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News Item12/11/2020 2:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Not really at all. Intros predominantly rural province of Canada, spat from one or two moderately large cities, churches are still banned from having indoor services under circumstances, and the weather I imagine is freezing. Not very comfortable sitting in your car. Presumably the windows are to be kept closed, and trying to listen to the pastor, and not being allowed to leave your car, means no fellowship at all!!

News Item12/10/2020 9:06 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am always sorry to read about your son, Wayfarer. I shall remember to pray for his repentance and renunciation of that lifestyle, and full salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ. I will also pray for you, and his own former marital family, who I understand, if I remember rightly from long ago when you mentioned it, he abandoned to pursue this deception. In his case, I assume from what you said that he pursued this as a full grown adult. These tragic children in this “Transhood” film, (I watched the 2 extracts) and the other video extracts I have seen, did not even get to do that, but were actually manipulated by their parents and others while they were still children. This is all very tragic, and we must pray for these children, and for their deliverance from this.

News Item12/10/2020 8:54 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I saw another video, just as shocking, where a lovely young boy was pushed forward by his mother at a “Unitarian Universalist” Church, where the wolf of a female minister had called for LGBTQI and Transgenders to come forth to be recognised and affirmed by the “church”. The boy was obviously reluctant, so his mother “spoke for him.” He was presented with a flower by presumably the assistant pastor, possibly a woman, though I think it was a transgender man pretending to be a woman, that is what it looked like, (he / she didn’t speak), and then the pastor led the congregation in a liturgical prayer of greeting. Dreadful, this is the apostasy of these days. Jude and the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as John and James describe it very graphically.

News Item12/10/2020 8:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Absolutely shocking. 50 years ago, or even more recently, this would have been called child abuse, and the child would no doubt have been taken away from the parent that was aiding and abetting in this disgraceful abuse. They talk about “follow the science”, but actually science tells us children are conceived, (not born - they get it at conception), with an XY chromosome that stays with them for life, if they are boys, or an XX chromosome, that stays with them for life, if they are girls. Nothing is “assigned at birth”, so cannot be “gender reassigned”, no matter what chemical castration, poisoning, or surgical butchery on healthy organs is carried out on these poor defenceless children. The mothers in these two video extracts are carrying out their own fantasies for a “perfect girl child”, on their defenceless boy children, and thus is just absolute wickedness!! I saw the reluctance of the first boy in the video extracts, and the silent invisible father in the kitchen, but the mother was not having any of it. The same with the 2nd mother reading the story. “Girl boy” indeed!! Our Lord’s solemn words about millstones comes to mind!!

News Item12/9/2020 11:29 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Already the fear levels are being ratcheted up again. London has a rise of cases in its eastern boroughs, and is being treated as. one entity, so all the other boroughs will be dragged in with the worse ones, and could well be raised very soon from Tier 2 to Tier 3, which is basically a “lockdown lite”, meaning restaurants and pubs close down, takeaway only allowed, and a travel ban to other parts of the country. This is despite the vaccine being rolled out. We are now told that actually the vaccine will not really make much difference, people will still have to be socially distanced and wear masks for a long time to come. The police are getting more authoritarian, and now threats are being made that we will have to pay for the temporary slightly liberal Christmas truce by more lockdowns afterwards. Now we may well have the new health passport given to people once they have their vaccinations, which you may have to produce to get into events, concerts, and maybe even restaurants and shops. However, no one seems to be sure how long the vaccinations are effective for, and even whether they stop you passing the virus on. When will be able to have a normal church service? Christmas services are allowed, but only with masks, no singing, (except for recorded hymns, a soloist or spaced

News Item12/9/2020 11:11 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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These bishops are actually opposing their own Catholic Catechism, and their own Catholic doctrine, as is their own Pope, who is definitely the harbinger for the New World Order aka The Great Reset. There is a tiny band of traditionalist Catholic bishops, clergy, monastics and laity who have recognised this, and are standing up for the traditional Catholic doctrines, and are being disciplined by their own hierarchy, censored by social media, and even threatened by governments because they will not conform to the COVID 19 cult and to the zeal of their own bishops to conform to political correctness and to the new Liberation theology and to shutting down their churches and denying their sacraments to their people. Both the Traditionalist Catholics, and the modernist NWO Catholics both need the Lord Jesus Christ, and to get back to the Bible, but the latter are defying their own Catholic doctrines as well, and are more in line with the dead modernist liberal mainline apostate Protestant denominations!

