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News Item11/25/2020 7:33 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is a fascinating article published in what is a Leftist paper (the Guardian and its Sunday sister, the Observer). It was actually quite fair and a very full account. It is good to see that at last there is some resistance to the nonsense that is going on. When the lockdown in England finishes on Wednesday December 2nd, the churches may resume public services again, those in Wales have already resumed, and those in Scotland are at present continuing but the ones in Northern Ireland must now close down for a short sharp lockdown of 2 weeks from November 27th. MPs in the U.K. (and England) Parliament are getting more annoyed with these restrictions, as are some in the devolved assemblies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Congregational singing, and certain aspects of church life are still banned or severely restricted, and mask wearing is still compulsory, and no sign of when these are going to be removed.

News Item11/25/2020 4:27 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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There is growing resistance here to this kind of tyranny. A blatant example is an elderly lady with a placard, I think, was protesting about the lockdown peacefully outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. About 3 or 4 police descended on her, and marched her spread eagled to a nearby police van. A passing MP, Charles Walker (Conservative - the government party) was horrified, protested loudly to the police, and then went straight in to the chamber of the House of Commons, where he raised a point of order and expressed his outrage at this assault on the liberty of British citizens. This has also come at a time when people speaking at the famous Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park, near Marble Arch, have also been pulled off their stools by a number of police and frogmarched to police vans. This is tyranny. While we are coming out of national lockdown in England on 2nd December, tight restrictions still remain!!

News Item11/25/2020 4:06 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, this is not just to do with foreign travel, though if you have this “freedom pass” it may help you at the airport, along with an instant negative test. This is actually for internal travel, from one part of Britain to another, similar to the situation in Australia, where travel from one state to another is or has been banned with state frontier police checkpoints. This also would cover attendance at outdoor, and probably later indoor sporting events and concerts, where you might have to produce this digital passport on your phone, or a QR code, to prove you have had a successful negative COVID 19 test. Holders of this would have to have two negative tests every single week. Later on, when they have rolled out the vaccine, it will be tied to whether you have had the vaccination. This is the back door route to mandatory vaccinations for all without actually passing a law to make it mandatory, but making life very restricted for those who do not take the vaccine. This is the most drastic invasion on liberty that there has been in Britain since the war.

News Item11/23/2020 3:31 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Muslims must be jumping up and down with glee at the success of their “takiyya” (sanctified deception as is taught in the Koran), and laughing all the way to the bank!!

News Item11/23/2020 3:30 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is called Chrislam. There are the full blown direct forms of Chrislam, where Muslims are invited into Christian churches to preach, (though never the other way round, Christians are only invited into mosques to observe and be told propaganda), or where very misguided or liberally leaning missionaries tell potential Muslims converts to Christianity in strict Muslim countries to be “Messianic Muslims” in mosques, but believing in Jesus!! Alternatively you get very dodgy Bible translations so called imposed against their will on local Christians in such countries by Western translation societies, which completely butcher it “to keep Muslims happy” and “contextualise the Gospel”!! Then you get these more subtle forms at Christian theology conferences, and very weak and watery debates with Muslim scholars. This is a bit like the false prophets and compromising kings in OT Israel trying to syncretise their true religion of Yahweh with the false Canaanite religions of Baal, Astarte, Chemosh and Molech , amongst others, which was rightly called out by the true prophets of God, like Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and so on. It is shocking to see very prominent and senior professing evangelicals falling for this. The Muslims must be jumping up and down at the success of their “taki

News Item11/23/2020 5:53 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is obviously going to “depart from the fray” for a few months next year, by taking a sabbatical in his cottage in France, (if he is allowed to travel, the way things are going). Perhaps he will sample a country lockdown, French style, and get used to wearing his mask in the garden, as required no doubt by law, and policemen (gendarmes) checking to see if he has a reasonable excuse for taking his walk down into the village!! Meanwhile he will leave the C of E in the capable liberal hands of the Archbishop of York, (a real hard core liberal), and the lady Bishop of London. Meanwhile, the “evangelicals” will be continuing, no doubt, to hold their masked services, with tape, sealed off seats, lone visitors being required to sit on their own, no real fellowship, no congregational singing allowed, no communion or baptisms, or interfered with, and when the call comes, they will line up en massse, just as the globalists intended, at the local mass vaccination centre, to receive their probably by now mandatory COVID 19 vaccination with all its dodgy contents!!

News Item11/22/2020 5:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The church authorities, including many previously solid evangelicals, just rolled over in March, and not only accepted all the rules and conditions imposed on them by decree of the government, not laws, but orders passed on the spot by prime ministers, presidents, governors, mayors and prefects, but even in some cases zealously adopted measures of their own before they were eventually even required by the government. In Britain, the liberal denominational leaders were the most zealous, but the evangelicals quickly followed behind, and they have been deafeningly silent. Our churches been closed for months on end, and when opened, have basically had to have a 32 or so page document which sets out all they are allowed or forbidden to do by the government in every aspect of their worship, operation and ministry. Congregational singing is still banned from March, even though everyone has to wear a mask, and the sacraments have been banned or interfered with. As to the threatened mass vaccination of everyone with ill tested vaccines, filled with foetal tissue, DNA changing agents and maybe marker systems, will these silent evangelicals line up willingly for their mandatory jab?

