Ham On Nye Ken won. He was faithful in giving the gospel and in defending creationism's validity. We can only pray that Nye will not turn a deaf ear and end up as an eternal loser.
outstanding programme Not just food for thought but a banquet. The state and its' laws can't be neutral. Here in the UK we recently had a high court judge say that british laws can no longer be christian as we are now multi cultural, multi faith society and court decisions and judgements must reflect this. What this means in practice is that the courts will serve the religion of secular humanism.
Great Sermon! Very good interview i agree some one from USA should have attended Mrs Thatcher funeral. Also Gerry Adams and Mugabie should not have been invited to mandela funeral. God Bless America
very goid Clearly shoes how scripture is being twisted to promote the pro-gay agenda. Very importantly it is very clear throughout the programe there is not a shred of homophobia.
Great Broadcast! If I could reach through the internet and give you a hug brother -I would! With tears it has been such a burden on my heart to hear the things said in this broadcast today! With compassion telling those that have broken our laws - we care about you enough to tell you to do what is right! I will be excited to look into the supporting those Christian groups that have not fallen asleep on illegal immigration and it's impact to our country. It made my heart glad to hear you make the connections with those that support illegal immigration. I live along the border and have a front row seat. Thank you for standing up for us!
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for your informed and accurate assessment on this issue. My husband is a US Army solider, who has been battling Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Iraq and Afghsnistan for 10 yrs. He is currently deployed and the war is definitely not over, there is no peace, and peace is not on the horizon.
It is a shame that so many Americans, even Christian ones, are ignorant enough of the Koran and it's teaching on true Islam. My husband and I have made a point to study the issue as we keep up with current events.
It is refreshing to hear the truth spoken.
Thank you Sir!
Great Sermon! You finally answered a question I've had. I knew there was no pre-trib'secret rapture', because when the Lord shouts at the 7th trumpet, all will hear. But you've explained 'the days of Noah' in a new way I've not heard before. I knew there had to be more than the evil 'times'. That hasn't ever changed. The 'left behind' followers should hear this one. It finally makes sense to me. Thank you!
Great Sermon! Great interview, one of the best on the subject, special to us here in Africa, pity the sound qua;ity was so bad toward the end is there any way of redoing the interview with Swanson
Great Sermon! Critical subject. 97% apostasy rate of the next generation right now. Got to nip this apostasy in the bud. [Audio note: Bad soundtrack on caller's end. Recommend simultaneous recording MP3 at both locations (while you're on the call with caller) and post-production backfilling caller's soundtrack onto your master. A phone call is not HIFI, especially not for a cell phone.]