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Mountain Bridge Bible Fellowship
Kevin Boling  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Mountain Bridge Bible Fellowship
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Pickens SC
Kevin M. Boling
PO Box 75
Marietta, SC 29661
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"Great Sermon!"
Kevin Boling from Greenville, South Carolina
Dorothy, I will ask the producer to turn up the volume. Thanks for listening.
Kevin Boling | Sola Scriptura
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Sermon7/10/15 4:08 PM
christine elliott from california  Contact via emailFind all comments by christine elliott
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“ Andy Stanley; preaching? ”
i so agree with your comment and observation. A theologian he isnt nor rightly divides the Word. Too much psychology he is like so many today and boring. The Word is wonderful and challenges my own understanding of our God!

Sermon6/6/15 3:31 PM
Tatter D. Malion from Isles of Langerhans  Find all comments by Tatter D. Malion
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“ Include Social Security and Medicare? ”
Same criticism of public pension plans can be made for Social Security and Medicare because both plans have today's youth paying for what the older generation is getting. Older people will say--no, it's not 'entitlement spending' but savings accounts I put money into. Sorry, but if both accts were that way, your balance would be 0, especially on the Medicare acct. In the same way, anyone who buys a GM car is really paying for the retired GM workers pensions and medical insurance plans. Is that fair? Maybe they need to list it on the car's price tag, just like they put 'dealer prep charge' on it. And how about Starbucks? That high-priced coffee is paying for free eyecare for their employees, even part-time ones that would get no benefits in other businesses. In the end, life is not fair. Get used to it. Fair is a complexion of the skin or a condition of the skies or general weather condition.

Sermon5/6/15 4:13 PM
carl h from uk  Contact via emailFind all comments by carl h
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The Christians who I know are refusing to vote. Very childish

Sermon1/7/15 5:34 PM
Helen from Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Helen
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MacArthur vs. Amillennialism
Kevin Boling
“ Great Sermon! ”
John McArthur has got the eschatology right.I recommend everyone to listen to what he has to say. All biblical.

Sermon12/29/14 3:23 PM
Erin Marque from Kansas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Erin Marque
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The Death of Eric Garner
Kevin Boling
“ hmmmm ”
1. The man was being arrested for breaking up a fight, not selling cigarettes. 2. Why does the case by case (incident by incident) policy ONLY apply to the police? A man arrested more than once for anything is still innocent until proven guilty. 3. Does guilt or even an officers intent to arrest equate in possible death? Should breaking up a fight or selling cigarettes conger fears of death? 4. If it was someone you love would you feel the same? Thank you for your ministry. God bless.

Sermon12/18/14 5:47 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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The Death of Eric Garner
Kevin Boling
“ hmmm ”
I have a question for Pastor Bolling and any who heard this interview. Have you gone to www.tax.ny.gov/bus/cig/cigidx.htm and read the tax rate for cigarettes and tobacco products. A black market is being created because of the high taxes. Mr. Garner and othera would not sell loose cigarettes if there was not a demand for them. Lower the taxes and people like Mr. Garner go out of business, do not take up jail space that belong to real criminals. The police officers are not put in a position to confront people like Mr. Garner. Whole thing was senseless. A man crossed over into eternity because the state of New York deemed him a criminal just because he was averting oppressive taxation. I am all for taxes and they are necessary, but it must be reasonable and not oppressive to any group of individuals namely tobacco users.

Sermon11/23/14 3:58 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ Important! ”
Al Mohler is repenting of calling homosexual orientation a perversity and sin and undermining the truth that such is a perverted unnatural lust wicked to the core. He is leading the S BC into a false and wrong repentance! Now watch him dig his heels in and defend himself and attack his correct accusers...and persecute them instead using his position abusively (which is typical).

Sermon11/23/14 3:39 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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RC: Homosexuals Do Not Exist
Kevin Boling
“ Important! ”
The SBC under the leadership of Al Mohler, who has come under the cloak of historic SBC founders conservative doctrine, has leaned increasingly into humanistic Political Correctness and compromised historic SBC doctrine and this is solid evidence. Al Mohler is leading tho ecumenical liberal creep into unorthodoxy by a once most conservative denomination. Sproul provides a sharp contrast and Is spot on.

