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Sermon4/18/2021 4:12 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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“ This vaccine is different ”
I have heard a number of very good and solid sermons from this brother. However, on this issue of the COVID 19 vaccine I must sadly disagree with him. This is no ordinary vaccine, and it has a number of objectionable things attached to it. First, even the very idea of compulsory experimental mass medication of healthy people that has not been fully or properly tested, and is not fully licensed except temporarily for emergency use only for a virus that actually kills only about 0.001% or so that contract it, combined with government propaganda, bullying and coercion, combined with strict censorship by MSM and social media of any opposing viewpoint is very egregious. All of the vaccines either contain aborted foetal material, or were tested on such tissue. This means we are going along with abortion. Furthermore, two, and maybe more vaccines, actually use a relatively untested MRA messenger technology, that can affect our DNA permanently. The vaccine companies and the government and private agencies that mandate them are totally immune from civil lawsuit and criminal prosecution. This, combined with the potential vaccine passports, and the tremendous death rate and side effects of these vaccines, make them very questionable for Christians to take them. These WHO and UN supported va

News Item1/9/2021 6:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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With Joe Biden, and Planned Parenthood’s friend and favourite lawyer, Kamala Harris, coming in to power backed up by a number of leftist governors and mayors in states and cities, the Canaanite sacraments of infant sacrifice (from the womb or even after birth) and ritual prostitution, are to be further entrenched in law, and Christians who work in the medical or other professions forced to conform or lose their licence and work. God was angry with the Israelites when they copied these practices, and were repeatedly chastised, and even exiled into foreign countries. The Lord will not be mocked, and maybe, who knows, the Lord has given over USA, in fact the globe to a worldwide dictatorship, that will culminate in the brief 7 year rule if the Sntichrist and his False Prophet. The new government to make sure if abortion never being abrogated or repealed, are not only going to pack the courts with activist judges, they intend to use their absolute majority to permanent enshrine Roe v Wade into federal law, through the legislature.

News Item1/9/2021 4:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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At present, Scotland with its SNP leftist government, and its fairly recently merged and very politically correct national police force, Police Scotland, (created when all the regional and local police forces were hurriedly merged into one just a few years ago), has led the way in the United Kingdom, followed quickly by Labour Wales and the pro-Irish unity leftist party, Sinn Fein, of the compulsory coalition in Northern Ireland, with England panting and puffing in the rear!! Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP government are ahead in these leftist campaigns, aided also by the COVID 19 crisis. The Scottish Police are possibly the most politically correct, followed by the Met Police in London!! Thankfully, prayerful Christians and even many non-Christians have often campaigned successfully against previous SNP campaigns like this, but I am sorry it was left to the lesbians and old style feminists to nip this one in the bud, as biological women would no longer have any safe spaces at all under this policy!! A shame the evangelicals were so quiet!!

News Item1/9/2021 4:29 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The courts are soon to be packed. The federal courts by Joe Biden with leftist activist judges, and the Senate will concur, with Kamala Harris giving the casting vote whenever necessary, (though with the extra 4 Senators from Democrat Puerto Rico and Washington DC that will soon be made full states that will not really be necessary), and the state and local courts packed with leftist activist judges by Democrat governors and local officials, it will be easy to try not only Trump supporters, but any Conservative, and of course, evangelical Christian people. Hate crime laws will now rapidly be passed, the federal Equality Act, amongst them, and with the redefinition of language, and the Marxist left now in power, that is what you all have to look forward to now. A one party dictatorship in USA, is now very much in the works. Free and fair elections are gone, and any official opposition that might exist, or just about be tolerated, but with no chance of ever getting in government, will be a kind of reconstituted RINO party that will be permitted to exist for propaganda purposes. Even retreating to rural areas will not do as illegal immigrants and Muslims will be packed into those areas,and will take over your local and state governments very quickly. The Great Reset is now in the

News Item1/8/2021 10:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I sm glad that Al Mohler seems to have woken up from his woke induced sleep. Unfortunately some of his professors, and in the other SBC colleges he is linked up with, are not in the same mind. Many of them are actually very happy with the new socialist government that is about to befall the USA. Christian colleges and universities, if they wish to survive in the short term, (their long term prospects are not very certain under the new order), they must cut off from any government money, and 501c3 status, any government grant students, and must be as far as possible independent of any government requirements. They should be located in their own freehold buildings and not rent from anyone, public or private. Eventually, they may have to dissolve in their current form, and become local church based institutions. Of course, they can give out degrees, (they may not be allowed to call them that), or certificates, but they must just accept that these wil not be officially accredited, and are of use only in their church and denomination. Sooner or later, as in China, they will be totally banned anyway. But they can start now by refusing any government money, and becoming as far as possible, totally independent financially.

