Clueless. Apart from Christ I am Clueless. Thank you for this Pastor. And I thank you Ann from Ny for your comments on 11/22/2009. Very Compelling. Very Sobering.
Prob Best Sermon on Prodigal Son Ever! Every once in a while you hear a sermon and can tell, even while it's being preached, "Wow, there's something remarkable about this message that puts it in a class by itself!" This sermon by MacArthur is one such message (though it doesn't begin to feel that way until about 30 minutes in). It's carefully argued, exegetically rigorous, theologically profound, packed with ancient cultural details, engages the imagination, and most importantly, moves to worship. Really deserves to be at the top of the list!
Great Sermon! Great sermon! First time i saw Torben something inside me did not feel right, but at first i thought it may just be my own heart since he said something my flesh did not like. But after i've watched some of his teachings and paid attention to what he says. i've come to realize that he adds to the Gospel! The Gospel according to him is "Repetance, baptism in water and then reciving the Holy Ghost", something he repeats over and over again, and emphazises. Sometimes he mention the cross and christ, but just as a side note. The focus is on repantance and baptism then reciving of the spirit. Many times he do not even mention faith and the cross. He always say that baptism is part of the "full gospel". as he many times say "That is the full gospel".
Baptism is not a response and something you do because you have been forgiven but something that is necessarily in order to be saved, according to Torben. It ends up being a workbased salvation and with that many other things come and false teachings come creeping.
Something about it remindes me of Catholicism and he uses the waterbaptism as something magical for doing excorism too.
It may sound right but the deception is can be very subtle. My brother is caught up in this movement and he have began to focus very much on his own w
Great Sermon! Spot on. Self-Claimed Christians are not truly saved, because they don't live with Christ and in God. They still live with their worldly desires and depend on their might and means. Truly saved Christians don't even try hard to live like Christ. Their pure and whole dependence on God (obedience) gets lead by the Holy Spirit and become Christ-like. That is the ultimate goal/fruit of their faith. For this purpose, the truly saved Christians read, study, and practise the Bible teaching. They do their best to keep God's commands. They don't waste time with the unsavable. The verse ''judge not, so that you will not be judged'', really means God is in control, so that believers don't need to concern others who are not following Christ way. God judges them and deal with them according to their misgivings. Instead, Christ is saying we must focus on ourselves to train, discipline ourselves, and solidify our faith in Christ. The truly saved Christians should not waste all the god given resources on dogs and pigs. There are plenty of them in churches and the Christian community. We have to cultivate discernment based on sound knowledge and godly wisdom.
Great Sermon! I just want to thank God for sending His messenger, Paul Washer.
Praise the Lord!
May the Lord be glorified through Paul Washer's obedience!
May the Lord be blessed through the lives of the people who will be determined to serve the Lord!
Dutch, not Danish This sermon was translated to Dutch, not Danish as shown in the "Language". Great sermon! May I ask at which church in the Netherlands this preaching took place? Thanks!
Powerful message Thank you so much David for being willing to tell your story publicly. I pray that the Lord has been sustaining you day by day during the 7 years since this message was given. I pray that He will move my nephew who is caught in the same sin to listen to your story and cry out for mercy as you did. Thank you so much for helping others by sharing what God has done for you
One More Thing to Add... I wish I had heard a message like this Easter Sunday instead of the one I did hear at the church I attended. It was: "Why did Jesus die for you? Because you were worth it!" I'm still shaking my head.
Very, Very Good! Thank you for this message, Bro. Tim. You've reminded me that, although this letter was written to the Ephesians, the Holy Spirit put a copy in my mail box with a note that said: "Lottie, read and take heed; I'm talking about you too."
Great Sermon! Thank you for this breath of fresh air on our total wickedness (and the glory God receives in redeeming sinners). How little I esteem God yet uplift man, as you point out in your analogy of our shock at murder but indifference toward false worship. Warning to listeners: Brother Tim through the Word will challenge your complacency in this message.
Great! Great! Great! This is my favorite message on what is traditionally called: The Parable of the Prodigal Son. The cultural information gave me a greater understanding of just what point the Lord was making to the listeners. Our Lord, as always, knew--and knows--what He's doing.
Great Sermon! It is a wonderful and timely message. It challenges not only the Churches in America, but the contemporary church in all nations. I am deeply touched by this biblical sound and truthful message and I am of the opinion that the message should be conveyed to all groups of Christians who profess to be Christians.I committee myself to preach to my family as I am the head of my household. God bless you Preacher Paul Washer!!