News Item12/9/2020 2:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Have prayed for your son, MS. Do let us know his progress. Many blessings for you and your family.

COVID 19 is a serious illness and very dangerous for a small number of people, particularly frail or elderly people, those who have compromised immune systems or major health conditions, and also for those otherwise healthy individuals who are working intensively in the medical field with potential or actual COVID 19 patients. I do not lessen this caution at all. However, tragically, politicians, principally
Leftist ones, and a certain sector of medical experts, as well as major pharmaceutical companies who have a lot to gain monetarily from this crisis, have milked this for all it us with, and instead if the sensible measures of places like Sweden, and also the strategy suggested by ladybug, they have racked up fear and propaganda, combined with destroying the economy, and mass quarantine and vaccination for their whole population, for something that for a large majority of people is either like a bad flu, and for many almost without symptoms.

News Item12/9/2020 1:41 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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COVID 19 is proving to be the most intelligent and picky virus out!! Depending on the country or state, if you go out at certain times of night, if you have too many (just 1 over the allowed number) in a restaurant or public place, if you are not wearing a mask as ordered inside, and in some places even outside, unless you are under 11 in some countries, under 6 in others, and even as low as 2 in some extreme examples or in a plane, if you dare to hug your grandmother, (though you can follow her at 2 metres / 6 feet distance in a large supermarket), and if you dare to sing in a church service, (unless you are a choir member in some countries), or if you are in a church at all, (but no problem in an abortion clinic, and in some places a casino or strip club), or if you have 7 people instead of 6 where the Rule of 6 applies, or if you have a meal served after the magic closing hour set by the local mayor, Governor, president or prime minister, COVID 19 will come and punish you and get you. The punishment will not only be individual, but collective as the local or national government will take it out on you, by raising your district into a higher and more severe tier, or slap it with a major lockdown. This is not about health or science, but about control!!

News Item12/3/2020 11:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear John, and others. This is on their own websites. What they propose to do. I do rest in this, however. The Lord will have them in derision, He will laugh, He will vex them in His sore displeasure as in Psalm 2, and the Lord Jesus Christ will indeed confound them in their designs.

News Item12/3/2020 9:35 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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riding public transport, permission required to do anything, police checkpoints, travel restricted, power often rationed, parental rights abolished as children are brainwashed to be world citizens in the state or “world” schools, lockdowns, dissenters arrested and either out to death quietly (without trial, or occasionally a publicly filmed “show” trial for the most serious cases, or sent off to some remote re-education camp or medical psychological facility for a fairly long period, while the state and permitted private MSM (mainstream media) pumping out continual propaganda and low level popular entertainment to keep the mass happy.

Dear Mike,

Your state Governor and city mayor, along with the governors of places like California, Virginia, Michigan, and Illinois amongst many others have already been flexing their muscles as they are carried away with power during the COVID 19 crisis. If confirmed, Biden, and more particularly Harris will carry out the Great Reset and be teamed up fully with UN, WEF, IMF, Bill Gates, George Soros, Pope Francis and others to carry it out!!

