Praise Be to God! Thank you for sharing your testimony. I've listened to quite a few of your broadcasts but had no idea until now just what the Lord saved you from. I was really blessed and encouraged by this!
Insightful! Sure, officials in the many nations around the world are aware of their national sovereignty being eroded by the United Nations, but we must remember that national sovereignty, though liberty-friendly and accountable to the people, is a secular and humanistic movement.
Great Sermon! Would be wonderful if we could get more sound as I have to be too close to the screen to hear Kevin B.
My sound on computer is wide open. All internal speakers.
Enjoy your station VIA web. here in Virginia especially Kevin Boling.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much! What you've said has incited me to write to my daughter, as a fellow sister in Christ to glorify our Lord, not the enemy.
I am ready for the rebuttal from the flesh, but God's glory and Holiness must be feared.
Great Sermon! Anyone claiming to be a Christian and not only watches, but defends their "liberty" to watch this filth has never been regenerated by the Goapel and are still dead in their sins.
Excellent, rich in scriptures! This teaching brings to mind Psalm 101:2-3 KJV "..I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside: it shall not cleave to me." and Proverbs 3:20 KJV "Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness."
A very important discussion. Thank you. As well as the sun and moon being magnificent evidence of the Majesty on high, his power and his sovereignty, he created them also for signs.(Gen 1:14) The total eclipse is a sign, a foretaste of the total chilling darkness, coming one day upon the earth (Mt 24:29, Rev 6:12, & other scriptures). It is a glimpse lasting a few minutes of what shall be. It is a warning from God, and the swath is cutting through our nation (becoming more ungodly daily) and the 'bible belt.' Now is a perfect time to preach to the lost the gospel message of the light, Jesus Christ; and to 'get into the ark' while there is still time. For God " not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9 KJV) While the world hastens to celebrate this coming event, the total solar eclipse is a very grave sign.
Another worthy sermon! The Old Testament saints looking FORWARD to Christ, and the New Testament saints looking BACKWARD to Christ is such a wonderful explanation of saving faith throughout the ages. It reminds me of the very physical center of the Holy Bible wherein the Word (Christ) said, "Then said I,Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me." (Psalm 40:7 KJV)
Thank you Pastor Boling for another wonderful sermon.
Great Sermon! Hi Brother Boling!
I also saw that article about VBS on SermonAudio.
I'm a senior citizen, saved from my sins by the grace and power of Jesus Christ the Lord, and have been walking for Him for almost 34 years now. For a long time now, I've been concerned by the frivolity of presenting the gospel in churches. Think about this: How many young pastors preach with the same frivolity they new as children--once they're grown men? Many act more like comedians and entertainers than pastors! The eternal soul of human beings is a serious, serious matter, not to be taken lightly. One of the requirements Paul gives for elders is that they should be "grave". Surely, that doesn't mean there's no room for humor, but surely not where preaching Christ is concerned, Brother Boling. I fear that we have strayed w-a-y over into a way not Biblical at all. People aren't afraid of sin and hell because it doesn't seem a serious matter after all.
I'm glad that you addressed this and thank you for your wise comments on the article.
In Jesus,
The limitations of man's scientific endeavors: "He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 KJV)
Great Sermon! The historical Adam is a truth taught in scripture Whoever denies this as a myth must also to be consistent deny Jesus the 2nd Adam., a thing impossible to be true. Abundant historiocal evidences ,Gospels , epistles record actual events concerning His birth words works death ressurection ascension and future return. 1st Adam ,pious guess a 5 minute creation . 2nd Adam twinkling of an eye.Evolutions error of 1st Adam millions of years, then to them 2nd Adam must equate to centillions of. years , that is last theory worse than the first.
Great Sermon! Really appreciated your sermon on surety; what a wonderful basis for witnessing as most folks can relate to debt and surety. For others, who are wealthy and have no need of worldly surety, a good witness of their inability to pay sins is Psalm 49:6-8 KJV "They trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever.)"
interesting this interview talks a lot about how Hitler deceived the German population from a populist, nationalist angle.
Right now, Eric Metaxas supports Trump.
I wonder how would he choose if he were in the 1920-1930 era, keep in mind the socialists and communists were a big force in Germany. Hitler did not sound like the scariest guy back then.
Great Sermon! I normally like this program. But for the past couple of programs I have not been able to hear clearly because there's a lot of background noise and it's very distracting and takes away from the broadcasters voice and message. Please fix this.