Words from Heaven! Trully, God is speaking through his humble servant Bob. I was blessed to have come across this message and listen to this plea from a man who was on the brink of eternity.We live as if we have a long life ahead of us still but Bob sets the record straight. Thank you for posting this message online.
Wrong Some kill themselves to get out of physical pain. The pain can be too much for any human when it does on for decades. Yes, wanting something, to be out of pain. That is not self love.
Two Questions Came to Mind When that young man wrote about being "saturated" two questions came to me that I would ask him: 1) Is your heart wearing a raincoat? Pride is a big, big raincoat that can prevent the soaking that you think you're getting. 2) Are you walking in the rain of God's Word & good teaching & letting it all soak in; you know, meditating on it all, or, are you driving through it all, not stopping long enough to get out & get wet?
Great Sermon! An AMAZING message! I keep coming back to listen to it over and over again. I have never quite heard this text expounded the way Brother Tim Conway does. It encouraged me greatly in the Lord! Praise GOD!
Convicting message Thank you, Grace Community Church, for making available this and other messages of this dear Brother. "We have no backup plan to Christ." Let this message shatter the shallowness in our hearts and root us in the depth of the love of the glory of Christ. I intend to share this message with those who are familiar with Christian language but need to examine where they stand with Christ Himself.
Great Sermon! A great sermon - I really caught the deep meaning of Gods love through the preaching of this sermon. Thank you. We serve an awesome forgiving wonderful God.
Great Sermon! The truth hurts but thank God If you thank this man of God spoke not the truth then I say repentance is the only thing that will save you.
Great Sermon but a slight correction. Around timemark 15:03, you say that the book of Romans (I assume) as a whole (and I assume you mean in Rom 7) is to teach us how men are justified before God. While that may be true in some respects, As I read Romans, I don't think it is entirely accurate. Rom 7 is not addressing the issue of justification, that is, our standing in right relationship with God, but it is discussing the results of justification, that is, the enduement of power in the Spirit over sin. Paul here has already discussed divine grace as justifying, and now passes into the aspect of grace as empowering. Having explained the objective aspect of grace primarily on God's part to justify the sinner, now he discusses in Rom 7 the subjective or experiential aspect of grace providing power over sin; that is the whole essence of the Gospel - salvation from and over sin - and to suggest that justification is part and parcel of the message of Romans, as important as that may be, is to somehow miss the mark of all that Paul is actually teaching in Romans: for the Gospel is the "power of God for salvation" (1:16), to which the apostle inexorably leads us. The Gospel is divine power in grace:
- over guilt (1-5)
- over sin (6-8)
- for all (9-11)
- for service (12-14)
- in community (15-16)