Thank you Ps Paul for teaching us, I am so blessed by your sermon Hi Bro Andrew, pls do not be despair or feel condemn for God Loves you when He Came Down to die for you n me even though you do not feel or understand it now. I personally have experienced God's Help many times when i called him in my lowest moment n same for you when you call Him. Do email me if you like to talk n seek counsel. In the mean time, i pray the Holy Spirit to lead you n guide you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
In the end I thought i was saved, then years later I fell away because many deaths and ruin hit my family, In the end it comes down to this.. God gives you faith to believe, if you dont have the faith to go through hell and still praise Him, then how can you judge yourself unworthy of Christ ( which I do) if 'Faith is a gift of God least any man should boast'
why is it that I know Jesus Christ is Lord, yet have no peace of mind in this, and avoid the bible because I cant live up to its high standard, I try but i cant.. and every Time I 'seek and knock' I come away empty handed so to speak.
I am desperate, i fear God, yet I cannot find love for Christ in my heart.
Its like seeing the ship slowly sinking and seeing no life boat to find rescue in.
I hate sin in my life, I hate lìfe itself.
I want it to be over yet fear those terrible words 'Depart from me I never knew you'
Why wont God forgive me?
Did i commit the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit?
Is it all just a big joke? Are we all just little pawns in a Devine game of chess with Good and Evil?
I despair.
Great Sermon! Thank you Bro. Paul I watch your sermons on YouTube, i wanted to find if there are any Sermons in my language on Sermon Audio. It surprised me to see your messages in Telugu! Thank you for your Labor for The Great Commission Uncle for this Country while it filled with 99 percent of Prosperity!! We need reformation here!! 🙌
Great Sermon! Thank you for this godly advice to focus on God - not the pandemic. Also to examine our hearts, pray, get into God's word.
Blessing to see you are well & smiling!
Great Sermon! Thank you, dear brother Paul, for your encouragement, so needed at this time. Thank you for your faithfulness. God richly bless you. Love in Christ, English Rose
Great Sermon! I love this brother his concern for Gods work and the purity of the church thrills me. I plead my poor knowledge that the society is working in Europe in Italy Spain and France this encourages me knowing that reformation principles are being brought back to the heart of the reformation. Psalm 126 v 1
Paul Washer is such a beautiful orator. PAUL WASHER is such a precious gift of God for the perilous times of post modernity and the death of truth and love. Conviction is a feeling I cherish to know that my heart is in alignment with Christ and doesn’t hesitate to make sure I am reproved
Not in that realm.. Thank you Paul. Those of us who are not in the realm of which you speak, are of a contrite heart. Yes, it does pain us believers that we don't love God as we should. But praise Him, that but by grace, He does not require a certain measure of love from His sheep. He is within us and he carries us, His rebelious bride, over the threshold to glory by the saving power of the gospel and His Spirit.
I give you Isaiah 57:15
I enjoyed this. I was looking for a sermon clip that represented how I was feeling this morning, and this was it!
My dog came in to wake me up at 6:30 am on a Tuesday morning, completely excited. He was jumping on me, dancing around, and acting as if he hadn't seen me in a week. I found myself saying, " Yes, it's Tuesday! Happy Tuesday. You know, we only get one Tuesday a week". You know, being silly the way dog's can make you behave. This verse popped into my head, " This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it". And I thought, why shouldn't I rejoice that it's Tuesday? God gave us this Tuesday. My dog has the right đź’ˇ. I'm the one that's wrong. We should enjoy all of the gifts God gives us. This sermon clip is a good reminder.
Great Sermon! Yes!
We glorify our LORD on Calvory (Luke9:23) more than on the mountain where we see HIS glory(Luke 9:28~26). Just believe, and out of faith we obey HIM.Then,sooner or later HE will let us see HIS glory(John 11:40), for all things work together for good to them that love HIM(Room8:28).Love can not grow in us without faith in HIM.Believe! Trust and obey!