News Item1/7/2021 11:15 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear G Bird, theUS election was indeed fixed. The MSM and social media have been censoring this from the beginning. The globalists took an instant dislike to President Trump even when he was running as a candidate in 2016, and were determined to get rid of him from day 1 of his presidency. Russiagate, Ukrainegate, the impeachment, al failed and then Coronavirus arrived. Not safe to have real ballots in real polling stations, send out mailing ballots to all. This was helped by ballot harvesting, and corrupted voting machines (Doninion) that I understand were originally formulated to ensure that Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro won their elections in socialist Venezuela!! This combined with changes to electoral law in states that were decreed by governors and mandated by activist judges in courts but not discussed in the state legislatures. When the inevitable happened, the courts refused to handle the evidence of the fraud, and the RINOs who may have disliked Biden and Harris, but detested Trump more, made it clear they would not support him.

News Item1/7/2021 4:29 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yesterday, finally a country went out of existence, and was replaced by another country. The United States of America ceased to exist in its current form, and was replaced by a new country, the USSSA, the United Soviet Socialist States of America, or maybe the PDRA or People’s Democratic Republic of America, though I am sure for convenience it will continue officially and legally with the name of the old country, USA. You now effectively have a one party state, that will rapidly obediently carry out the demands of the WEF Great Reset, and the UN 2021 /2030 Sustainable Goals of depopulation, the Green New Deal, and all the other Marxist and globalist requirements to prepare for the one world government, one world cashless digital economy, and one world religion. Joe Biden is your first president, but will be very quickly replaced by your second president, Kamala Harris. Israel will be abandoned and Iran and China will be your friends. The Christians there will now indeed be persecuted, and secular humanism will become the state religion of the new state, enforced for by law. You will never again have a free and fair ejection, and effective opposition will be crushed. We must all get back to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to God’s Holy Eitd, and look to His Coming.

News Item1/6/2021 5:03 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This must be one of the absolutely rare times that Planbed Parenthood, and its leader, have actually told the truth!!! Abortion aka baby murder actually is at the heart and core of PP and other abortion providers. (They usually use the very deceptive and lying term “reproductive healthcare”, which is neither reproductive, nor is it healthcare, as it involves the actual death of the child that should be reproduced!!), though she went in to give this lie that abortion is healthcare. This dreadful woman should actually have been even more truthful by asserting that PP and its sister and allied organisations are really the modern, subtle, clinical equivalent of the cult of Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte from the OT Canaanite religions, of which infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution were their sacraments!!

News Item1/6/2021 3:25 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Last Sunday, in the famous Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park, where until now, anyone can get on a soapbox, ladder, platform or stand, and can speak forth on any subject political, religious, or economic, or any other subject, (the gospel is often preached here), usually with lively audience participation, a squad of police in military style formation, literally marched through, with orders being barked, and every so often, broke up, and approached groups of people at random, asking for their identity, and “Are you from the same household?” or “Are you from the same support bubble?”. London was then in the very strict Tier 4, but now all England is in a full blown national lockdown. Watching the video, China, North Korea, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany came to mind. By the way, the police were actually technically breaking the normal law, but details like that don’t seem to matter. All the police, though outside, were all masked, which is not yet required in British law, though masks are mandatory outside in some other countries. This is dictatorship, not democracy. Government by decree.

News Item1/6/2021 3:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Also, worse still this wolf in wolf’s clothing, I understand as well as being a Representative in the US House of Representatives, is also simultaneously a pastor in a United Methodist Church. John and Charles Wesley and George Whitfield would definitely have something to say about that. I am praying today about the joint session of your House and the Senate with regard to the election results, and that the great fraud will be exposed. In our British Parliament tonight will be a vote on our latest lockdown in England, due to run until mid February, but could run well into March. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are already in various kinds of lockdowns decided by their devolved governments. The Labour “opposition” are fully in agreement with a severe lockdown, but some of PM Johnson’s own MPs are strongly opposed. It will carry of course, and our economy is due to be completely decimated to get us ready for the WEF Great Reset and the UN 2021 / 2030 Agenda (depopulation, abortion, LGBTQI+, Green New Deal, socialist digital cashless economy, redistribution of wealth, global government, etc). That is also going to happen to you very quickly if the Harris / Biden fraudulent ticket is confirmed today!! We are definitely in the last of the last days!! Maranatha!!