News Item11/22/2020 5:35 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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What an insult to genuine Holocaust survivors and also to victims of rape (not just heterosexual rape, but victims of homosexual rape and sexual child abuse) from this dreadful woman. The liberal bishops, clergy and laity of the C of E and other mainstream denominations and even many professed wobbly “evangelicals” are so wishy washy, to quote one critical video I saw on recent religious developments sone time ago, they are “wishy washy in their wishy washiness!!” O moderate and wishy washy “Christians” and “evangelicals”, do you think you will gain the respect from these hard core LGBTQI+ fanatics. Mere acceptance of their lifestyle is not enough, as far as they are concerned, they demand complete enthusiasm and celebration of their lifestyle, and complete surrender to them. They are not wishy washy, they are completely committed, zealous and fanatical, ad they are diligent in pursuit of their sin. Romans 1 vv 18 to 32 and Isaiah 5 vv 18 to 21 are very much in operation here. You need to make a clear stand whatever the cost, even if you lose your church building, your position, or maybe end up in a court, or fined or even in prison. That is a real possibility in these days.

News Item11/18/2020 8:24 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The tragic thing is that these conservative traditionalist Catholics, when they look at much of the chaos in the professed evangelical churches, are put off. These are people who home school their children or send them to private traditionalist Catholic schools, they have no truck with the mainstream Catholic schools or colleges, that are as liberal as the state and liberal mainstream Protestant schools. They believe in strict heterosexual marriage for life between a man and a woman, and oppose homosexuality and unmarried sexual relations, abortion and euthanasia. They also stand opposed to the Marxist and social justice programmes of their own bishops, and hate the CCM and entertainment going on in post-Vatican 2 churches. They also oppose the earth worshipping environmentalist programme espoused by most Western governments and their own Pope and bishops. To their horror, they see the “evangelicals” falling for these things too.

News Item11/18/2020 6:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, of course we can sing in our heart to the Lord, which I do very often, but we are commanded to sing literally. No date has been given for when congregational singing may resume, but the whole nonsense of the situation is this. Everyone is required to wear a mask in church, which is supposed to protect everyone else from COVID 19 droplets. If that is the case, and masks are so effective, then why have a singing ban? What is the point? It is about as daft as the Rule of Six, now likely to be replaced in England after the national lockdown ends, hopefully on December 2nd, by a strict 2 household only rule. What is so special and intelligent about COVID 19, that it can see the difference between 8.45 pm and 9.00 pm, the new closing time for restaurants and pubs, that has been suggested post-lockdown, to replace the later 10.00 pm closing time pre-lockdown. Does COVID19 attack the 16th person at a wedding and not the other 15 permitted, or the 31st at a funeral and not the other 30? Does a villager in a border village between England and Wales incur the wrath of COVID19 if he dares to set foot over the internal border?

News Item11/18/2020 5:21 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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One correction apart from the fact that there has been massive fraud in this election. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is like our BBC, leftist to the core. I think you mean Sky News Australia, which unlike its counterpart here in Britain, Sky News Britain, seems to be much more resistant to the globalists balusters and leftists, and actually foes against the leftist trend of the mainstream media.

News Item11/18/2020 3:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well said, cv. I am afraid that your whole election in the USA has been full of lies and cheating. When I saw Biden and Harris strutting about in their masks on the stage at Wilmington, Delaware celebrating their supposed victory after a flawed and crooked election I thought it was atrocious. Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord; but a just weight is his delight.

News Item11/18/2020 3:09 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Don’t worry. This is the debate we are having here in Britain too. As fast as state governors in California and New Jersey are rolling out rules for family gatherings, we are waiting for our own here in Britain!! As hopefully we emerge from our English lockdown on December 2nd, and a return to a much stricter tier system than we had before the lockdown we are waiting for the final rules for family gatherings, not encouraged by the dire predictions of the two scientific vultures that are employed by PM Johnson, Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance. Scotland, which did not have a national lockdown have tightened up and intensified their tier system, and Wales which did emerge from their lockdown a few days ago, no doubt will do the same. By the way, no congregational singing has taken place in any British church (except illegally) since March, though soloists and small choirs may sing under strict conditions!!

