Great Sermon! What a marvelous message. My heart was soaring and leaping at the telling of the grandeur and majesty of King Jesus. I felt like I was privy to the coronation of King and Lord Jesus. This has blessed me to the depths of my being. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Very moving. I felt carried back to the first century when Bro. Andreas carried greetings across the globe from the believers in Milan to this convention and to any of us believers of the present day hearing his message. Precious. I can attest, as a former Catholic plucked out of darkness by God's gracious design and mercy, that the reformation is not dead at least to me, in my heart and thoughts and beliefs and doctrine today. Bro. Andreas, I know English is not your native tongue, but your excellent exhortation and encouragement was beautifully and clearly expressed. Thank you. Greetings back to the believers in Milan and God's rich Blessings to the seven reformed pastors and their flocks in Italy. Shalom.
Great Sermon! Excellent. This really blessed me. I can never get enough of, or hear too much of what God has done for me the ungodly in and through Jesus Christ my Lord. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Powerful. I agree it's very heavy and the most frightening, horrifying words in the Bible. I like your preaching style of short intros and jumping right into the Word. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Thanks for covering this. Not many on here doing this. Looks like some of your crowd were either afraid of the subject or protesting that it was even dealt with. We covered the issue in a 13 part series on election in Christ.
Great Sermon! There is so very much to be learned from God's word. This is a perfect example of a bit of it that can so easily be passed over and yet can teach us so much about God and His justice and mercy. Excellent sermon. Pastor Marquedant has great insight, this is an excellent exegesis of 2 Sam. 21:1-14
Excellent Sermon! I learned a lot of wonderful things from this sermon. The importance of how we handle our oaths etc. The relationship between Jesus and James. The way in which James is teaching what he learned from Jesus. Reading Matthew 23 after this is a great blessing. Excellent sermon.
Great Sermon! This series on the life of David is a blessing to me. I love to hear what his life was like and how God manifested His glory through him.
Excellent Sermon! We all need to hear this one. There is not one of us who doesn't judge his brother with an evil heart of arrogance. 1 John 4:20 "If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" This verse has been on my mind and as my pastor has pointed out if you can't love your brother how can you love your neighbor. As belivers we become, arrogant, lying, sinners when we judge and put ourselves in the place of God. I like this verse Rom. 14:4 "Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." I also love what was said about assurance of salvation at the end, it's true of all of us. God's word is powerful! Praise God for His grace to us through Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Great Sermon! Excellent exegeses of James 4:1-6. I would never have thought they were asking for wisdom in their prayers (verse 3), but now it seems obvious that they were. The explanation of the use of the word adulteresses opened my mind to better understand what James was getting at. Very profitable sermon. Friendship with the world is enmity with God, very powerful words indeed. As the Pharisees were looking at the outside of the cup, so I too think I look to much to the outside and see the need, through this series on James, to examine my heart and what is coming out from within.
Excellent Sermon! What a blessing this sermon has been to me. As I learn to battle sin, understanding the differences between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom, is of great benefit. Everyday is a battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Praise God He has given us everything we need in Jesus. May God grant to all of us His wisdom from above. Battle on dear brothers and sisters, though the victory is ours, in Christ, we still press on, and hold fast, to the glory of our God!
Outstanding Sermon! The horror of sin is clearly seen in this excellent message. God set forth these accounts for our example, may we heed them with all fear and trembling. Lord God, cause me to hate sin with all my heart and love you most of all.
Fascinating Sermon! This sermon is very interesting. I learned many things about the state of Israel at the time of this incident from 2 Sam. The battle strategies taking place and the horror that ensued because of the reading of motives. "...unfounded suspicion reveals a wicked mind." Matthew Henry quote. The beautiful Psalms, 20 & 21, and their meaning are explained. This is a wonderful sermon, but the very best is the conviction the Holy Spirit brought upon my heart and how wicked it is when I try to read others motives. I'm reminded "Love thinks no evil." (1 Cor. 13:5b) We are to love our enemies (See Mat. 5:24) I'm so grateful for this teaching from the Word of God. By His grace we press on to the glory of His faithfulness, His righteousness.
Always Convicting - But Needed This sermon is packed with excellent teaching from the Word of God. The illustrations, practical advice and great insight, from this pastor, have really blessed me. We all know how much trouble our tongues can cause and how hard it is to control. Things we should have said and things we shouldn't have said. Being able to communicate with others is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished, it's a huge responsibility as well. Can you imagine not being able to communicate, that would be horrible. Thanks be to our God who made us in His image. Oh Lord keep guard over my mouth.
Great Sermon! not only do u speak to us but also to the children,,,i wish i ahd this as a child,,,but thats ok,,,im here now,,thank u pastor steve for sharing yur sermon with us all,,,ALL FOR THE GLORY OF THE LORD,,,