News Item1/5/2021 8:36 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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3rd national English lockdown, which PM Johnson has already declared, until mid February, and possibly later, (4th for the city of Leicester which had an extra special local lockdown in late summer / early Autumn). Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland already are confirmed in theirs, with minimal debate in their assemblies or parliaments, and in Scotland churches are closed yet again. In the House of Commons, the Labour “opposition”, which believes in both lockdowns, the testing using flawed and ultra sensitive PCR tests which give false positives, and the useless, abortion tissue DNA changing and dangerous mass vaccination programme, will fully support the government, while many of PM Johnson’s own Conservative MPs will vigorously oppose it. Our economy is being destroyed, our civil liberties scrapped, our churches restricted or closed, and for what? A flu like disease which kills about 0.001% of people that get it, mostly very elderly and frail people, and other people who already have major health problems, and to get us ready for the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, and the UN 2021 / 2030 Agenda of “Sustainable Growth” and “Climate Change”, basically depopulation and the “Green New Deal”. Romans 1:18-32, Psalms 2, 73 and 139 come to mind here.

News Item1/5/2021 8:15 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Despite church closures, or churches meeting under severe restrictions (masks, no congregational singing, no wind or brass instruments, tape, closed off pews, no baptism by immersion, or private infant baptisms by sprinkling only as a private service, number limits, private weddings and funerals with tiny numbers only, communion in one kind with no common cup, or must use disposable multiple single cups or not at all, no hymn books or Bibles to be given out, no fellowship, no Sunday school, no church meals or anything remotely social, no home Bible studies or pastoral visitation, time limits on services, people who visit having to obtain a ticket, or give track and trace details, and have to sit on their own, churches having to produce a 32 page risk assessment document on how they will obey the COVID 19 regulations and “be safe”, sanitiser, all these requirements we have in most of Britain), we need to pray regarding what is going on. I am certainly praying for you folks in the USA, as in other countries too, as your Congress to either challenge or confirm the wicked Biden / Harris presidency, and either approve the cheating traitorous false balance (Proverbs 11:1), or refuse it!! In Britain, as far as England goes, we have a retrospective debate in the House of Commons, on the

News Item1/5/2021 6:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Now we have a masked (under Nancy Pelosi’s orders, all Representatives must wear masks at all times in the chamber even while speaking), Democrat Representative, in your national federal House of Representatives from Kansas City, Missouri, I think, whose first name is most inappropriately called Emmanuel (God with us, remember the prophecy of our Lord’s first coming in Isaiah 7:14), leading the House in a most blasphemous prayer, twisting the wonderful Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:24 - 26, and praying in the name of “the monotheistic god”, here he mentioned a certain Hindu deity, that is supposed to represent all the gods and in the god who is in many names, (Cleaver was this dreadful man’s surname, and that part is appropriate, as he took a cleaver to God’s most holy Word), and then compounded his blasphemy by saying” Amen, and Awoman”!! This is in your national chamber, and the wicked Biden and even more wicked Harris haven’t even yet been confirmed, or been inaugurated after the cheating and treason of their most dodgy election!!! Proverbs 11:1, Psalm 2

News Item1/5/2021 6:40 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Folks, this is the plan of the global elites of the Great Reset, WEF, and UN have for us. Their plan is to make travel horrendously expensive. Electric cars for the elite, private jets,(no alternative at present though hydrogen is being worked on, also for the elites only), who live in their huge mansions with massive guarded grounds. Everyone else now digitally marked, vaccinated, altered DNA, to be forced to give up their small business and house with garden, herded into huge public housing complexes in cities, eating genetically modified food, because of lockdowns and social distancing laws, debts cleared and Universal Basic Income at a very basic level, only with access to officially approved social media and tv, with continuous propaganda and low level entertainment to “keep them happy and in line”, using public transport for when they may be allowed to go out in local areas. This is all in the WEF and UN websites. “Own nothing and be happy.” A Babel world without God, but God will have them in derision.

News Item1/5/2021 5:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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While Wuhan in China, where this all started, and where the Communist authorities imposed a total lockdown from January 2019 to April, banning all domestic travel, but actually encouraging international travel to places like Italy, where it broke out next, having a party with no masks, no social distancing and restaurants, bars, clubs and streets full of crowds of people. Here in Britain all public firework displays with spectators were banned, as with all gatherings of people, but the Socialist Mayor of Greater London, (not the real ceremonial Lord Mayor of the City of London), together with the propaganda broadcaster, BBC, had a private televised no spectators New Years Eve “woke” politically correct firework display on the Thames, celebrating the NHS, BLM, and mourning our Brexit departure from the EU with EU flag, and bird in EU colours!! In all this, as millions now queue up to take the tainted foetal remains and mRNA DNA changing vaccine, which does not bring immunity from the virus, and where more lockdowns, masks, social distancing and flawed tests are in view for 2021, to get us ready for the Great Reset and UN 2021 / 2030 goals, Psalm 73 came to mind.

