Hackberry House of Chosun
Bob Faulkner | Niles, Illinois
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He Does What He Wills Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 538k | Views: 70+
Some call it "Calvinism". Spurgeon called it "Bible". It is the simple teaching that we are saved by grace and nothing else.
Not All Have Faith Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 443k | Views: 70+
Universalism is the theory that all will in the end be saved, regardless... It is so foreign to Scripture, as I point out in this work.
One of Them Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 299k | Views: 70+
People who try to find the will of God and begin to believe differently are often black-listed. The so-called "doctrines of grace" are among the most unpopular.
On The Witness Stand Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 1,090k | Views: 100+
The Jehovah's Witnesses are among the most deceived yet most successful of the cultic religions. Read about it...
Who Is Jesus? Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 421k | Views: 70+
Directed to the confusing array of false teachers in Chicago's Albany Park, this work has a universal message too. Jesus is the Son of God!
Jehovah's True Witnesses Agree: Jesus Is God! Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 76k | Views: 60+
How can one be a "Jehovah's Witness" and tell lies about who Jesus is? This booklet takes you through the whole Bible looking for the truth about His nature.
The Change of a Lifetime Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 256k | Views: 90+
Two plays illustrating how Christ can change one's life.
A Study of Revelation Bob Faulkner
12/11/2021 | Size: 1,976k | Views: 50+
Revision of the 2003 "Scroll of Revelation". A commentary on the Bible's last book.
Caught Up, But When? Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 420k | Views: 90+
Sure we believe in the rapture. Isn't that just the snatching up of His People? When does this occur?
Coming Our Way Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 371k | Views: 100+
A lot of unusual things are coming our way, say the prophets of the Bible. We should learn them, and believe them.
The Last Message of Daniel Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 503k | Views: 100+
Incredible accuracy about the future of God's people. Much has already happened. The rest is plainly laid out.
There Are Seven Kings Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 198k | Views: 70+
Seven world rulers. One of them, who rules twice, is the antichrist. Come with me into the Scripture.
Things That Shall Surely Be Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 573k | Views: 90+
A compilation of teachings about the end times, based on the revelations we have been given in the Scriptures.
Who Comes First, Christ or Antichrist? Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 209k | Views: 120+
Much discussion going on. Are you sure your position is the Biblical one. Let me share some Scriptures on it...
Who Is the Antichrist? Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 771k | Views: 90+
Put your newspapers and magazines away. The Bible tells us who antichrist is... in my opinion. Check out this research.
A Christian's Guide to the Koran Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 904k | Views: 110+
Many Muslims, and almost all Christians, have never read the Koran. Let me introduce you...
Jesus, First, last, and best Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 273k | Views: 80+
A simple comparison of the man Muhammad to the Son of Man, Jesus.
Hackberry Blogs Bob Faulkner
8/17/2017 | Size: 1,062k | Views: 100+
This is a collection of my writings for 2013-14. Anything from North Korea to eschatology to doctrine. A helpful mix of teachings...