Sermon11/9/14 1:14 AM
J Perra from Santa Barbara  Contact via emailFind all comments by J Perra
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RC: Homosexuals Do Not Exist
Kevin Boling
“ I'm not so sure... ”
I was listening to Pastor Boling dissect the news of the SBC's convention and Dr. Albert Mohler's repentance on his belief that sexual orientations do not exist ...Pastor Boling says he is disturbed by the implication of Dr. Mohler, and Dr Morrow, that a homosexual could become a Christian if they remained celibate and non-practicing of homosexual behavior. He references the scripture that the old self has been crucified with Christ, our Savior, and we are a new creation. His implication is that if they truly became Christian there would be a conversion and then they would no longer be homosexuals. That illicit desire would no longer exist. I find that naive to believe that the new self is instantly and completely in control upon receiving Christ. In my own life I still struggle on the internet with pornography...it is a physical battle to not hit a button that might have a scantily clad woman waiting for me. Even the Apostle Paul, whose scripture Dr. boiling referenced claimed that he was chief among sinners and that he struggled with controlling the sin of the flesh and the righteousness of the spirit. (Rom 7:15-20) Why, in most of Paul's letters, would he have to admonish believers to stop sinning and put on the new self (Eph 4:17-5:20)...if it was automatic and complete?

Sermon11/5/14 8:14 AM
Helen from Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Helen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It was sad to hear this report. Apostasy is coming more and more even Where you never thougt you will find it.

Sermon10/9/14 1:13 AM
william 2014 from Panama  Find all comments by william 2014
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The Rise of ISIS
Kevin Boling
“ Need for balance ”
I am not sure that Jay Seculow is qualified to speak as an authority on Middle East issues. He is a lawyer. He has never lived in the Middle East and does not speak Arabic. Not all the comments on Amazon are positive about his book. Many say it was a waste of time. He just has no credibility to speak about ISIS. I have not read the book, however, I am not going to waste 8$ to read a compilation of dubious sourced Internet news about the Middle East. Mr. Sekulow sounds more like a propaganda mouthpiece for another war. The US has already spent 3$ trillion dollars fighting wars that never had any American interest. What has been accomplished there? Was it worth it? We "trained" the Iraqi Army and they got beat by a bunch of pick up driving thugs. If US wants to really do something there, find out who is funding ISIS first. We need to know the source of the problem!

Sermon8/10/14 5:50 PM
Helen from Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Helen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You for bringing this up in to light .See how the world spit out their aggression against the jewish nation and how they are coming after jewish people...Seems like the endtime is here and satan mobiles his troups..Fear the great God and stay at the right side. .-On Gods side along with Holy Land and the jewish people

Sermon8/7/14 7:49 PM
Darien Durr from San Diego  Find all comments by Darien Durr
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“ Great Sermon! ”
5 of the 10 virgins were preppers. I try to live as one of the 5 who had enough oil and extra.

Sermon7/19/14 4:51 AM
Mark Sebert from Virginia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark Sebert
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Making David into Goliath
Kevin Boling
“ Seems biased ”
This radio program ignores what is actually going on in the Gaza Strip. It comes with a bias against Palestine conflating them with being. Muslim and then basically making it a race issue. Intellectually vapid and surprisingly ignorant.

Sermon6/11/14 1:57 PM
Allie from Detroit  Find all comments by Allie
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Planned Parenthood Exposed
Kevin Boling
“ Great Sermon! ”
Politicians don't care and neither do the taxpayers. Congress will do NOTHING. Republicans and Democrats do not care.

Sermon5/16/14 1:28 AM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Message!...

Sermon5/13/14 9:43 PM
Carl in Greensboro from NC  Find all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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The Sin of Silence
Kevin Boling
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was given 14 yrs ago and is even more appropriate today. Below is the Youtube link if you want to hear it in its entirety. Hopefully it will spur you to put your work where your faith is; or to put it another way, put your actions where your words are. Let's put some fruit on our faith tree! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLqn7TTAqwQ

Sermon4/8/14 3:30 PM
alana from wisconsin  Find all comments by alana
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The False Gospel of Nice
Kevin Boling
“ Great Sermon! ”
interesting;good viewpoints! God bless and keep you!

Sermon3/29/14 10:55 PM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It appears that despite the reversal that they scrambled to do to avoid loss of revenue, the World Vision has shown their true colors. Also seems to reflect a need for a complete overhaul of all their board members.

Sermon3/29/14 3:50 PM
Kevin Boling from Greenville, South Carolina  Protected NameFind all comments by Kevin Boling
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“ Great Sermon! ”
IC Irony... I think someone has been reading Rachel Evans blog:) The notion that Christian center on one sin over another is simply false. I have over 900 broadcasts listed here... how many deal with Homosexuality? I'll save you the trouble of counting them... A very small percentage. I would like to see the subject addressed even more... it is the sin of this generation, striking at the very creative intent of God and at the very foundation of our civil society. Is there not a cause? It is therefore our responsibility before God to expose it and oppose it in our generation.

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