News Item1/3/2021 8:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Canaanite pagan priests and priestesses have definitely taken over in the USA, and if, as I suspect their fraudulent election is confirmed by Congress on January 6th, and Biden is inaugurated in January, (and who knows Kamala Harris as his replacement a few months later!!), USA could very much be well on the way to being a vital integral part of the Marxist authoritarian WEF Great Reset, with its Communist slogan, “You will own nothing and be happy”, and obeying all the mandates of the UN 2021 / 2030 “Sustainable” Depopulation and Climate Change Agenda, and a vital part of the coming New World Order. If Trump cannot get through the media censorship, the Supreme Court and the RINO Republicans, without the intervention of God, I am sure you will never again have a genuine and fraud free fair election ever again, and your Constitution will be rapidly dismantled to ensure a one party state to prepare you for the one world government of the ultra-rich economic and political elites, eventually under the Antichrist and his False Prophet for the last 7 years of human history. However, the Lord has the last laugh, and He shall rule and reign in His Millennial Kingdom and then in Eternity.

News Item1/1/2021 9:16 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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And don’t forget, this kind of radical pro-transgender policy, as adopted by leftist governments in the West, means that eventually, it is not only tax payer funded facilities that must allow biological males to enter and use ladies restrooms, toilets and changing rooms, if they “feel” they are women, and biological women to enter and use men’s restrooms, toilets and changing areas if they “feel” they are men. It would apply to all “public facilities” including private ones, and even churches. It means that they would have to scrap public multiple single sex facilities and have expensive single room facilities each with their own external door. There would be no safe space at all for biological women, including hospitals, schools, refuges, clubs, prisons even, or the military. Biological men with their superior body frame and stronger muscles (not affected by hormone treatments or even bodily surgery aka butchery of healthy body parts) could compete in women’s sports with an unfair advantage over biological women. The female athletes would train in vain for their events, because the biological men who “feel” they are women would in most cases win every time. Sex offenders would have an “open season” charter to molest and threaten women and girls. This is wickedness and madness!!

News Item1/1/2021 11:15 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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In the providence of God, Henry VIII only married Catherine of Aragon, his older brother’s widow, (by special permission of the Pope), and became King later on, because his older brother, the Crown Prince Arthur, died, (while their father Henry VII was still alive). I believe that young Prince Henry, if his brother had survived and become king, was actually being prepared for a career as a high prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, and would no doubt have been made a Cardinal, which was something that happened to younger sons of royal and noble families in those days!! How ironic!!

News Item1/1/2021 11:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Remember Henry VIII was never a Protestant. He broke away from Rome for 2 reasons only. 1st , he wanted his divorce from Catherine of Aragon, and Rome wouldn’t give it to him, because at that time the Pope was a captive of her nephew, Emperor Charles V. 2nd, he envied the church properties, particularly the monasteries, nunneries, convents and friaries, and wanted to seize them, and benefit financially by them. Theologically, apart from dismissing the doctrine of the Papacy, he remained to a great extent a Catholic, not so much Roman, but National English!! He ruthlessly dealt with opposition, and although his Archbishop Cranmer was a genuine evangelical, he had to tread very carefully. On one day in London, at 2 ends of the city, some Catholic monks were being hung for opposing Henry as “Supreme Head of the Church” and at the other end some Protestants were being burnt at the stake for heresy!!!

News Item1/1/2021 10:16 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Never mind the Marxist Great Reset UN Agenda 2021 / 2030 Democrats, what about the traitorous self-serving Republicans, (I believe the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell is amongst that number, as he wishes to certify the fraudulent Harris / Biden election, I use Harris first, as she would no doubt replace Biden very quickly if their fraudulent win is confirmed). These RINOS and “neo-Conservatives” are quite happy to see these globalist plans take effect, because even if they don’t like Biden / Harris very much, they detest Trump even more, and think that they will have a piece of the globalistd Deep State pie, even if they are not wildly keen on some of the more outrageous policies of a Biden / Harris presidency. However, for all their scheming and plotting, the Lord will have them in derision. I do not forget that it was a “Conservative” Prime Minister, David Cameron, that forced through “gay marriage” on a reluctant party (his own), in mainland Britain, and under his successor also a “Conservative”, Teresa May, that both “gay marriage” and abortion were forced on Northern Ireland, when their own legislature was out of action.
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