Never heard this meaning before! Never did I make the connection that James is talking to the congregation!I had always been taught and understood that this was for the individual. What a blessing it is to continue to learn the correct meaning of Scripture. You have to hear part 2 as well. Both messages have encouraged me to prepare myself for the hearing of the Word and to be active in the doing.
Great power in words. I see in all this the power of ideas. The power of truth. So, we must open our mouths and speak for God, and He will bless our testimony.
Great light from God. God bringing the light of salvation and the light of understanding the Sciptures, of making distinction between true and false teaching.
Good study. This was a good study about a laborius man. However, in him we can see the tragedy of trying to reform man, church and society by education, in the absence of God's grace and regeneration.
Great Sermon! This series "Christ Crucified for Us" is outstanding. Oh what love is this that our Lord should suffer so for us. Dear God, make us more like Jesus.
Outstanding Sermon! Free grace, amazing grace, God's grace, given by God to whom He is pleased to love with His special love, could not be more clearly seen then here at the cross, as the thief turns from scorning Christ, to seeing Him as the Son of God, King of a kingdom, promised Savior. Jesus as the innocent God-Man dying to save His people was made know to him through the gift of the Spirit. What great faith he had as he himself hung there dying next to His savior. I love this sermon.
Great Sermon! From Isaiah to Revelation we see the amazing wisdom, justice and love of God. I didn't understand what Luke 23:31 meant, now I do, and I'm glad to understand that statement from Jesus. It's hard to believe that so much can be said about Jesus before the cross. Oh my, what love is this that our Lord Jesus should suffer and die for us.
Great Sermon! There's so much in this message it's hard to make a comment about how good it is. A sermon to take to heart and see our Lord with eyes wide open. All the things taking place, Jesus going back and forth, the things said and those left unsaid, our Lord's example to us, all of it just leaves me speachless. This is an excellent sermon, one I hope everyone can hear.
Excellent Sermon! Pastor Marquedant asked a good question in this sermon, "What would tempt you to sell out Jesus for your own gain?" Something to think about. This series on the passion of Christ is so good and it's not even finished yet!
Great Sermon! I agree with the previous commenter- DS..
great points examined...I always believed that she did call up Samuel much to her surprise...God Bless you.
It's All Good! From 1 Cor. 1:1 to 2 Cor. 13:14, these sermons, through the books of first and second Corinthians have been a great blessing. This last sermon is no exception. Are we of one mind? Are we sure we can trust ourselves? Do we preach the gospel to ourselves? Good questions, better answers here from God's word. What is a holy kiss? And, the closing benediction, asserting to the truth of our Triune God, it's all good. Great Sermon!
Don't Be Fooled by False Apostles! The distinguishing signs of an apostle need to be known by all of us so we're not deceived by false signs, wonders and mighty deeds. Also, the heart of the Apostle Paul is seen in these verses and should be the heart of every pastor, what love he had for God's people and our Lord Jesus Christ. The more he loved the less he was loved, but he pressed on.
How Long, O Lord? Vengeance is the Lord's, He will repay. This is an encouraging sermon. I'm encouraged to remember that the Lord is just and in control, and to pray for those who are lost. The prayer at the end is a good example of how we should pray.
Great Sermon! May God open the eyes and ears of His people to see Him as He is, to hear and believe in their hearts what is true of Him, that we may worship Him in spirit and in truth.