Be Woke. A good church keeps abreast with the times. The times we live in now are characterized by a sensitivity to the classes of humanity. There are rich and poor and a number of colors. These factions in your church are aware of the injustices...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Separate Children from their Families. Though it is not a pleasant thought, it is true that many children will follow in the ways of their parents. The deadness we see throughout the church world is fostered in part by children and parents being...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Make the Lord’s Day, the Lord’s Hour. This is one time-honored tradition that will probably not need to be changed. Over the years, at least in the Western church, Sunday, which most believe to be the Lord’s Day, is spent in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Idolize the pastor... Bring in technology... and... Number Three:Replace old Rituals. That old church of your parents was involved in meaningless rituals and customs. They had to have a piano. If they could afford it, an organ. They sang those old...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Idolize the Pastor. Bring in technology! Be sure your church is furnished with the most modern technological equipment. The preacher should be seen on at least seven screens scattered throughout the state-of-the-art edifice. This will...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Doing Church, American-style, 2021 Want a thriving church? Want to belong to something that is moving, that is now, that is successful? There are rules to follow for such a desire. Steps you must take. And though you may think that I am a little...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our ZOOM men's group began over eleven months ago. We have developed a close relationship with one another, seen God answer prayers, walked each other through some of the ups and downs of life, offered godly counsel. We have now completed the book...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Right around 300 A.D., would-be Emperor Constantin teamed up with Christians to take over the Empire of Rome. Some say he saw a vision, others aren't quite so sure. But the result of his interactions with the church caused the Christians to come...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I get it. There are hundreds and thousands of men and women who went to work during the Covid crisis knowing their health or even their life was at stake. Heroes. There are stay-at-home moms who do the mundane work of cleaning and diaper-changing...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Somewhere in the mid 40's of the first century, Paul and Barnabas, two teachers of the church in Syrian Antioch, were sent by that church's leadership, under the direction of God's Spirit, west, to proclaim the Gospel wherever the Lord would lead....[ abbreviated | read entire ]