Great Sermon! its about time this issue was covered. people need to get educated on this yesterday for the sake of this generation, this has gone on far too long. y'll go see what caused Jonathan Edward, the great American preacher's untimely exit.
Is there vaccine cover up? If kids as they get to 6 years olds have already gotten 49 all sorts of vaccines with some contaminations, how come only about 1:100 are diagnosed with autism spectrum syndrome? Is it randomly contaminated? Can Vaxxed team get more real vaccine specimens to prove to the world of its consistency?
People need to hear this Kevin Boling is doing a great job here and more people need to hear this broadcast, I will try to share this with my friends.
Great Sermon! If the Devil had the capability to sit down at the time of the great spiritual downgrade with the demons and come up with one ploy to have men replace the God of scripture with another idol...then sport would be top of the list. Soccer in the UK...teams and players idolised as 'gods' and terrace anthems replacing hymns, whilst stadiums replace churches for the Lord's Day, gathering to sing odes to the gods of football, paid millions for kicking a piece of leather, often poor examples of human beings these superstars are often prideful sinful men setting a wicked example. Ladies aping men in the 21st century playing men's sports Rugby and football, dressed in less than most Victorian saints underwear. Something is amiss with this love of the world and love of money?
Thought provoking Worth listening to program, particularly on discipleship aspects of sports. God can be glorified even by sitting on the bench. Of course, sports should not be an obsession.
Helpful comments for the weary Thank you for this segment of timely subject matter. Good points about even Elijah being overwhelmed with sorrow at one point. Our consumer culture too often glosses over God's program of suffering (and great quote by Spurgeon on the Refiner being near the gold in the fire).
Annother good teaching. On the point of ecumenism: it would appear the social issues are a greater attraction to consenting churches than the most important issue of the true biblical doctrine of justification. By example, the church of Ephesus, within itself, was similar in laboring over good works, and neglecting the “first works.” Jesus said, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Rev 2:4-5 KJV)
Great Broadcast! Thanks for showing from the Scriptures the virtue of temperance and the vice of excess. The world loves to encourage indulgence and reject restraint. God calls us to have rule over our own spirits and to deny ourselves.
Great Sermon! Why is this so hard to get through? :-/ Obviously He Chose us in him before the foundation of the world, but not until we receive him and believe are we sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, and are "in Christ". Again Gods free gift of salvation is offered FIRST, and Jesus died for ALL the sins of the whole world but not until you RECEIVE him are you "in Christ" Hey I've been Chosen for many things in this life but that didn't mean I received anything. weather chosen or not that act of receiving was on me. Answer this Calvin, what came first in Cornelius' Salvation? It was by 'HIS' prayer's and 'HIS' alms brought forth as memorial FIRST and then was Heard, Seen and Remembered by God! Don't pretend that you got the Bible all figured out friend, much has yet to be fulfilled.
Great Sermon! Justin, both sides would agree on the necessity of receiving Christ - that is not in dispute. What is in dispute is which comes first, man's act of receiving or God's act of causing the new birth. The very next verse (John 1:13) informs us that our receiving of Christ is due to the fact that we were born of God (an act of God). The verse states that man's will was NOT the deciding factor, but the new birth was.
Great Sermon! Your dying with a deadly disease and your house has been quarantined the doctor delivers you the Cure and leaves it at your doorstep in a box, if you don't open the door and receive the box with the cure you will die in your disease. However if you open the door and and by free will choose to accept the box and RECEIVE the cure inside you will live and no longer will you die in your disease, therefore you have been given a cure and a choice, to accept and receive the free gift of life that Jesus offers you, who are dead in your trespasses and sins, or not accept and receive God's free gift of salvation. AGAIN John 1:12 reads "But as many as RECEIVED him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name". Why won't you RECEIVE God's free gift friend, Jesus is calling, even all who are dead can hear his voice, you can answer the door... "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me"
Great Sermon! 1. Acts 10:4 Calvin - no explanation under TULIP for Cornelius' salvation "...And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God."
2. Matthew 23:37 No explanation under TULIP for Gods Irresistible Grace. This is the Lord Jesus Christ were talking about who's Grace was resisted, careful. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"
3. Ephesian 1:4 and John 1:12 Calvin thought that because the elect were chosen before the foundations of the world that it was already a done deal, but we are not in Jesus Christ until we receive Jesus Christ. He missed this act totally, yes indeed, and that act is we must RECEIVE him first. God can't make us receive his son, he is not some cosmic bully. So I disagree that we cannot RECEIVE the proverbial "life saver" because John 1:12 can't read any more clear than what it states "But as many as RECEIVED him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" we also must believe, another act God won't force us to do.
Strong Sermon! This gives us encouragement as we face the opposition of our society and culture. As things get more offensive towards us we have to look to Scripture to face our problems.
Great Guest Speaker- Dr. Frazier Thank you for the discussion you had with your guest today - He articulated exactly how my husband and I have been thinking regarding this voting dilemma-Thank you!!
You know I have heard John MacArthur speak on 7 Mountain Dominionism and I feel that Ted Cruz is not a true Christian. Just because someone claims to be doesn't make it so. Have you checked facts concerning Teds lies? I have and there are many. There are also other questionable things in his personal life that are concerning to me. We now hear that Ted is working behind the scenes to re-enter the race at the convention. I have heard Trump say he is a Christian of the Presbyterian faith, but it doesn't mean he is. But Teds action and those of his fathers, I'm speaking about this revelation that God told him he would be President is balogna. I see media and the $$ pacs that are putting out 1 sided reports, against Trump. I also look into Teds and see that they say good things. Only a few people have called Ted out on his lying, Trey Gowdy for one. How are we at fault when there are millions of people who know that Ted continually lies. Twist lies too? I'm sorry, but if you don't see everything that we see to be proven true that's on you.
About Time - Unfounded Accusations are Slander Christian's must ensure that we are not just repeating a false meme that has been promoted by the Trump and the news media. Trump is well known for using this tactic (Character Assignation) to destroy those who disagree with him. But as Christian we are not to bear false witness. It is slander to say this about any person without actual proof.