News Item12/3/2020 9:22 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Primarily, this is the ultimate end of evolution. The “survival of the fittest”, and either eliminating the rest, by a programme of abortion, euthanasia, dodgy vaccines, which change and modify your DNA, most of the COVID 19 vaccines have this element in them, with details sent direct to the medical authorities, or if allowed to live, subjecting everyone except the elites of course, who will run this futuristic society to a kind of technological serfdom or thinly veiled slavery. Most jobs will be wiped out, as will all small and medium sized business, (huge multinational corporations or state enterprises only running on highly automated systems and ai robotics tolerated), no one will have private property, no cash but a worldwide cashless digital computerised economy, but will be freed from personal debt, with a minimal universal government salary, everyone will be tracked and traced wherever they go, using systems like the social credit system of China, and the idea is for everyone to have an updatable scannable implanted chip, with every detail of your life in it, all fossil fuels to be abolished and replaced with ultra expensive solar panel and wind farm generated electricity, the only permitted power, only the elites running all electric cars, everyone else riding public tra

News Item11/30/2020 2:29 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It’s called appeasement. The current government of South Korea is desperately concerned not to annoy its bellicose Notthern neighbour, or to annoy Kim Jong Un too much. This attitude will only get worse if Kamala Harris, (sorry should be Joe Biden), supported by Barrack Hussein Obama, in his mansion up the road from the White House, are confirmed as the President and Vice President of the United States. There will be a policy of appeasing tyrants, and going along with any thing coming out of the UN, tge WEF (Great Reset), the IMF and so on, and not only North Korea, but Iran, Turkey, China and many others will be thrilled if Biden and Harris are confirmed. We must not forget to pray for the Christians in North Korea.

News Item11/29/2020 5:48 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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“Sieg Heil” and “Heil Hitler” at Nazi rallies. This is very dangerous. We are in the last days, and we need to be informed. By the way, these WEF and UN aims are in their own websites. We need to be prayerful and prepared and literally bathed in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. If you see anything with Build Back Better, or the Great Reset, be aware of what they are up to. By the way, Prince Charles, our heir to the throne is a supporter of this, as well as the WEF, the UN, the IMF, and of course, the current Pope Francis, and China is in the head with its social credit scheme and now its new COVID 19 traffic light scheme QR code digital passport being wheeled out for all its citizens.

News Item11/29/2020 5:42 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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One thing I forgot to say in my previous comment is that the new Vaccines Minister, Nadhim Zahawi, in his initial statement lauding the imminent vaccines to be ready and rolled out for the whole British population, used a very significant hashtag in his tweet. It was #buildbackbetter. This is the very same slogan that the great Reset enthusiasts led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum are using to promote their “Great Reset”. Their huge conference will take place in May, next year, 2021, in a delightful lakeside resort on the shores of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, near the city of Luzern, postponed from the usual time and place of snowy Davos in January (the environmentalists don’t want to see snow, if the environment is supposed to be heating up!!), all the major politicians, environmental leaders, UN officials, economists, corporation heads and others of the great elites will be there. It plans for a digital cashless world economy, removal of private property from individuals, a small state stipend for all, complete artificial intelligence and automation of work, tracking and tracing of all, scrapping all fossil fuels, sky high power prices and rationing of it, abortion, euthanasia and universal population control, amongst others. #buildbackbetter sounds too much like “

News Item11/29/2020 3:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Sunnyday from Northeast, Don’t attack Herbal Mama. There are good solid able Christian (and other) doctors who stand against these evils of euthanasia, the COVID 19 hysteria, transgenderism, abortion and other evils, who are highly qualified, in places like the Netherlands, Belgium , Canada, and so on, but very often they do so at the risk of losing their jobs, being stripped of their medical qualifications,or if students, not being allowed to qualify. In some cases they are threatened with prosecution, or being sued, and they are silenced in the social media and state and private broadcasting with its censorship programme. We have a good Christian Medical Association here in Britain, but they are a tiny number, and the main doctor’s Union (BMA) and the specialist Royal Medical Colleges, as well as the main medical schools in the universities have adopted these evil things, hook, line and sinker.

