Great Sermon! Not guilty does not mean innocent.No one knows the absolute truth.I find it difficult to accept that this killing was found justified.One person was armed and the other was not.One person was the adult and the other was not.It just doesnt seem right to me.Every life is valuable.This breath we breathe is precious.A life has been unnecessarily taken away.It should have been the last resort not first choice.No regard for human life!
Great Sermon! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Brazilians are not considered Hispanic because their official language is Portuguese, not Spanish.
Misconception I just want to comment on a statement you and many others have made regarding there being no such thing as a white hispanic. Indeed there is, whether you agree with the term or not. I am a black hispanic- my mother is African American and my father is Puerto Rican. Ethnicity and race are two seperate categories that are often confused as meaning the same. For census purposes and for identification on forms, notice that you are asked to identify your race AND then your ethnicity which is either hispanic or non-hispanic. So it is not incorrect to label Mr. Zimmerman as a white hispanic.
Great Sermon! Pastor Boling: Thank you for the interesting and edifying interview today, June 4, 2013,with Dr.Gordon Wenham on singing the Psalms. So many points made agree with my view of the Psalms. For instance, that all Psalms are Messianic. Test the following with a KJV Bible from the Dollar Store, (no footnotes, spaces, etc.) and one finds that Psalm 40:7 "Lo I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me..." is in the very center of the Old & New Testaments! The Psalms are full of hope, and are also timeless in a contemporary sense concerning the behaviour of men and events. I have begun composing music for the Psalms (I play by ear and do not know reading or writing music) and sharing them at my channel: for the purpose of helping scripture memorization. "Thine word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee." (Ps 119:11). Please continue with all good programs and work to spread the truth of the gospel. Your sister in Christ Jesus, Darlene Slavujac Thau
Great Sermon! I struggle with this issue, I wish there were more resources on this. It is painful to see animals suffer. We take care of many street cats. Me and my family spend lots of effort and money because we can not simply let them suffer and die. There must be a balance. Again, I wish there were more resources on this.
Great Sermon! very true. I can get angry at things in life but i never do well from it. People like happy people over mad ones. I also needed to hear this to keep my self humble and focused on christ and what he means to me. thanks for all u do pastor Kevin Boling bless u...
Needed This So Much As one who has an anger problem, I need to hear the truth about anger (it roots, and its effects). Too often I'm stuck in Rom. 7:15. I hope that many -including me- find the grace that goes with the command: "sin not" as the Holy Spirit works through the means of His Word being preached.
Problem David Barton has many problems and can not be trusted as he is close friends with Glen beck, a new age Mormon, and calls him a Christian. Barton also loves to be on Tbn and believes Kenneth Copeland and other Word Faith teachers are Christian. Very disturbing!
Interesting While I appreciate the sentiment behind the dvd series etc, I don't understand why we always have to make the simple gospel so complicated. When I read the bible, I don't see any conditions that are to be put on the poor before we give to them, no micro managing, no return monetary or non-monetary that we are to expect, and no need to have knowledge of 'how they got there' etc. I agree it is always best to develop a relationship with someone so we can help them better but this is not always possible. I dont think we should be hesitant in giving to the poor just because we may not how how they directly put to use our help or because we may not know their 'background'. Jesus just said to give to poor. God will take care of the rest. Yes relationships are best, but the poor also do not want to be treated like they are children who need 'training'.
God bless.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent talk on what real forgiveness is. Forgiveness has been misused and watered down of much of it's power and beauty in Christendom, (much like grace has.) This topic needs to be discussed more. Christians mix and mistake forgiveness with the concept of loving our enemies. Loving our enemies means we do not hate or be bitter towards our enemies, but love them, (a part of that loving is also holding out the gift of REAL forgiveness which is REDEEMING, not cheap and ineffective to change.) However forgiveness, always involve repentance on the part of the sinner. It cannot occur without repentance by the very definition of what it is, it is a two part process. People are using the wrong words and misrepresenting what forgiveness is. This misrepresentation is actually very damaging the the victims of other peoples sins. God is a God of justice and knowing God will avenge if the sinner does not repent is what frees us to be at peace (while always being ready to forgive is real repentence occurs.) It is also important to not that initial righteous anger in the face of evil and injustice is not wrong. (Jesus in the temple courtyard.) Offering immediate forgiveness absent of any repentance from the sinner is not from God but a subtle tactic from the enemy to minimise sin
Great Sermon! Spurgeon once said that "Complicity with error will take from the best of men the power to enter into any successful protest against it." No matter how one rationalizes that this document is not fundamentally a theological statement (something that Chuck Colson himself denies), it loudly proclaims "Christian" brotherhood with those who bring another gospel. I saw Al Mohler making a statement against Romanism on the Larry King show before the unveiling of this document. I wonder how much weight a statement like that coming from him (or any of the signers of the M.D.) now carries. So sad to see how year by year so many are being pulled down into this ecumenical whirlpool. God save us from the ecclesiastical compromise of our day and graciously grant us revival.
Thank you for the blessed time. Thank you for having pastor Martin as your guest today. It has made my day today! I praise God for the blessed reality we are in through His Son, which have us be more than conquers.
Great Sermon! Thank you for featuring "Two Fears" in your broadcast. More people, including believers,need to be reminded of God's majesty and power and love Him with a reverent fear. Thank you!
Interesting topic The EOC folks stayed far too long with a denomination that failed to affirm the inerrancy of scripture. Even now the EOC has not broken from the liberal orthodoxy. Very sad.
Heresy Behind Propaganda for Israel Starts at the 14:00 minute mark. Christian Zionism, which Hagee espouses, is a theological (Jewish) innovation and heresy (contrary to historical protestant teachers) for the purpose of political Christian support of modern secular (not scriptural) Israel. Thus Hagee is an agent preacher and activist for AIPAC and its propaganda to Congress and American media (which also promotes Zionism, while Orthodox Jews reject it). This just touches the surface. Look at the history of Christian Zionism's doctrinal emergence from Darby, Scofield, and Dallas Theological Seminary.