm not commenting on now. ¶ The Drs. Rugh and MacArthur are top tier expounders on the Bible. They both of course take an expositional path, using a historical, grammatical, and literal interpretation in following that path. They know each other personally I can add. They should be in lockstep in interpretation, but they are out of step in the following. ¶ Dr. Rugh in this sermon at 46 min. into the sermon points out why he disagrees with Dr. MacArthur, As Dr. Rugh points out, you don't go to the works of the Devil to shed light on the Bible. ¶ So, did John use extra-Biblical material to interpret the Bible? If he did, he shouldn't. But more importantly did he come to the wrong conclusions? See his video, and use your head (both men would agree with that!) and determine if John's conclusions are correct, even if he used the wrong source?
Great Sermon! I believe the study of Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, and the gospels are so needful for the church, particularly, in understanding historical events, and escatology. We are strengthen more and more in these present evil times.
Here are two others worth listening to: and W. J. Mencarow at Still Waters Revival Books (