News Item11/18/2020 3:01 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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These dear traditionalist Catholics need to give up on their church, embrace the gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the glory of God alone according to the Scriptures alone, with the Lord Jesus Christ as their sole Redeemer, Mediator and Advocate, and be born again. These are lovely people who have rejected the liberalisation of their church since Vatican 2, and this globalist, Marxist, environmentalist, interfaith, Pachamama worshipping Pope and all he stands for, but now they need to see that traditionalist Catholicism is not the answer, only the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Word. Dear Mary will not save them, nor the saints, nor church traditions, nor their own works. Pray for them, they need to cling to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

News Item11/18/2020 2:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Too many videos and satellite pictures coming out showing the camps!! So China has to do what it does with the rest of its population, allow them generally to stay at home, under strict surveillance and the infamous “social credit” system, and continually arrest and harass the headers, or cause them to disappear, and intensify their compulsory education programmes for the children, bring in more and more loyal party members into ethnic areas, and of course COVID 19 (created in China) can always be used as a weapon to ensure social isolation, track and trace, mask wearing and forced inoculation. China is a world leader in surveillance techniques, and there are many countries willing to learn and import their systems!! Meanwhile we must pray for the church in China as this technological surveillance programme is used to suppress and persecute them.

News Item11/18/2020 2:44 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Folks!! Why are you all talking as if the Harris / Biden Administration is a certain thing!! Despite the mainstream media, the Pope and some very silly world leaders (including our own PM) declaring them to be the victors, the results haven’t been certified yet. The election was deeply suspect, Lost Trump ballots found in ditches, suspicious deliveries of mass Biden ballots from vans and suitcases arriving at counting stations at 4 am, after it appeared that Trump was winning, “glitches” in computer systems that suddenly swung votes to Biden from Trump, these systems being designed in Venezuela, and used in their corrupt elections there, state election officials denying the right for Trump observers to be present at the count or using COVID 19 as an excuse to keep them well away from the conting so they could not see what was taking place, or boarding up windows, or suddenly closing the counting altogether and resuming it after several hours, ballot harvesters going to nursing homes and picking up mass ballots, dead people voting, dates being altered on ballots by postal and election officials, one state even defying a court order on election deadlines, another actually bypassing its own legislature and getting a court to extend ballot deadlines. The whole thing stinks, and inves

News Item11/15/2020 4:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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An update on the church in north west London. The police showed up and stopped the service, this morning, which would have included a baptism by immersion. In the end, they allowed 15 people to stay inside “for private prayer”, (I assume they were all masked up and socially distanced), while 15 others went outside with the pastor and had a socially distanced service outside in the courtyard, which the police also did allow. The baptism however was cancelled. There was a similar case of a church service being stopped towards the end of the lockdown in Wales. Thankfully, in neither case were criminal penalties used or fines given out, unlike churches in many European countries, and certain USA states and cities.

News Item11/15/2020 6:03 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Thankfully, not all the solid church leaders have bowed to this NWO narrative, and I have heard of one Reformed Baptist church in north east London, that is, while wearing masks, and observing “social distancing” are holding public worship, communion and baptism by immersion, which have been banned, or interfered with by government since March. The government has no right to interfere with public worship, or dictate to churches how they should conduct their services or administer the sacraments,,and in previous centuries, even when the government sought to do this, the Christians said “No, we will not have it”. The 16th century Reformers, 17th century Puritans and 18th century Methodists refused to accept the governments interference in their worship and witness.

News Item11/15/2020 5:44 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The problem is that by and large the good solid churches have completely accepted the governmental narratives of the COVID 19, and haven’t done their research by looking up the “Great Reset” on WEF’s own website, and their leader, Klaus Schwab, along with our own Prince Charles, (leading to to a socialistic one world government, one world cashless economy and one world religion), or Agenda 2021 / 2030 on the UN’s own website,(stressing population control and climate change), or Bill Gates’ own videos saying he wants to vaccinate the whole world, accompanied by his wife Melinda’s videos about the necessity for “family planning” (contraception) and “reproductive healthcare” (abortion), and the statements of Dr Fauci (USA), and our own British vultures, Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance, about the necessity for perpetual lockdowns, mask wearing and “social distancing”. These last 2 gentlemen produced half-cooked out of date projections to justify their 2nd English lockdown, and then when challenged in Parliament, could not give any reason or evidence for church closures, saying it was not an exact science. The lockdown with church closures went ahead anyway, despite the intervention of many MPs and the former PM Theresa May.

News Item11/14/2020 10:38 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Church of Christ is not actually a unified denomination, though there is a main part of it. There are some splinter sections of it, that broke away, due to some procedural differences. As far as I am aware, most sections of it completely shun the use of musical instruments, and have congregational a Capella (unaccompanied) singing of hymns and old time choruses. They generally believe it is absolutely necessary to be baptised to be saved (believer’s baptism by immersion), and I believe they hold to a very strong legalistic code which means you can fall away from salvation. They hold to a very strongly allegorical and amillennial eschatology and do not teach too much on the Old Testament. Though primarily a USA denomination, there are missionary works in other countries, and there are a few churches in the U.K. I knew of two in one city, one a classic Church of Christ, (still going as far as I know), the other a liberal breakaway, (similar to the Disciples of Christ), which was ecumenical, did have an organ, and later joined the liberal merged United Reformed Church, (and later closed down), and is now a secular community centre.
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