Read Your Bible Everyday! Read Your Bible While You May! This is a beautiful and stirring sermon. Pastor Olyott exhorts and encourages his listeners to run to Christ in the Scriptures prayerfully and fervently. Oh, that our hearts may burn for Him!
Praise Christ Paul, though just a man as I, puts in such a great effort to try to explain the wonder of Christ's love. And I thank the Lord that he has called Paul to be a teacher of his word so that I could have a better understanding of Christ's holiness.
The Depravity of Man This message is packed with many important truths. The culture of the world excuses lying and takes it lightly. You will be like a "deer in the headlights" when you hear these importance truths.
Legalism: Self-Righteous Malignity As noted in Romani 01 (Romans 01), particularly Romans 01:29-32 (Romans 01:29-32), there is a list of offenses against Kamisama which are deserving of death! One of the listed offenses is malignity, murder, ruthlessness, and slander, all of which legalists are and were guilty of! As we know, malignity refers to an intense desire to inflict ill-doing against others. Legalists often seek to work ill-doing against others through their self-righteous dictates aimed at manipulating others for self-righteous (selfishly righteous) reasons, for example, repeated abuse against others. Legalistic cults are full of self-righteous chieftains who are sadistic towards others, a form of malignity. We also realize that The Royal Law strongly condemns committing ill-doing against others as an egregious offense against Kamisama. This is why Agape is the fulfillment of The Royal Law. Divine Righteousness, not legalistic self-righteousness, does not seek to commit any ill-doing against others. Legalistic self-righteousness always seeks to commit ill doing against others in the name of "defending righteousness." This sermon should clarify the difference between Divine Righteousness and legalistic self-righteousness.
I'm at verge of crying! Pastor Washer is one of (if not the) best preachers of recent times, his words resonate in my head for days whenever I hear Him. He is just the owner of such a strong testimony, it is bealtiful! I seek to be child-like with the Father, wait as long as it takes just to hear his voice. I need thee, o God...
Convicting This sermon…will get you stirred up and make you examine yourself to see if you are really following Jesus or following someone else. I have questioned my whole walk with the Lord Jesus after listening to this message. Powerful sermon. I pray the Lord would stir me to follow him and know him more each day.
I have a great need for Jesus, and a great Jesus for my need!!! Here Geoffrey Thomas shows the sinner the glory of Christ and His’ Justifying blood. He asks, “If the Godhead be satisfied with Christ’s work on the Cross, why aren’t you? In repentance look unto Jesus and His’ work and hide in the Rock of Ages.
Lady Gaga's Bad Romance: Promoting Vice Back in 2009, particularly 19 October, 2009, a song by Lady Gaga called Bad Romance was released. Of course this song called Bad Romance promotes vice, particularly the vice of lust, which is erroneously referred to as "love". Another vice promoted by the song called Bad Romance is known as revenge, or in this case, resentment, which is the opposite of the virtue of justice and the virtue of forgiveness. The Parable of The Unmerciful (Unforgiving) Servant in Matthew 18, particularly Matthew 18:21-35 also shows how the virtue of forgiveness prevails over the vice of revenge and the vice of resentment. How unfortunate how the song called Bad Romance by Lady Gaga markets the vice of lust and the vice of revenge in a pop music song. A podcast like this is a call to demonstrate virtue instead of vice.
Great Sermon! Hey can send me the address for your card please thank you for the card and card number I can do send send it back because Paul washer is AWESOME THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!’!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sermon that attacks the enemies dulling tactic Thank you Conway for being faithful. The fact that you in this sermon talked about dreaming of being a missionary and now are doing just that, is such a joyful thing to see.
This message is as relevant today as ever, we need to wake up and THINK about what The Bible says eternal destruction is.
Still a Great Message For years this message has been commented on and it still needs to be heard now. Bold truth that cuts, as it should. Thank you, Pastor. Please preach it again for the world of 2023.
Good Word Thanks for this balanced approach to what can be a very unpopular topic. I appreciate your attention to the text and your desire to trust and obey the Lord as a faithful proclaimer of His Word.
Bold and Necessary Christ must be ahead of everything and everyone. He mustn't take a back seat to anyone or anything. He will be first throughout eternity.