Great Sermon! Thank you! This one was good and so have all of the others I’ve listened to! I am so blessed and encouraged by pastor Paul Washer!!!
Life changing sermon I admit it may be too early to declare this sermon as "life changing" but I will do just that. In the nearly 24 hours since hearing this, I cannot begin to explain how it has changed the course of my life. I pray to God that, in the future, I may have the blessed opportunity to come back here and share with my brothers and sisters exactly how this sermon has helped me, while giving ALL the Glory to God.
Grieving Christ on the cross Grieving Christ on the cross as you are talkin about it at 7:50. We should be grieving because he went to the cross, yes, but not grieving because of angry Roman soldiers torturing the God man, but grieving because the torture is because of us. Our sin drove those Nails into his hands and feet and other abuse that he took. And that is only the beginning. The wrath of God the Father on our behalf should make us grieve even more. And the fact that it was set forth before the foundation of the Earth should absolutely blow you away.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for this encouraging message. It has been a blessing. May the Lord bless you and keep you in ministering faithfully for Him.
Great Sermon! Thankyou Anthony for this excellent explanation on the beginning 1Peter. I will be starting a Bible Study on this wonderful book. So rich and encouraging us to what we have in Christ.Our only hope is the Gospel.God Bless.
We are Saved by Grace! Andrew & Tembo, be of good courage brothers. We all sin after conversion. Stay in The Word and pray often. Seek and ye shall find! Don't be fooled by the weakness of your flesh. It will strengthen in time with maturity. Listen to "The Cost of Legalism" by Bill Foote on this site. You are not bound by the Law anymore. By Grace in Christ you are FREE!
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for this encouraging message brother Paul.I have been examining myself which has made me change to a good reformed church,where Gods Word is honoured and lived by.I Praise God for this, it has revived me and restored in me the joy of my salvation. It is a small Church,and the men are strong in the Word and care for our souls.I love my new Church, Cornerstone Reformed Baptist Church on the Gold Coast, Australia. So true, that judgement begins with Gods people first so we can be more effective for the gospel and for His Glory. Gods grace and peace to you.
Love in Christ Colleen
Great Sermon! Andrew I will pray for you as I’m in the same situation as you. Listen to the sermon why won’t God save me by pastor Jim Savastio. God bless
Andrew, I hope you take this very seriously. Do not give up seeking the Lord. I think most genuine Christians have doubted their salvation. Now I also can not say wether you are truly saved or not. All I have is the comment you put and this is what I can say to hopefully help you: Romans 10:13-"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Do no let anyone lie to you about that scripture. What does it say? WHOSOEVER shall call. If you call on the Lord meeting only the condition of verses 9 and 10 of the same chapter then you can be assured of the promise in verse 13. You are an object of God's unending love. Another thing, David says in Psalm 52:8-"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." As much as we know of David and his sins, this is what he says of his faith. That he trusts in the mercy of God for ever and ever. What else can we do Andrew? We have no righteousness, the more we try the more we disappoint our self. But if we fully trust and rely on God's mercy, there's rest and hope for us. For God promises over and over He is long-suffering and merciful.
Now to be sure, I'm not here to convince you that you are saved or not. I am only here by God's Providence seeing your comment and reaching