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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Steve Marquedant  |  Ontario, California
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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
1168 East G Street
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"The God-Man Ascended"
Rejoicing in Christ from California
A Man, the Man, is seated in the place of highest honor in the entire universe. Jesus, fully God and fully Man. What joy and...
Steve Marquedant | Exhortation
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Sermon3/16/12 2:41 AM
Living Stone from California  Find all comments by Living Stone
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The Triumphal Procession of Christ
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
So many good things to learn from this sermon: Paul deeply loves the Corinthians. We give thanks that, in Christ, He conquered us - irresistible grace! A lesson on open and closed doors, "A need does not constitute the call" in regards to going into the ministry. The holy digressions of Paul, I love them. The sweet smelling savor is the word of God. It's not hard to believe the gospel, it's impossible. A paraphrases from Gregory Nazianzen on 2 Cor. 2:17 that is so good. On and on it goes, so many wonderful things to learn from God's word. This is an excellent sermon.

Sermon3/11/12 4:53 PM
Rejoicing in Christ from California  Find all comments by Rejoicing in Christ
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The Atonement - Part 3
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
It's amazing to me how many people have the atoning work of Jesus Christ wrong. This is an excellent teaching on the atonement.

Sermon3/10/12 8:51 PM
DS from California  Find all comments by DS
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An Epistle of Christ
Steve Marquedant
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
This sermon starts out with the qualities of a sincere preacher. If you find your preacher doesn't meet these then you should encourage him to examine himself and pray for help. There is a right and wrong way to preach God's word. The illustration of the apple peddler was very good. I also loved what was said about Pontius Pilate, how he showed he had no power, because he wanted to release Jesus but couldn't act according to his will. He truly had no power and was controlled by fear. This sermon ends with the glory of the New Covenant! I can't wait to hear the continuation of this sermon tomorrow.

Sermon2/25/12 11:54 PM
Deborah from California  Find all comments by Deborah
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Suffering and Comfort
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent introduction to the second book of Corinthians, and teaching of the Christian doctrine of comfort. We all suffer and need comfort so this message is very encouraging to that end. The five points made at the end are very good.

Sermon2/23/12 1:28 AM
Rejoicing in Christ from California  Find all comments by Rejoicing in Christ
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The Atonement - Part 1
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was trying to explain to my friend the doctrine of definite atonement, but I think I only confused her, so I was glad to be able to refer her to this sermon, I believe it will be a great help to her. If you find yourself in the same situation you might want to do the same, this is a very good resource.

Sermon2/12/12 1:29 AM
Abundantly Blessed from California  Find all comments by Abundantly Blessed
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Conclusion of 1 Corinthians
Steve Marquedant
“ Outstanding Exposition of 1 Corinthians ”
Excellent ending to this book. The whole series of sermons have been a great blessing to me. I was especially encouraged by chapter 15, looking at what is true of us now, and what God has planned for us in the future. Chapters 12-14 were extremely helpful, it's easy to go astray in all that's written there about the gifts of the Spirit, so the clear expository preaching brought to light the true meaning, just as it should, by God's good grace. This is a resource I'm sure to come back to again when I find myself wondering just what a particular verse means. I'm looking forward to 2 Corinthians. Thank you, Pastor Steve, for your labor over the Scriptures and your faithfulness to preach the word of God without compromise.

Sermon12/26/11 9:07 PM
Living Stone from California  Find all comments by Living Stone
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
I never realized there was so much about the doctrines of our faith here in this one prayer. I can see now it's a good place to show others important truths of the faith. I'm so glad to see the heart of Jesus in His prayer. Verses 20 through 26 are jaw dropping words, oh my, how can it be that God would love us as He loves His Son. I'm so very thankful for this sermon, and that it's here, on Sermon Audio, so I can hear it again and again, the Lord is good to His people, that can never be denied.

Sermon12/22/11 9:42 PM
Rejoicing in Christ from California  Find all comments by Rejoicing in Christ
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Our Future Resurrection Body
Steve Marquedant
“ Really Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was such a blessing to me. Not only did it answer a question I long wondered about, but gave me a glimps into the future, one that thrills me. We truly can't imagine what God has in store for us. I had always wondered why we hold so tenaciously to life. I believe Pastor Marquedant has the right answer in this sermon.

Sermon12/7/11 1:06 PM
S.L. from USA  Find all comments by S.L.
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The Man in the Iron Cage
Steve Marquedant
“ Bunyan was once in the cage. ”
I just wanted to add something that I just remembered. The author of Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan, writes in another one of his books "Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners" of his experience in this despair. For years and years he was convinced that the promises of God were not for him and that he was condemned for all eternity. Maybe he was writing briefly of his own experience in that woeful cage? God delivered Bunyan from his despairing, and all who desire to receive the promises of Christ are able to. I struggled with this for a couple weeks now, and I am so thankful that I was able to hear this message. I am very hopeful now.

