One Sided Application of God's Word PS. you only apply the Word of God to one side - Trump is not to be judged and yet you judge Hillary unfit for the office. The Providence of God is seen in his rising to the nomination but not seen in those reproving him for his sinfulness or opposing him. Matt 7 does not tell us not to judge but to be consistent in the standard that we use. Trump may be elected president by those who somehow can overlook his blatant display of depravity, but it will be without my vote.
well... I did not listen, but read comments. Voting for Trump is not a better alternative to Mrs. Clinton. The reason those two are in the race is because America is a nation with the morals of badgers. If we are honest we have to say this is not a lesser of two evils, but two evils. The "lesser of two evils" is a mantra that we have embraced. It is pragmatism. We allow ourselves to think Republican or Democrat. We dont seek out ther parties cause we tell ourselves and each other that they are unelectable. Again, mantra. No one is electable if no one votes for them. Also, we cannot know the ultimate destiny of anyone, but even Christ says that we will know people by their fruits. He also says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The gosples are soaked with contrasts btw Believers and non Believers based on fruit. If Jesus tells us to look at fruit to make an assessment of others than we need to heed that. He did not tell us to make a final eternal destiny as we cannot since He saves, but to assess what is obvious in the presence. Something we all do naturally everyday with people, except Donald Trump.
Come on guys Don't you believe in the providence of God? God raises up one and brings down another! God also looks at the heart .... So if we who have accepted Christ are totally depraved without him , who are we to judge Mr Trump who is on the outside and God's word says that He alone judges those who are without. Do you presume to know someone's heart? And if you vote for the person you know will appoint a corrupt judge or fail to vote to prevent it what exactly does that make you? Silent in the face of true evil ! All of us have been evil and need Salvation , but honestly do we wNt another Clinton in the WH?
Funny comment I liked the comment about opening an office to do conscience calibrations like a chiropractor does. Maybe it could be made into a catchy church bulletin board announcement-we offer free conscience calibrations here!
Great program Thank you for this wonderful interview. It sheds light on a sad situation, but it also reveals good principles of seeing God's sovereignty even in the midst of the storm. Will pray for this family per 1 Pet. 5:10.
It's not that women are more easily deceived, man is created in Gods image. Women are created in mans image. Women are the lesser of gender by Gods design. Man rules over woman.
Who is this guy that is writing a book..and doesn't even know the answers as he is writing and selling books to others...!????????
Read whole bible we are so stuck on what Paul said, we forget what Jesus said...women cannot be pastors...but women can be evangelists, such as the first Jesus ordained evangelist, Mary Magdalene at the tomb
Great Sermon! Very interesting history!! And needful to know.
History isn't taught in the public schools, so the majority of folks know nothing about this.
Great Sermon! Wow, this message is much more than just comments from Trump. I loved the comparison between Jesus & Muhammad. Thank you for hosting this guest and having the courage to call others to care and be aware. I pray for all of you who shine the light on truths...God Bless!
Great Sermon! Wow are we being brain washed in this country. Im sorry but, now I know why they continue to be muslim when they immigrate. There lost in paganism, pray for them. Christ is Lord, amen.
not sure even if its a good insight im not sure if this applies for CEntral America Capitalism , here they are monsters and live just like socialist live like kings and the rest of population lives with less than a dollar a day..
Great Sermon! It is not found in the bible though...only by your own interpetatiom. To bad the reformers did not "went out" from the Roman Catholic Church completely..still holding to this idea.
Great Sermon! God bless you for your courage Kevin. It's hard to see how these liberal zealots do not see themselves as intolerant. You're absolutely right about the rainbow; that progresive symbol is the height of irony.