Wow Wow ... words truly do escape me at this moment. I thank my Father for putting this word before me today for I so needed to hear it. I so needed the reminder of who I am in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you ... from an awkward and waiting sister. :)
In Keeping With 'The Truth About Man' As I work through your audio series on Ephesians, I am also working through the workbook study 'The Truth About Man'. I find each a compliment to the other. Powerful and eye-opening sermon. Thank you!
Thank You I just started your series here on Ephesians 1. Such a wealth of information in the opening verses ... thank you for bringing knowledge and clarification to something I have often just glossed over. It's been very helpful. I did also want to say that I'm not sure what the previous commenter (Valentinia) meant by "his wrong sorry slip of the tongue" for I found no such thing in this sermon. I highly recommend this expository preaching on Ephesians 1.
Great Sermon! Hallelujah! A preach who knows NOT to eliminate 51% of the body of Christ, WOMEN! I am a woman missionary evangelist and I know the Man and the Plan; 35 year missionary fasting, praying and preaching His word.
Great Sermon! This series is FANTASTIC. I thank God for great teaching like this. I very much look forward to hearing and enjoying the rest of this series. Please, PLEASE do more of these kinds of teaching for us.
I Love It Our preacher's innocent beautiful smile is a rare gift from God which speak in volumes than than that of his wrong sorry slip of the tongue long work of the gospel.
Great Sermon! Paul, you are a true inspiration and I just want you to know that there are people who support you around the world. Thank you for highlighting God's standard for maturity & courtship.
Great Sermon! I have listened to just this message from Paul Washer 6x and will continue to do so until I feel ready to go to Part 2.... this message 'is' The Way, Truth & Life Amen.
Great Sermon! Every time I have heard this sermon it breaks my heart over my sin. Christians should preach the gospel to themselves daily. Thank you Paul Washer for teaching truth alone!
Great blessing for young people Brother Paul, what an amazing blessing this is for people. I love the way you explain that if we don't become Godly men and women and pursue Him and his revelation for our lives, it doesn't matter how bad we try to be 'righteous' people. I will share these series with all young men and women from my church. The times we live in are dangerous, as the Scripture describes, and we ought to be awaken if we are to remain holy and pleasant on His eyes.