Sermon12/7/11 12:49 PM
S.L. from USA  Find all comments by S.L.
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The Man in the Iron Cage
Steve Marquedant
“ If you want out of the cage, GO! ”
This message was a major help to me. I was greatly agonizing and despairing about this passage from Pilgrim's Progress. I thought it meant that God actually denied this man repentance and somehow made it known to this man in the iron cage that he can no longer come to God. But this man's sin is his inward looking, he's not looking to Christ. It's not that he's not allowed to partake of the blood of Christ, it's that he's choosing not to out of his pride. God isn't keeping him in the cage, he's keeping himself in! The bible is clear that no matter what we have done, if we repent and believe on Christ, we will be saved. And anyone, anyone, anyone can make the promises of God their own if their desire is genuine! Oh give us true hearts, LORD!

Sermon11/25/11 3:26 AM
DS from California  Find all comments by DS
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Order in the Church!
Steve Marquedant
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13, and 14 have some very difficult verses of Scriptures therein, this mini series, on the gifts of the Spirit, is excellent at showing that the 3 chapters need to be taken as a whole and are directed to the church's time of corporate worship. I've learned a lot from this teaching from 1 Corinthians.

Sermon11/20/11 7:20 PM
Sojourner from California  Find all comments by Sojourner
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Does God Love Everyone?
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Does God love everyone? We should all know the answer to this question. There doesn't need to be so much confusion. This sermon will clear up any misunderstanding that you might have. The exposition of 1 Tim. 2:4 was very good..."who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." I am going to listen to it again.

Sermon11/20/11 1:40 AM
Living Stone from California  Find all comments by Living Stone
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
When I think of reformation, I usually think of the reformers of the 16th century. After listening to this sermon I won't be so narrow minded. Reformation at the time of Jesus and even now! I think I better understand the saying, reformed and reforming.

Sermon11/20/11 1:33 AM
Abundantly Blessed from California  Find all comments by Abundantly Blessed
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Does God Love Everyone?
Steve Marquedant
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
It's hard to explain why I love this sermon so much, but I really do love it. I think because there is just one hard hitting truth after another, to put me back where I belong, utterly dependant upon God and His love to me. Why do I look to myself and think there is something in me to attract His love, that is so sinful. I was reminded of my standing before His grace appeared and that it's only by His grace I am what I am. What a joy this truth is, praise to God that from start to finish it is all of Him. How desperately wicked are our hearts to think that there was something in us to attract God's saving love, His steadfast, eternal love. This series is going to be so very good.

Sermon11/6/11 2:02 AM
Sojourner from California  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I never before saw, from this chapter on love, how Paul is actually telling us that prophecy, tongues, and knowledge are done away, for now abides faith, hope and love. It is good to know that the context of this love chapter is to the church, a church very much in trouble. I'm very grateful for this message, it has opened my eyes to see much more than I ever saw before.

Sermon11/6/11 1:58 AM
Rejoicing in Christ from California  Find all comments by Rejoicing in Christ
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Testimonies are always a blessing to hear and these are no exception.

Sermon10/29/11 6:55 PM
DS from California  Find all comments by DS
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great beginning to a better understanding of the gifts, given by God, for the building up of the body of Christ. I can't wait to hear the next sermon. How can we tell if gifts are counterfeit or being misused? I've never seen these chapters, on the gifts given by God, Cor. 12-14, tie together as I do now, and yet the message isn't finished. I also thought it amazing that in chapter 12 there is one command. In chapter 13 no command. And in chapter 14 there will be 21 commands! This study is a great blessing. Tomorrow I can hear how Joel's prophecy is fulfilled. It's going to light up everything going on at Pentacost and yet it was written so long ago. God is amazing in all His ways.

Sermon10/28/11 9:26 PM
Hector Perez from Fontana, CA USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Hector Perez
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Spiritual Desertion, Part 1
Jeff Massey
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon10/28/11 9:22 PM
Hector Perez  Find all comments by Hector Perez
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Spiritual Desertion, Part 1
Jeff Massey
“ A dark experience ”
This experience though unwanted at times, is a time to draw close to Jesus. We will ever learn in the dark clouds than we would in the sunshine! God smiles behind those clouds. God sent, yet to bring us to a greater dependency in Him! To His glory, and our spiritual maturity to trust Him whether good or bad! There's a purpose for everything, and it will unfold in His time.

Sermon10/15/11 12:46 AM
Living Stone from California  Find all comments by Living Stone
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Testimonies from 4 New Members
Various Speakers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Nothing like testimonies to make one glad. Praise to God for Jesus, He is the way, the truth and the life.

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