News Item11/28/2020 3:32 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well, here in England, we are emerging from the national lockdown next Wednesday, only for most of the country to be put into higher and more restrictive tiers. This includes many very rural areas, and areas that before the lockdown were in the lowest tier, Tier 1, though most shops will be open, the social distancing will be even stricter, and though we are all allowed a little temporary relief for 5 days at Christmas, the Quartet of 4, Matt Hancock, the Health Minister, (photographed with Klaus Schwab of WEF, and who congratulated the FT for giving an award to George Soros), Michael Gove, the Cabinet Minister, (an avowed environmentalist), & the 2 scientific vultures, Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance, now to be joined by Nadhim Zahawi, the new vaccine minister, (co-authored a book with Hancock), to make a quintet, have threatened gloom and doom. MPs are furious, and every aspect of our lives is going to be regulated at least until April, apparently. The churches will now open, but only under the very strict conditions pre-lockdown..

News Item11/28/2020 10:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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And this from a country that was invaded and occupied by the Nazis during the 2nd World War, who believed in the “Aryan superior race”, survival of the fittest (as taught by the evolutionists), and the elimination of the Jews and all other people that did not meet their requirements for the “superior race”. How did the Netherlands get to this place, where any elderly or sick person would be scared stiff if going into a hospital, hospice or care home, where they might be killed off by an eager doctor, who wants to clear bed space or greedy relatives that want the inheritance, or government bureaucrats that feel that we now have to get rid of a large proportion of “unproductive people” because the environmentalists (Earth worshippers) are pushing “climate change”, in conjunction with the “Molech cult” who demand tax payer funded abortion in demand, or if the baby is born, letting it die, or if a child develops severe illness, or disability, kill by it off on demand.

News Item11/27/2020 10:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am not naturally an IFB or a Reformed Baptist, or even any other kind of Baptist. I am primarily a Christian. However, I have worshipped in at least two IFB churches, as a visitor, (we do not have many of these churches in Gt Britain, most Baptists here are either the ecumenical Baptist Union ones, which I avoid like the plague, some moderate Reformed Free Evangelicals which use the Baptist title, full blown Reformed Baptists independent of any denominational grouping, and some small Strict and Grace Baptists that have closed communion for baptised members only). I do not have the same views on election as do the IFB churches, but these are good godly people who evangelise and preach from the Bible, and the ones I have visited are not legalistic at all with “lists of rules”, but they do believe in holiness. I suggest that the IFB churches that some people have visited that are hard and legalistic, are very much “in the sticks”, and have no link with anyone else at all!!

News Item11/27/2020 8:46 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Really, John Lee from Wales and Dr Tim from the USA. This division and intemperate language of both of you is not a good or godly thing when we have so many enemies seeking to work out their secular humanist “Great Reset” without God, and misuse the COVID crisis for their own ends, leading to their one world government, one world cashless digital economy and one world religion, culminating in the eventual worship of and rule of the Antichrist and his False Prophet in the tribulation, though the Lord is going to confound them and defeat them. We need to keep the true unity of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have worshipped with both Reformed Baptists and Independent Fundamentalist Baptists, both very welcoming, neither legalistic and both evangelistic. Generalised comments are not at all helpful.

News Item11/27/2020 2:13 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is the same Dan Andrews (“Chairman Dan”), Premier of Victoria, who after the 1st very damaging lockdown in Victoria State in Australia, wrecked his local economy, then with closed internal state borders, messed up the COVID 19 quarantine system, (Australia and New Zealand never allowed home self quarantine, positive test recipients must stay in their rooms in hotels under a kind of house arrest for 14 days), by bringing in incompetent and corrupt private security guards to police it, and then when cases shot up, promptly punished his state for his own incompetence with a heavy handed 2nd severe lockdown for months on end, everything closed, policed with a heavy hand, and a total ban on protests, except of course in BLM type protests, with pregnant women, elderly ladies and others being arrested, and non-mask wearers wrestled to the ground, even young children being arrested. They have now mercifully just about emerged from this most unpleasant experience. This anti-“conversion” therapy ban wil be enforced rigidly, I am sure.
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